Dating for dumbos

Публикувана в Austria - Финансова - 05 Nov 2016 22:47 - 11

Well, i've been an Austrian player since the start of the revolt that happened 2 months ago, and i've seen quite a change from the old Austrian Republic to the new monarchy implemented by Zaribella. Austria has grown a lot in the past 2 months. With increased players, bigger treasury, hospital, state factories. Austria is now a nation that is to be recognized by everyone due to our strong sence of willpower we have been displaying in this country's existance.

However, with a growing player base, our economy is also facing rough changes. But specially in the area of economics.

Today i noticed something odd... on friday we had more than 10.000 Q2 bread on the market and about the same quantity in ATS and such, but today that i logged on, we have been left with an small ammount of 1000 Q2 bread and 1300 ATS on our Exchange market. and my notification bar is full of Market people buying ATS every 5 hours or so.

There are 2 reasons of this happening:
1) lack of State investment
2) lack of real value of products compared to the gold standart of this country

the state clearly invests on the economy. maybe not on the market, but surely invests on the treasury and the Helicopter factory. however this is becoming an apparent problem for everyone that wants to buy ATS, is that the government isn't placing any substancial ammount of ATS into the exchange market and isn't currently handling any profits from the state. Only on taxes and the revenue on the helis factory. If Austria invested more on the exchange market, this third source of revenue could make all of us more rich, with the state selling at their current value, Austria would win 0.5g for every 100 ATS. If they placed 10000 ATS on the market like they are printing right now, Austria could have a profit of 50g when all is sold, and with those 50g, we could make the treasury even bigger.

But into the more serious problem of this country, is the market. Austria has a clear unbalance of value of products to the value of our coin, which is supposed to be 0.01 gold per ATS. if we don't fix this with a official state value, people from other countries will come and storm the out of our markets for cheaper prices, and destroy our economy with 1 easy move.

this are my proposals, Ricochet.



Коментари (11)

A good insight on the current economy of Austria. v
We have stable prices, the only high ones would be the pistol prices that are unbalanced as fck. but that s because the weapon industry is sort of dead lately anyway, we could also place high taxes on food to foreigners so they don t eat it all, because that s our source of energy.
but if putting taxes would also increase the cost for us, that would make useless the idea
He means placing taxes ONLY on the foreigners. I would like to see both ideas come into fruition honestly... voted and supported o7
Voted Laugh
Interesting concept, love to see the response of Alejandro now that he s president.
good article LaughDDD
Darkest day in Austria began when Alejandro and his army of multies arrived... However, when Alejandros plans blew up in his face (as usual) they all left leaving there army of dead multies behind.