Department of Defense

Публикувана в Austria - Военен анализ - 09 Dec 2016 18:28 - 25

Declaration of Independence of Austria

Ratified the 9th of December of 2016.

Official signatures of the Austrian Royalty
Duke of Austria Alejandro Madrid
Duchess of Austria Zaribella

Our Kingdom, our beloved kingdom, declares to the world and all countries alike our cry of fre, our cry of sovereignty that we are pushing through to become the nation of tomorrow, and the country of new beginnings. One country, indivisible, with our strength and enormous determination to develop and become better, cannot grow up into becoming a self-dependent state with just one or two regions of our own, much less if these two regions are disconnected from each other, killing of half of the bonus we, as a country, deserve and claim against the will of foreign forces, immigrants to the region we so call “Austria”. No country can survive with 30% of Food alone, no development of weaponry or housing causes our country to be hard enough to develop, and as a small community, we cannot hold this any longer.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Austria, born three months ago, and founded by Alejandro Madrid, Zaribella, Miniat, Ricochet and Ganon, declare that we cannot hold anymore the control of Poland and Turkey over 5 of our Core Regions, that we could use to develop even further and faster our country. So we declare that the regions of: Salzburg, Carinthia, Upper Austria, Styria and Burgenland will, for now on, belong to the Kingdom of Austria and no other country but us. We will have the right to do whatever we want with them, which could include renting some of them to other states or keeping the region for our own usage.

Any threats coming from any side of this current conflict and any allegation against the ownership of this territories that are De-facto owned by Austria, will be considered an act of war against the Kingdom of Austria. Any threats to this Declaration, such as an Invasion, will be received with strong resistance, that could include Mercenaries in battles, Systems of defense which Austria is able to afford, and Worldwide Retaliation for their actions. Attacking a small country is seen as not only a huge case of belligerency, but also as a form of Bullying towards small communities that want to grow to become big ones.

The Regions of Tyrol and Vorarlberg, currently owned by Switzerland, will not be included in this Declaration of Independence, as they are not owned by Poland nor Turkey, However, these regions are going to be settled in pacific disputes between the two government soon enough, in order to reach an agreement without having to resort to Violence.

We have nothing against the Republic of Poland, much less against their users and their leaders. in fact, we are very grateful with them. However, our motives are quite obvious; we receive nothing from Poland, Turkey or Switzerland in exchange from our cores, so they cannot expect the Austrians to stay still while they enjoy our resources and pay nothing for it. We are going to get them back in whatever way on whichever mean we are allowed to, because those regions do not belong to their countries, they are De-facto ours, and they will stay that way forever, regardless of any deal or situation.

As a mutual show of Respect, we praise the Polish for allowing us to surface, just like we thank the Turkish and the Czech for the exact same reason, but just like these countries were part of our foundation, they now must let the investment pay for itself, and let us grow into greatness.

Once this declaration of Independence is ratified by the Austrian government, Presented, and Signed by several members of the Austrian community, signed also by countries who recognize the validity of this Declaration, it will fully go on effect and Austria will expand from having one region to six.

These six regions will all have a representative, a Congressmen that will value the holding and control the surrounding of the region regardless of if it is of any value. This user, whoever it might be, will be Austrian and will be the Governor of the Territory. He cannot use this power to secede from the Union.

With these regions, the state will use them to promote the industrialization of the country and the production of House Raw Material (HRM) which we could export to Poland to also satisfy their market demands if required or desired by both governments. We will also incentive the production of Houses from both the state and the users, and with the new gathered 40% of Food production, the state would invest on the lous for everyone to have 2 Q2 Food Factories per User and 2 Food Raw Material to harvest that food for personal or an optional economical benefit, which would be enough to supply everyone and have a stable lation without problems of hunger. This should be an Investment that would cause the state to loan a total of 70 Gold per User.

This is the beliefs of Austria, the will of the Heart of Europe that will keep us going until the end of times. And this, is the cry of the soul of Europe, for a New path and a new future, a new country that will change how we look at the world nowadays.

Signatures of the Austrian Government

Alejandro Madrid, Duke of Austria and Chief commander of the Royal Armed Forces.
Zaribella, Duchess of Austria and Chief of the Economical Spectrum of Austria, Current holder of the Executive power.
MrShapr1290, Minister of Economics of Austria and holder of the State Properties.
Ganon, Prime Minister of Austria and Founding Father of the country.
Klavier Gavin, Minister of Defense of Austria, and Captain of the Royal Armed Forces.
Lyon, Minister of foreign affairs and Head of the Ambador Program of Austria.
Lukkit, Minister of Media of Austria and official Event Host of the country.
Ragnarok Bjornsson, Minister of Education of Austria

Signatures of the Austrian Community

RAF904, Honorary Citizen of Austria and Con-decorated Hero of Vienna.
Macromedia, Ambador of Austria in Central Europe and Founder of the Macromedian Movement Party.
Ricochet, Founding Father of Austria, a Congressmen and also Leader of the Bundnis Zukunft Osterreich Party.
Bryce Kelley, Citizen of Austria, and Ex-Minister of Defense
LeonSF, Citizen of Austria
Leon, Congressmen of Austria
Jadely, Congressmen of Austria
Lego, Congressmen of Austria
IsParacolis, Congressmen of Austria
Kovoto, Citizen of Austria
Dracula, Citizen of Austria

Signatures of Foreign Governments

Jean Epsilon ~ Russia
Rapin ~ North Korea
Nocte ~ Peru
Tovar ~ Croatia
Inarius ~ Denmark

A Message from Alejandro Madrid, Duke of Austria:

We would also like to announce the Liberation of Slovakia from Turkish oppression, with their capital (Bratislava) being now free from foreign Control. Austria will protect this new liberated country from getting deleted once more and we will take care of them both economically and with our support, as it is unfair for any country, big or small, to be deleted under ANY circumstances for a long period of time. Slovakia was not given the chance to exist, but now, Austria will grant them this chance, following the belief and generosity of Poland.

The region of Western Slovakia however, will be held by the Austrian Government, as it would bring us 20% of Weapon Bonus. Later on, Should a Big enough community spark on Slovakia, Austria will give the region back to them.

Stay great, my Austrians, And fight hard and Vigorously to fight off this menace, and call ourselves the Truly Free land of Austria!

Article Published by Klavier Gavin, Written by Alejandro Madrid.



Коментари (25)

o7 Signed by the new Minister of Defense of Austria. lol
As second Austrian President and current Turkish President i only say good luck Smile
I bet kinyas is still crying ....
good luck my friends ! o7
Well good luck with that Smile
good luck
Signed by Austria s MoFA. Hail our small nation o7
good luck
It would be nice to see Austria recover.
Österreich Frei ! o/
So Close Cheeky
Gdluck /
o7777777 Laugh
Note this day, traitors.
Signed by Konungeriget of Denmark
@Kinyas get real Wink HAIL o7
where should i sign and get the money ?
Signed by the Prime Minister of Austria, Ganon.
... and so begins the end ... The end of Alejandro and his multies reign over Austria.