Thinking Out Loud

Публикувана в Romania - Социална и забавна - 15 Dec 2016 04:04 - 70

I want to thank everyone for supporting The Romanian Empire, our rise wouldn't be possible without your help, producers and citizens who decided to join us.

Citizenship Applications
Sadly, we changed our policy about accepting new citizens, if you are coming from an enemy country of Romanian Empire you will have to leave your Military Unit and write me a message confirming that you will follow our orders.
Would be best to send me a message and discuss terms for joining.

Georgian Empire
Many asked me what's our position towards the Copy/Paste Georgian Empire. Well, my position is neutral, i  couldn't care less. Their income, which is pretty much what they used to have  before becoming an empire proves that they will never be able to compete with Romanian Empire and won't survive on long-term run.

Upcoming wars, preparing for greatness
Someone told me a while ago that Romania can't be an empire, because being an Empire means being feared by enemies, only countries like Turkey and Serbia can be Empires because they're feared by the whole eWorld.
Well, i decided to accept the challenge, so i announce that in January(so you can enjoy the Holidays), Romanian Empire will have multiple wars with top countries to prove our strength.
Enemies, brace yourselves, The Romanian Empire is coming for you. Take this warning very seriously and prepare to face wars like you never seen before, prepare to see all previous records broken.

Supply system and programs for Romanian Citizens
Starting with 01 January 2017, The Romanian empire will provide Q5 helis at 0.04g/each and Q3 helis 0.01g/each to all Romanian citizens who are fighting at orders at organized hits on Discord.
Other programs for our citizens are the following:
1. Free Energy for players below 3k strength
2. Free q3 Helis for players below 3k strength

Loan Programs for Romanian Citizens
Any loyal citizen of The Romanian Empire will be able to request a 1-300g Loan payable in 30 days with no interest starting with 01 January 2017.
The max term of the loan must be 30 days, after you pay the first loan you  can request a new one right away, if you don't pay at time you might be blacklisted.

Hail Romanian Empire! o7


GabyPanzer AceosteanromanUrzaelLiverpool4The Guardianpedrosito

Коментари (70)

You talk about Serbia, because you dont have * to attack turkey xD
you are the best! Smile
that s directly directly assault article from your country and will have consequences do not think only your boy s can fight against us
Piko, are you saying that Serbia is weaker than Turkey and that s the reason?
If Romania fights multiple wars in order to become a full Empire, it means that they aren t afraid to lose production bonuses that would make them lose their Empire status ? Otherwise good news Wink
good news about new wars. and it wasn t copy paste Laugh Laugh if u read more georgian articles it isn t so Laugh
Idk how did you get that we are weaker? XD Btw without ssf we are weaker them most of countries Laugh
Hail Romanian Empire! o7
Piko, you said we don t have * to attack Turkey but we have * to attack Serbia, that means you are weaker.. anyway, i didn t said who i will attack, how do you get that it is Serbia?
rip empire since jun
Hail Romanian Empire! o7
i think your copy pasting we have made many articles i think you should open your eyes
Quite Rude ... everything is rememberedSmile
You cant alone attack us, we all see that Cheeky
v c
ballsy Wink
Ok, now please read what I have to say. When Germany had 3*100% bonuses, we have goten threatening message from admin to stop giving citizenship to players ( i must say that we give cca 50-75 citizenships at max), if we have give more than that our damage will fall to 50%. So I am asking you BHZ, how much CS did you approve, did you get that message from admin as Germany did, are your damage fall for 50%, or you still enjoying in your empire as Turkey enjoy, that is double standard for sure. You will say, oh Peaky is crying again. No I am not, but every day some different standards are for VV players and different ones for non VV players. I can start writing a bunch of bad rthings that VV mods do to especialy German players, but I wont. I am just asking how much CS Romania give and does your damage in battlefield drop for 50%.
Hail Romanian Empire! o7
Finally the time is ripe to destroy Turkey.
@Peaky it s 75+ for sure
Nice iniciative, Good Luck o7
Beyond everything I wish you not to finish like German empire)
Lol you talk with enemy mouth. Doesnt Georgia your ally, why wouldnt you care. When i see rom with triple Bonus and rising economy i was happy For you as a Turk
Hail Romanian Empire, hail wars
Dreams Smile
empire XD ahaha)))))0
Best country organisation so far, well done.
Romania o7 Empire is 1 and only Ro others are copy/paste..
what was that? Laugh Laugh LaughLaugh
Your article is great that much I taught myself for a moment to join you guys in Romanian Empire.. BUT if you really want to be a real Empire you BattleHero as Emperor should pay me more then 270 RON per my work !!! And also is there some grade of refund for my tax RON which I pay for my 120+ companies ?
Don t get burned:3
Where are you Georgia?! Why do you let romanians blaming you?
@Peaky Blinder, why dont you see the difference? Pls check the profile of BH! I will help you, key word: M o d e r a t o r... Any question?
@BattleHero Everybody know which way your attack will go, and everybody know that you dont have guts to attack any VV country, so only logical answer is Serbia, and yes, Serbia is weaker then Turkey, we lost our strongest MU. This doesnt mean that we are afraid of you, but we know how things are functioning with your alliance, as soon as you declare war on us, same will be done by Bulgaria 1 and 2. Lol at Georgians and their copy paste empire Laugh
I think Romania must be happy because his ally has 100/100/100 resources but surprisengly it isn t so.
Georgia has the only way to prove that they are an empire to attach Romania, and take some bonuses away...
Our ally is neutral towards our achievements, lol thats so pitiful I cant even laugh. Smile
You are playing with fire dude Wink
Romania attacking Georgia Surprised
Man, that was pathetic XD It s like a kid bitching that he s not so popular these days.
Battle Hero, I wil ask again, how much CS romania granted and did you get message that if you give more CS, your damage will fall for 50%. I am expecting to give your answer here.
Was not copy/paste Wink Romania and Georgia have good relitionship at the time, I think that friedship will not end in fiture Wink Good luck Romania Wink
pretty tempting article...2 bad we are on different sides because i would most definitely join romania
hail Romanian and Georgian Empire good luck to you both Laugh
Peaky, i didn t counted CS, no, i didn t received any message.
8 months late....
@kaveh only you are not crying or something like this Laugh thanks
Okyy. Lets see what will happen. Smile) i think some people will cry about balance.. let s see .Smile)
Interesting missdirection Wink Looks like some georgians got triggered (easier than feminists these days) and thanks to some political leaders are prepared to put gas on fire. Time will show who is wrong
There can only be 1 empire
V o7
Joj Djordjia, sta ti ovaj Rumunja reko!
★ ★ Selling q5 heli 0.067 ★ ★ Selling q3 heli 0.037 ★ ★