Публикувана в Brazil - Социална и забавна - 27 Dec 2016 02:22 - 188
We hope you are all enjoying new year's holidays as much as we are. We (eRevollution) are almost one year old, a lot of things has changed since we started, and we want to announce some new updates that are coming very soon into the game.
All regions will be divided into 2 types: land and coastal. Attacking a coastal region starts a naval battle. New industry – warships will be implemented into the game, and new companies that make raw for those warships.
Five new resources (Steel, Copper, Aluminum, Titanium and Uranium) will be added for that raw (existing Aluminum for weapons will be changed to Sulfur), and with it all resources in the world will be redistributed.
In naval battles, you will only be able fight with warships, with RPG’s and unarmed. It will not be possible to use warships in land battles.
What this allows is for countries like Argentina or Brasil to attack Japan, or Croatia by starting a naval battle. There won’t be added new region connections, but instead, all coastal regions will be connected
automatically. All you need to do is declare war and attack. Not all regions next to the sea will not be coastal regions (about 160+ regions will).
Also you will be able to buy an Installation item in the store (which you can install in a region similar to Defense Shield and Hospital), that allows the country to use full region bonus, even if it is not connected to the
capital. This new item will be called Airbase. It will be time limited, similar to Defense Shield and Hospital, and if the region is conquered it will be destroyed.
To start a naval battle, country must have at least one coastal region at that time.
Damage multiplier for Warships will be same as for Tanks, and you wont need any previous Q5 company to build it.
As the naval battles are different from land battles, we will implement new military ranks, and new damage modifier for naval battles (intelligence) and with it new centers for upgrading intelligence. Strength will have no influence on damage in naval battles, nor will intelligence have influence on land battles, and military ranks will be separate for both types.
New medals for damage done for your country in naval battles will be implemented.
There will be placed some limitations to number of companies you can build, but we have not decided on numbers yet.
Let the age of imperialism begin !
We wish you a happy Hollidays,
eRevollution Team

TsiloJoker EvilnakituminayashiddddGrizzly021G 4 M p3trOs V E RNaderImm0rtalUltramagicMilk007bobo_ss93Sia826LeFrancaisK o BCamel Softosteanromanno0bsailbotOktienneTomiALBSgtPepperPanzer AceSultan Haydar BasteshuTricky DickOSGagaassassin98KiboBrat123Brankica PopovicyararaCaptain HarlockZuraLegendrezaderazPardaillanMrNiCkMAD_MaxКоментари (188)





good update! for newbie

nice relay nice.

ooo yes

make sure that all s on site is working great, take an ajax technology erev, not good when u wont refresh site for see have u any msg on inbox or not

Actually this sounds very nice

silly update the game is too young for such updates it makes game more complicated and problematic for many people so you will see more people leaving this game than it was in past

are you openly suggesting attack Croatia

o7 v+


Hopefully until 11th January 

New mercenary teams will be created

instead of copying other games, you shoulded wait with those updateds ... and do something about rising number of ppl, bring new one .. this game is activly playing max 2k PPL ..and you have aprox 30k BOTS ! .. this wont bring you new ppl ... you sould realase this after 2years game of more ..


ne demiş

Great updates , it will bring some action hope so 

TovarDante, Giga, we can t wait for people to leave out of boredom. These new updates will make a lot of changes to the game, and make it exciting,while also providing new players to become the best (if not in land battles, then in Naval).



Interesante, abre la puerta a nuevos jugadores y estrategias. =)

sounds good

Good for players from landlocked countries like Austria, Slovakia, Czech rep.All we need to do to get those medals is to conquer Hungary and Croatia to have a coast. Easy-peasy



I like the update..a nice baby boom in near future would be a great thing for this game along with this update. GJ Admins o7

And again
South America that has fewer regions than anyone else
Will be harmed

Ideas are nice, but we need more important things.
1. Country accounts (Organisation) for Central Bank, President and ministers.
2. Intresting events and missions.
3. Political module upgrade.

So 1 region 1 airbase ?

@Nikola RS - Agreed but it can t be all done at once. I think baby boom is the most important thing now. Then upgrade all these stuff and the game is running like a boss.

new years joke? so funny , dont do it really

jeste me to poslusali? 

Oyunu kompleksleştirmeye başladılar yine...

when we can attack Croatia ?
[ Suggestion ] Better Resource Based Plan For Game www.erevollution.com/en/article/20379



Can you land-attack a coastal region from a nearby land region? Can you start a land battle when attacking a coastal region from a nearby coastal region?

Coming soon 


supermaghe no, for regions declared as coastal, you always start a Naval battle.

Finally good update

Barbaroslar Piri Reis ler devri başlasın !

vay aq

Omg why copy/paste again!??

Nice way to force people buying golds.. But really, it s too soon.

Finally a really NEW update GG o/

very nice biskvit thanks o7

Should we place airbase to every region we want to connect to capital or is it enough If we place airbase to only coastal region of oversea country so that it will connect attached lands as well?

Great o7

Please clarify this: Not all regions next to the sea will not be coastal regions (about 160+ regions will).

Great update o/

Karadan yürütme özelliği ekleyin bize ! Biz gemiden karaya, karadan gemiye, karadan karaya her türlü dalarız.

Parazitu: We didnt make all regions connected to the sea coastal regions (as it would make 60 % of the regions in the game). We have modified it so that coastal regions are somewhat less than 30 % of all regions in the game.

Now it is clear why Serbia is making so high overkill in Montenegro

Biskvit thanks for reply. But if I have a land region nearby a coastal region, and I have also a distant coastal regions around the world... will I be forced to start a naval battle instead of the more logical land battle? This could become a big limitation.


So, when are this changes being implemented? Will these new buidings like the Intelligence centre and the ship company have a discount? When are discounts planned to be?

Please explain better, Giga the great Gurgian doesnt understand

Would the countries which have now borders for example Turkey and cyprus have land borders in future ?

Will you add French territories to the map please? France has many islands (and French Guiana), Portugal and Spain have their islands, why not France?

Please limit distance to attack other coast region, because how its possible attack japan from Africa within one day? And please fix strategic resources like granite in Turkey which are blocked by blank regions and only route is from core.

Cool, USA will have 100/100/100/100

admin Türkçe öğren admin 0/0/0/


next year air battle 


As I hear, the maximum bonus in core regions will be 60 % for some kind of resources.

Concerning the companies limitation will it concern only Weapon / Food / house companies or Raw comp also?

i just hope that multies will not play huge role in naval battles now when strenght is not important

It s a great update. can t wait


is possible know the date of new update? thanks 8)

Biskvit that is ok, just one word is not in the right place - the second word not. *Not all regions next to the sea will be coastal regions * sounds better.

Hello, well i think, whem Start The New Update, reset the mpp and all country have 0 Mpps, maybe with that like say in the article, for countries like Argentina or Brasil to attack Japan, or Croatia, and no need to wait btw 10 to 24 days for renegotiation the mpp or a new one


OOOOOO eTurci !!! DOLAZIMO !!!!!!

great update

good Promote

@Biscvit novi trening centar za inteligenciju sluzi samo da se poveca inteligencija koja je znacajna za borbu brodovima? cena ce biti ista kao i za normalan TC? Imace isto q1-q5 vrste broda? cena ce biti ista kao i za pistolje, tenkove i helie?


I like new updates , except the limitation for number of companies , I think it would be better to apply this rule only for raw material companies , please hear our suggests and don t apply updates without asking our opinions about it.

გადათარგმნეთ რა.

Every time i saved money for discounts you broke all my economical plans by new updates
same with this update....

Tanki +1

incomplete try. You start with a nice idea, even if not original, but you left it in the middle. Like always. Naval attacks... ok tell me, how may a naval convoy start from Italy lets say and attack Chile. RL. Impossible. I would limit attacks to a range of regions, lets say max 20, conquer, build base, move 20 more ect until you reach your target.

Agreed with ktab, it s too unrealistic to attack from such long ranges, and strategy-wise its much better to limit the range a bit.

moi jdit banzaiiiiiiii

How about indonesia ? We are archipelago country to begin with.. every region in our core directly contact with sea

Nice... I agree with ktab though

Please add this companies before upgrade discount so that during discounts we could have all necessary info to decide what to build...+1 quastion,are you going to open black sea?because now, depending on map, its seems that its closed.i mean about bosphorus (and other straits too) will they work as in real?

Are we open for some naval gangbang ??

No discount?

Biskvit and no news about when will be the next discount event/period?


All coastal regions will be connected, omg this is crazy!!

I could suggest so much more actually but i doubt they will even be considered, so i will skip most, and propose, beyond limit of naval attack range, the construnction of harbor as facility to a coastal region in order to be able to launch a naval attack. No harbor, no attack. Base range will be 10. Each harbor will add 1 more to range, max will be 15 range.

Excellent. Now this game is more than fake, growing faster.

good update, but price-wise i dont think many people could afford it, especially not new players or old weak players who barely do damage and rarely win medals(gold)
I`d suggest the same scheme as the land battles, 1 free-to-train TG that gives x intelligence and another one that gives x/2 intelligence and you have to pay for training.

any discount soon ?

v c

And the discounts???

[ Suggestion ] Better Resource Based Plan For Game (updated) www.erevollution.com/en/article/20379

Advertise you noooobs


Buenísimo changos!!!

visa update

Esto se pone bueno!!!!!

we want grounds at training centers

We need more players. Please work on expanding the player base.

So basicly Croatia will f****d up
Sorry for swearing,usually I dont swear.
Great news,some warships,how sailors say hip hip hurrraah.

Brazil still has few regions and 90% can be attacked by ships. Thats why people is stopping to play. Brazil has continental size and 5 regions....

didint you originally had a plan how to separate the battles with 3 diferent walls ?

We need new players. Not this !

If there will be naval battles, shouldn t the item for the bonus be called naval base? lol


[ Suggestion ] Better Resource Based Plan For Game www.erevollution.com/en/article/20379

Ok, I m quting the game cause this update is idiotic and the guy who came up with this idiotic idea is solely responsible for that.

Nice update.

Like a lot of people said, we need more people in the game, I think players did 95% of advertisement for eRev, so you really should work on that. Investing money into marketing is always profitable, but ofc you need to make the game appealing to new players. And with the new companies (naval) the salaries will skyrocket again...

this update is like a new start and awesome for newbies so you guys should work on getting new players to game

biskvit it s too early to implement such updates in game
i am afraid that this new changes will complicate a game more

Sound great !
i just don t really understand why you want to limit the number of companies ? Can you tell us why you think it s important ?

countries surrounded inland what are they going to do??

Un cambio para ver co la que se salen, a Esperar que lo Podamos Disfrutar bien.

--All regions will be divided into 2 types: land and coastal. Attacking a coastal region starts a naval battle.-- So does this mean that even if your country occupies a coastal region connected by land to another coastal region (ie. neigbouring regions), an attack between the two of them would instead trigger a naval battle? It would be good if there was an option to chose the type of attack (land or sea), rather than automatically having a naval battle.

Nice idea, Admins +1 :-)
PS. I am tired of so called expert players which are complaining about almost every update, and so far they proved themselves only as a own country destroyers and own account builders :-( This is a social game, why are you so selfish and boring? Vote and support, for every aspect of this update :-)

Everything went good until I read the last sentence.
I like the update,but I think it s too early to make this.

I also have bunch of original ideas for example, let s introduce divisions, and battles divided in rounds and domination points, oh yeah and bunch of packs with a lot of boosters and energy centers and faster energy recovery, and dictatorships and revolutions, OMG I m so creative I don t know where I m getting all this ideas from!!

Ako nastavite sa ovakvim promjenama, igra će (vjerovatno) dočekat prvi rodjendan ali drugi teško. Nek vam je sa srećom!

About the New Update. Vote, please.

earn gold by voting articles and subscribing newspapers only at erevoters http://ow.ly/AUUZ3059h1s , get cheap votes and subscribes for your articles and newspapers at erevoters http://ow.ly/AUUZ3059h1s

good moment 2 leave game 4 sure


Good job, but too late I m afraid. Hail Norway fruit 5/6 fruit core to an end.

v c

Will you add French territories to the map please? France has many islands (and French Guiana), Portugal and Spain have their islands, why not France? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_overseas_departments_and_territories x2

please put only crappy bonuses for Russia please

Will you add French territories to the map please? France has many islands (and French Guiana), Portugal and Spain have their islands, why not France? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_overseas_departments_and_territories

Yah ton mboutso.

Will you add French territories to the map please? France has many islands (and French Guiana), Portugal and Spain have their islands, why not France? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_overseas_departments_and_territories

Will you add North Korea regions to the map please? North Korea have more than 6 regions : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provinces_of_North_Korea = and more here https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/north-korea-map-9144589.jpg + http://previews.123rf.com/images/tuulijumala/tuulijumala1208/tuulijumala120800077/14969168-North-Korea-set-Detailed-country-shape-with-region-borders-flags-and-icons-isolated-on-white-backgro-Stock-Vector.jpg

[ Suggestion ] Better Resource Based Plan For Game www.erevollution.com/en/article/20379

New changes is fun but I worry what will happen with helis industry. Fewer people will use them and the price will fall a lot.

Naval Intelligence - a humble request based on my prior question: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/20451

so nothing for Christmas or new year, other than this useless hat ??? no event what so ever ???

Finally an amazing update 

It is so boring. Just copy paste from the similar game where all of us came from. It also starts with Ere. The only difference is aircraft has turned into naval.
I guess there are plenty of different real interesting ideas. In both politics and economy modules. The voting system for example. The government system. Just try something different please.
P.S we wait for discounts for half of the year and it is still missing.

Щурмане, ще се балансират фирмите. За да направиш к5 хели ти трябва над 1000 злато на промоция, а за к5 кораби ще ти трябва 500. Са хората ще вложат масово в кораби и ще се балансират двете индустрии

Evaluate this:
The countries can be splited by separation movements by referendum and create new countries, or the inverse (two countries to unify creating a new one), as in real world.
That would be an intresting senario.

So going to be more pay to win?

Absolutely Kevin. More gold to spent, more to bought.

update new design website please.... its so boring

So countries with more multies, I mean, more players, sorry, will win all the naval fights. Sounds so fair.

(joke) NK will attack Sweden (joke) tomorrow,
good update very strategic and realistic

1+ to Ancestral. Let the age of Imperia(Multis)lism begin!

[ Suggestion ] Better Resource Based Plan For Game www.erevollution.com/en/article/20379

so now you will need 670 gold for new company + 300 gold for new tc
it is easier to quit ,game is boring anyway

Wowowowowowow haram

I love it. Happy new year

total crap

Will you add French territories to the map please? France has many islands (and French Guiana), Portugal and Spain have their islands, why not France? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_overseas_departments_and_territories

Ancestral you will have TC for navy battles. And your dmg with depend on intelligence ( like strength in land battles) .
So I dont understand why you say that about multis.

So you will have 2 skills . Strength for land battles, and intelligence for coastal battles.


@knight, so we can train in both (land and naval) in a day or must choose one of those each day ?

Adding naval battles with intelligence is a chance for a new players to have an important role in the game, not to be only workers for the old accounts and sitting ducks in usual battles. I don t understand why players are so negative about this update? Everyone here are crying for the new players, and when Admins made an effort to make the game interested even for them, you are cruying again :-( Why? Without new players this game is dying, and in the end, no matter how powerful our accounts will be, all of them will be just worthless.

This update is good at 50% and VERY BAD at 50%

Levi +1

+1 Kromion

So small countries have less resources and big ones with a lot resources get more bonuses ?

@Levi - New players will only get a short-term, small boost. From my understanding, Intelligence will operate quite similarly to Strength. With Intelligence increasing the same way Strength does, in a month or two new players will be in the same place as with Strength - lagging behind all other players. Plus, well-established players will always be in a better spot to buy Warships to boost damage, just like they do now with Q5 Helis. Sure, new players may be in a better spot when Intelligence is first introduced but those benefits will decline steadily as player stats inflate and old players produce/use more warships.

@Wilfie, I could almost agree with you, but you forgot 2 things... First, reducing of allowed number of companies on our accounts will immediately reduce our incomes, and second, new players with their VISA could compete with the old players even without buying accounts. Those without intention to spend some money will be simply a second class of players. Is this fair? Don t forget, we are players who plays the game, Admins are workers which works here, and they want some payment. Nobody wants to work for free. Also they are trying to bring us more entertainment here, using various ways. So, don t be surprised ifyou find out that they are among us with their various accounts and multi accounts. Even if they try to implement their scenarios in the game, this is also part of the effort to make the game more interesting. After all, if they fail, we will left the game and ERevolution will be a death game. So... let them work.

@Levi - I did not forget those two things, mainly because the things you then describe have no relevance to Intelligence, Warships, and Naval Battles as they relate to new players.

Not introducing intelligence TG for first few month can be a great solution. Like other game, military rank for marine battles only decide their damage. No intelligence at all.