Публикувана в Turkey - Политически дебати и анализи - 09 Jan 2017 08:47 - 47

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Map of the Alliances https://www.erevollution.com/tr/article/21113

endonezyaya çok güvenmeyin dünya lideri yaparsınız adamları

*United Nations* is called Andean Federation

There is no Andina Federation?

I m fixing now, give me a few minutes.

Balance !!!


Nice article, good job

Yine others bölümünde gösteriliyoruz, yine ötekileştirildik


Ahah, total balance👍👍👍

voted, beyazlar kim :3

@Barbaros oyunda mevcut olmayan topraklar 

Birleşik Kutup Federasyonu diyip geçelim maksat açıkta kalmasınlar 

1. Country name in vv
2. Cyprus is no vv

@petros2 I did not see the wrong country name in the in Vv. I marked North Cyprus gray, the part that appears as Vae Victis land there is Southern Cyprus. In the Large Scale Map, you can not see the gray part of Cyprus because Cyprus appears as a very small island. You can magnify the map and examine it.

Hail VV

Basra körfezini doldurmuşlar iran suud savaşı geliyor


That feeling when both sides are equal and game is in perfect balance

its silly
its taiwan (republic of china)
but also not (fyrom)

Ben bayadır takip edemiyorum oyunu adam akıllı ama denge bozuldu diye mdp yi yıkmadık mı biz
aynısı vae victis diye kurulmuş geri.

good job

@GW use the official eRev names... RoM (FYRoM)

@petros2 I knew you d say something like that. Game management thinks like you. Get out. 

True revolutionary medal are too much damage.

you wrote wrong 2 country names in the game btw not one
it s
Republic of China (Taiwan)
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
or the way you wrote the first one both of them should be Taiwan and FYROM

@SpyrosB, Taiwan is the informal name of the Republic of China.

You dont use fyrom just because you are allies. When you were enemies they were fyrom to you too stop acting

@MasterAltair Macedonia is a country inhabited by Turks. Also, I have always regarded Macedonia as the Republic of Macedonia. I have always respected them. In this article you can see my and my a few Turkish friends signatures. (My old nickname Argentist) https://www.erevollution.com/tr/article/12835 (I can see your signature on this article.)

Note : Macedonia was our enemy when this article was opened.

Hail Bağlantısız ülkeler birliği

como nos arranco america central jaja 

Change it to Taiwan or Turks will leave the game! This is Ultimatum!

you mean fyrom

The map is pretty inaccurate but still, good job