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Jaca - Вестник от Austria -

Публикувана в Hungary - Финансова - 26 Feb 2017 10:45 - 4

Hi! In the next days I will be busy, so I publish this article now. I just want to inform you about the loans and tell you the information again about the 10% return after the company upgrades.

In February we
-given 945 gold loans
-got back 1028,65 golds from loans
-sent 108 golds after company upgrades

Currently we have 785,6 golds ets in your treasury, and 185,65 golds in the 'Friend's treasury', so we manage you from 971,25 gold. Now there are 7 persons who have loans.

In the last month we sent loans int 16 times to 13 different citizens. Everyone, paid back at least 10% (and many times more) from it in every payday. Guys, you are awesome! We are ready to help you in the future because you also helped us. If you want a loan, please send a messeage to me and then we will discuss the details. But I want to inform you: I think that at Easter there will be a 25% discount again after the company upgrades. We can only giving new loans to citizens who already paid back the earlier loan until this time, please count with this.
Only the Barátság Párt members can get this loan, this is the place where you can inform about our movements, actions etc.

10% return

I think that some of you still don't know that you can get back 10% of the costs after some upgrades.

You can get it back after:
-new company building
-new material company building
-company upgrade

You cannot back it after:
-storage buying
-training ground upgrade
-strategic buildings

If you want to get this back:
-You'll have to make a print screen about the current daily tax revenue (Community/My Country/Economy)
-You'll have to make a print screen about the factory which you want to upgrade (Including with your name, you can cover your 'wallet' and the other companies)
-You'll have to upgrade the company and make a print screen with the upgraded company (the rules are the same like the 2nd point)
-You'll have to make a print screen about the current daily tax revenue again
-After all you send me these print screen-s and I will return you the 10% of the company building/upgrading costs within 24 hours.

If you need help how to make a print screen, send me a letter and I will help you.
If you already have a loan and upgrade your company, the ammount will be reducted from the loan (I also need Print Screens in that case).

One more thing: I closed down this table, from now you can follow the loans here. The next payday will be on the 1st of March!

And of course a song for the final. Now I show you a music which called hungarian (and will run in hungarian colours at the Eurovision Song Festival) but it's a hungarian gipsy music :/ It's called Origo.

Best wishes,

Az RL külhoniak jelenleg szűk 1000 állami aranyból gazdálkodnak. Eddig mindenki időben fizette a részleteket, sőt, a többségük jóval a határidó lejárta előtt visszautalta a kölcsönt. Az alaptőke a cégfejlesztési akció során kiküldött kölcsön volt, ehhez hozzájött még 300 arany állami támogatás, illetve 20 arany adomány a külföldiektől. Ha valami nem tiszta, vagy valamire kíváncsiak vagytok, akkor kérdezzetek nyugodtan.

Az RL magyarok kölcsöneit, illetve a fejlesztések után járó 10% visszajuttatását egyébként GecifejuBob intézi, ha esetleg valaki nem tudná.



Cacique TerepaimaNightwatcherHUNFlyingCangaroo

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