Публикувана в Morocco - Социална и забавна - 01 Mar 2017 03:57 - 31

MrSkr1kMrSkr1kMrSkr1kPatroklosSahkbamPolarB34rAjkeNAncestralG 4 M p3trOs V E RHassan9170Sultan Haydar BasКоментари (31)

First ?

nice speech mr.president! 

al amk pulitzer verdim


King traitor Leondas. Who left his nation behind in the arms of Macedonia and playing ruler of a foreign country. The so called king who left his friends behind because he could not overcome the hate towards Spain. Because of Spain Leondas turned his back on all of his past allies, and now serving Kinyas. What an achievement, I nearly dropped a tear.

Nightwatcher you dont know nothing about eGreece believe me.Also look what Spain did plz,how can he be an ally with them.In real life i love two countries only,Spain and Greece,and in this game,i hate them both cuz of their citizens,thats funny i think 

ChrisGeoRM: Spain made a mistake. That is a fact. But it is not a valid reason to join an alliance that opposing your RL nation. An alliance that opposing many of your old friends and allies. You defending Leondas is lame. Shame on you for making interviews with someone who turned against you, instead of heroes that are fighting for your country.

First of all, is LEONIDAS and not Leondas... Nightwatcher, because you say many words for me personally... you don t know nothing about me and nothing about Greece... so stop talking about me... you are a big liar.. while you are in some discussions, now YOU show really hate towards us... If we have some problem with Spain, why Nightwatcher from first day Moroccan government discuss with Delos???? I know Nightwatcher what you want... you want other ONE DEAD COUNTRY and some people against to VV because you and your alliance fight for FREE WORLD ... You want make a better world but you agreed with same tactics.. bigger countries as Spain attack in a newborn country... this is your FREE WORLD ???? At the end, I explained why left Greece in interview.. I think you know reading...

v c

My interview is for NEWBORN Countries,Leonidas is CP of a newborn country so what?RL Nation?Cmonnnnn we are playing a game,does an imaginary flag creates ur real life nation?PPL make the countries and not the flags in a game.Also for what friends are u talking for?I left Greece 8 months ago,and i speak only with 2-3 ppl there.Ingame Greeks are not my friends,thats the reason i NEVER FIGHT FOR THEM.

Funny is the fact that all of you said that you have joined Marocco to help e-Greece and after that you joined VV and you intent to fight for FYROM. You let FYROM wipe Greece and after that you left your country only to join FYROM on VV. You also make excuses about it.
It is a fact though that those you hate have liberated many regions of your rl country and that may have made you hate them cause we are making FYROM s life a bit difficult. Especially Spain has helped us in the beginning of our attemp for fre and you cannot stand that we didn t want to help you fight them (your goverment asked for our help).

@Raiden look plz the first battles of Greece when Morocco was created.You can see Morocco everywhere.When Spain attacked Morocco,and Greek players of Morocco asked your help you said ...GO HELP YOUR SELVES...,so what was suppose to do?Be your friends?When Morocco asked for help,only VV and especially Bulgaria was here!So stop talk about things that you dont even know,and ask your gov to say you the truth for once!

RL got nothing to do with Erev..
Great interview!

Again, Spain helped us and we didn t want to backstab them. I was on the greek goverment (i m still on it) and i know what happened!
You on the other hand, as i have said on my previous comment, made sure FYROM occupied e-Greece and then you left Greece for Marocco. And after all of this you asked for help like nothing had happened.
Also, about your help at the begginning, the fact that many of you rejoined Greece from Marocco especially during the last days and also the fact that you joined VV and especially yourself has said that you are never going to help e-Greece, shows not only that you never wanted to help e-Greece but also who the liar and hypocrite is.

King Leondas: I said what I have to say. Go ahead, you may have the last word.

@Raiden i talked about Greeks that was in Morocco,that left Greece to join Morocco!I left Greece before you even start playing this game (thats the truth,i dont say it with an ironic way),if you are saying all these to me and not to those ppl (who left Greece for Morocco) you are surely wrong so 

wtf is going on here? vSC pls calm down, as u leo n christos.
make love not war 


Morocco is so big like state companies of state capitalist countries. Big but don t efficient.


You are a balloon in e-global economy. You will boom; soon or later.

Hello boys ! First of all , El Tarlo joined the DarkSide and Morocco long time ago and I personally did not joined the Morocco in order to help erevGreece. Some of you guys are talking about old friends and allies but do you remember how many alliances was born in this game and how many of them died ? Do you believe that all of your allies , was your allies since day 1 ? Do you remember having only 6 allies ? I have lot of things to tell but let me say that EVERY BIG TRUTH CONTAINS A SMALL LIE , AND EVERY BIG LIE CONTAINS A SMALL TRUTH ...

lol cowards 

Ζήσε μάη μου να φας τριφύλλι!

As a player that have joined both counties and play with both of them i only have to say 1 think its nobodyw fault some ppl chose to go to another countrie (i was one of them ) and that it no war no hate ...except from gyus that went way over the limit and flame a lot .....it s f#$%$%g game ret@rds just play it

και τον Αύγουστο σταφύλι
Καλό Μαρόκο

Raiden we are not struggling with you, we are letting you live a bit o/ You should thank greeks in morroco ( with whom we have good relations) for our generosity

come to the light side