
Публикувана в France - Социална и забавна - 01 Mar 2017 16:53 - 27



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Коментари (27)

LOL...First ...Voted Cheeky
Voté o7
Bravo pour votre MU efficace et sympathique. Wink
Je me demande pourquoi BattleHero est dans votre liste d ennemis :p
So, since everyone signs NAP, everyone starts creating or transforming MU into Mercenaries? Is this the way that you think your game will become fun? LOL If everyone signed NAP, who will hire your mercenary services? It´s now the 4th or 5th MU that I see creating or transforming into Merc. Good luck with the illusion of getting contracts when there´s not one single war going on.
@milti Mercci @captain: Stealing our name Laugh @Ancestral there will be no more wars only if VV disband, game is not balanced since Most of strong countries are allied against small ones Laugh
stop this stupid NAP thing or turkish community will leave the game...
07 LeGrand T Wink
@ancestral i think your are last last last man who can say that :/
Ancestral, but maybe, just maybe if anyone in vv or should i say correctly, MDP that is dominating for 9 months already, and just name is changed with few more additions , maybe if you guys actually thought of leaving some balance, someone to fight game would be more fun for all. But what you did just recruited more countries in MDP/VV and now saying rest of world should fight?? Enjoy fruits of your labor.
@TopSecret: Portugal left MDP and MDP disbanded after, only to create VV. Do you see Portugal in VV? Stop writing BS Wink @Eldrad: I am? Why? OFC has been around for a while and was created to be an apolitical MU. You could have requested our services but you didn´t. Your loss. In fact, many losses, as I could/can see. Next time, try to coordinate better and use whatever tools you can use to win a war... If there is a next time.
why France always cries? o.O
@ancestral, no MDP never disbanded, it just changed name and added few countries with rare, like Greece that left, and France only while back when game was dead. Yea i know Portugal also left officially but never switched side, and that is what was needed to create balance. You still fight on side of MDP/VV alliance, as france did since leaving MDP all the way up to creation of DELOS. So yea, i have my facts straight, and there is no coordination when game is grossly imbalanced. BTW im not complaining about it any more, did that for ages since it was clear that MDP had no intention of balancing game out. Now im more saying I told you so and you wanted to kill game, job well done (not to you personally, but to all that didnt see this coming and it was clear since last June, it was just matter of time .BTW i was just hoping that this game will be better than original, and im bit disappointed soon after introduction of copied map, and since than i havent supported game and have no intention to do so , not for game like this.
You have your facts so straight that you don´t even (seem to) know that Portugal was the biggest help of Argentina and Paraguay in their fight vs Brazil, the same Brazil that was protected by VV and soon after joined VV. Sorry pal Smile
look, i know that you (and i have big respect for you and portugal), did try to do right thing, but you still stayed more on side of VV than opposition, what ever alliances ware called as they kept changing names. Please correct me if im wrong.. Problem was that nobody followed your example, and i dont blame Portugal, that you seeing how things are stayed in good relationship with VV members.
I would like to say we all are hoping better game. I agree it can be good for each country and each country have right to sign any kind of treaty. But we can anticipate game will have in-active atmosphere. As we know, we are forced to choose to stand or follow easy way. It seems that the narrow selection has been given by super-alliances we have ever seen. I would like to say we did our best we can but it needs more players who can consider how to make balance and active game. I respect to players who were willing to fight for balance in weak side. At least we all did tried to do in our positions. I respect to you guys Ancestral and TopSecret.