Публикувана в United Kingdom - Първи стъпки в eRevollution - 11 Mar 2017 08:18 - 142
Lets start with introducing the new Intelligence Workout Area. It will work similar to current Advanced Training Area. It will cost country currency to workout. The costs will be the same as for strength training and it will increase your intelligence by 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 from Q1 to Q4. It will be named Advanced Academy. It is getting implemented in the game

Other Workout Areas are getting a graphic rework and the building will now change its shape when you level it up.

To make the difference between new players and old players more bearable we are also increasing the Beginner Camp limit. It will now give you 20 strength when you workout until you reach 5000 strength, and 10 strength until you reach 8000 strength.
We wish you a great weekend,
eRevollution Team

TovarDanteB A T A S H Aante007Vakhoobernoldi_salieriEzioAuditoreyararasmallprinceHashashiSpartacus7cezarm20kendoKamKo 69JBakewelRistovski NenadКоментари (142)


One comment




very good

tomorrow? :/

hail Perú!!!


Daj golde

hmmmm :/


4 lvl. but 5 star ??

what about new STR building? :/

no q5

Tomorrow???? Nooooooo

bad bad bad

Kill the babies lets go! How do you think babies can afford it?

Polish BB thanks You a lot! o7

so more of more? Maybe next update you can add even more more. : D

tomorroooow... hollyyyyy mollyyy... i neeeeed gold!

I think u guys want to kill game soon as possible :-) give us few days to collect gold...

Admine Saddame

LOL announcing new TC just the day before implementing them? gg

what about lvl 5 tc?

goldların mına kodun gene admin 

Well, tomorrow is morrow, why not even a word about prices? o_O

No update. Signed

haha, gg game xDDDD

This is shit news every month 1 new tg we dont have gold for heli you make new tg noob

bad bad bad

Next update - introducing q5 workout areas. Yes, take our savings, we dont need them...

So new TC for Intelect comeing tomorrow, what about new Strength TC? He will come tomorrow too or just graphic rework on old?


How about implementing the new TC with discounts?

apa? tomorrow?? 

@ Destroyed new players and old players for visa players!

What do you mean tomorrow? This is not professional

Announcing new TC only the day before implementing them is just proof of trying to milk us before what-everyone-knows happens 

Destroyed new players


Like that, without planning? ... for tomorrow I can not gather all the gold I need

When I read the first sentance i started to laugh.

Not ok with tommorow. An update like this should be announced more in advance so we have the time to raise all the gold necessary

goldları geri ver len bari

DelayTheUpdate Signed please. www.erevollution.com/es/article/24716 is important

oh come on !

So you didn t get enough money yet?
When it will be enough?


great update, implement it today why wait until tomorrow?

Good update for Beginner Camp. Thanks! o////////////

Basicly you re forcing some players to buy gold with visa. NOT F.ING FAIR! DELAY THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Svašta, svako malo izmišljate neku glupost da trošimo zlato..

Admins need money help guys
pay to win

lol i dont even have the workout for cc at Q4 xD

DelayTheUpdate Signed please. www.erevollution.com/es/article/24716 is important vote top up for

This is so unprofessional..you cant give us only 24 hours notice

Bulgur admin salmassan çocuğun zenci doğsun ama beyaz tenli ol.

You can tell us about new update 10 hours before............

Gold is there to spend it 

Shame on announcement timing

DelayTheUpdate Signed please. www.erevollution.com/es/article/24716 is important vote top up for admin


: |

It is getting implemented in the game tomorrow.

hergün giriyorum. hani ödül ??

And you are announcing it only the day before implement the update??? Are you guys kids or you think we are kids? Professional lvl 0.0000001 gj

Hahahahaha no.

Why announce this the day before the update ?
You could have announced it sooner !

give us few days to collect gold


noooooooooo :@ :@

Yeeees I like update

Delay this update please, it is ridiculous, i just cant get that ammount of gold in 1 day

DelayTheUpdate Signed please. www.erevollution.com/es/article/24716 is important



hahaha wery fany fanzy

Destroyed new players and old players for visa players!

#Make TheUpdateToday

fuck you

v c

Admin will meet with his gf, he need money immediately 

dam, and the time for get gold for upgrade it? make an event or something omg.

Cuantos cambios en menos de una año y lo packs, ya estan tardando!!

Senin yapacağın uptade ye sokayım canım adminim

greedy admins :/

so , we are going to pay same price for half as much intelligence?

The prices of new Training Centers should be lowered.
Info we have:
+10 Intelligence per day.
Cost of upgrading: 10+20+70+170
Total cost: 270golds
Total Int/day earned: +10 Int
Half of Intelligence First Training Center which is +20.
Shouldnt be then, the half of 270 = 135g
More fair for all of us, right or not ?

Recuerden que existen muchas versiones parecidas y una que esta en su fase beta y llevará el 80% de la población de erev.
No se vuelvan codiciosos eso mato a e r e p u b l i k.

game delete pay admins game dead


I have many words, but... Just tell me WHY ?
Oh, do not forget to run a promotion after gold finish.

What about the Beginner Camp for the players who have now strength between 5,000 and 8,000 ?! ... The Beginner Camp was destroyed for them ...

Delay The Update. Signed for citiens. www.erevollution.com/es/article/24716

o7 nice.. gj

this update will not save the game...

Tomorow ... Admins wtf are you doing ?




welcome to greedelution 

nice pay to win !



Delay The Update. Signed for citiens. www.erevollution.com/es/article/24716

okay, thanks for the delay, admin...


Wednesday ?? n*gga -_-

Why 5 stars in the photos?
Maybe we see a lvl5 to all training grounds? oO

New tgs .. Pieces shit

Delay The Update.

v c

Q cagada esa mierda

This way old players can fully develop their training grounds instantly while new players will try and gather enough money yet for another building even when we cant afford the current ones. Seriously gap will only increase. Think before act !!!



As the game is progressing, we think its essential to make an update on our pay2win strategy and force more people to swipe visa in order to catch up

five star!!!

Lol nice no time to get gold... you should announce earlier so we can adapt to it

Good job o7

I wonder how many times will the admins increase the beginner workout area limit

next is q5 for only 370 gold ... ready to pay
go go go ... where ???

y cual es el cambio ,, ademas de lo obvio q es la parte grafica...?

As the game is progressing, we think its time to end it here.

good job !

v 265

We will give discount on new TG when we add it -how much we are still talking about it

#Stopnewupdate #stopgameonlyvisaplayers


http://prnt.sc/ej2qej have you seen this?

I saw fifth star it means planned q5 tg?

Wonderful brother

Trening se mora placati goldima