Публикувана в Romania - Политически дебати и анализи - 02 Apr 2017 12:51 - 48
Admins gentlemen, thank you very much to mock us.
In fact, in any democratic country, the vote is a right guaranteed by law.
In many games, every citizen has the right to vote.
Until last month, here you have to fight with what you can, to have the right to vote.

Now, by this XII Challenge - WARSHIPS HITS PROGRESS simply mockin the worst way possible, by small and medium players. Do you want to bring new players to the game, but mock them.
You recently introduced weapon: warship. Now you want to promote, forcing us to fight with them even though demand is low. If you know a bit of market economy, know that the effect of small offers and strong demand is more expensive products. Small and medium players can not afford to buy them, so I can not vote in elections for CP.
Through this XII Chalenge - Warship HITS PROGRESS, they can vote only veterans, and now just before they arrive in political leadership. Consequently, a lead as will as other players can not vote for someone else, even if they want (not voting rights). Therefore, other players have only to be their servants, because, if you come with such changes in the game and in the coming months, not only as players medium and small will not run (they will not be able to vote for others players), but you will not be part ofso many active players.
Gentlemen admin, think twice when making a decision. Think and players, not just your profit. In the short term it is possible to have profit, but long term you will not have players to purchase packages. That has happened and the other game.
Learn from the mistakes of your competition!
In fact, in any democratic country, the vote is a right guaranteed by law.
In many games, every citizen has the right to vote.
Until last month, here you have to fight with what you can, to have the right to vote.

Now, by this XII Challenge - WARSHIPS HITS PROGRESS simply mockin the worst way possible, by small and medium players. Do you want to bring new players to the game, but mock them.
You recently introduced weapon: warship. Now you want to promote, forcing us to fight with them even though demand is low. If you know a bit of market economy, know that the effect of small offers and strong demand is more expensive products. Small and medium players can not afford to buy them, so I can not vote in elections for CP.
Through this XII Chalenge - Warship HITS PROGRESS, they can vote only veterans, and now just before they arrive in political leadership. Consequently, a lead as will as other players can not vote for someone else, even if they want (not voting rights). Therefore, other players have only to be their servants, because, if you come with such changes in the game and in the coming months, not only as players medium and small will not run (they will not be able to vote for others players), but you will not be part ofso many active players.
Gentlemen admin, think twice when making a decision. Think and players, not just your profit. In the short term it is possible to have profit, but long term you will not have players to purchase packages. That has happened and the other game.
Learn from the mistakes of your competition!
szklaramusplRaggnar LothbrokYashargaladraelborismihRothbartNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSConnenNeuteOldGunFighterCamel BlackAmirRashidianTheMario2pingUruknarbAlexxxZRberkut6Comberto SIlvaBlackfuryBunnyLiuBunnyLiuКоментари (48)



I think that this is good event o7

delete the name of the other game, if admin see it you ll be banned 

ok, thanks

It is complex this point, anytime I understand and support the new players, but you also have a great player who is not paypal like LeTunisien who puts all his effort, I do not want to be misunderstood what I explain, I agree that there is Take care of the new players but I believe that not only are lost by an event but also they are lost because the general imbalance that exists between the alliances

You do events like this, but without conditioning vote in elections
of the event end.

Those admins are kidding with us. Before this event the price of 1 Q1 Ships was 0.012, now they are selling it for 0.031. Thats impossible, right before a promotion.....Horrible try to incentive naval battles. Shame on u admins.

Admins are selling ships for higher price?

) But unless you have money, buy gold with the card

Lots of players complained to us how all ships and heli prices are dropping,players are saving golds and not spending them, economy was dead, thus this change.

Big players, developers. But small and medium players under level 35, do not have much money. Remember a few days (15-20 days) has published a training ground which had upgraded. I invested in it about 200 gold. The event is very good, but not must conditioned its completion (2000 warships) that you can vote in elections.

So if the problem is that all ships and helis prices were dropping, u should do the same with the others weapons, why didnt u guys put tank hits?? I just think that u guys did something weird, this event will be the first one that i wont finish because i will have to spend all my money in next promotion. Well, i think that this event was a mistake. Just sad.....

It s not admins fault , it s players fault...
Who tripled prices of the q1 ships? Admins or players?
you blame wrong people this time

max+1,it s good for buyers that helis are 4.5/100 but not for those who make them..
@biskvit,well we got to save golds if we want to be in check for those damn TC upgrades, except for field hospitals and some companies, all i spend my gold since i started playing is for TCs and weapons ofcourse,which is a shame.

When people complain about price dropping you make this change, so now people complain about price rising and what to do next? Make them drop again until the other side complain?

while i dont see this move as bad one, not at all, maybe just requirements for voting could be lower but definitely this shouldnt be removed, as we will end up with bots voting.

When hungarians and romanians agree,that is something truer than facts.

50 / 2 000............

Res1n there wont be any Q5 TG upgrades anytime soon, so spend away 

The requirements for voting are too high.

You say that players have tripled the price of q1 ships, not admin. You must be stupid to do not double / triple if there are few producers and the demand is very high. The problem is not the price, but it forces players to attend the event so they can vote. Award event is an opportunity to vote. The vote should be guaranteed, not conditioned by completing a monthly event. Even so greedy you? Make a big event and beautiful, but instead awards (gold, kits, etc.) will give the prize the right to vote. You are pathetic!

@biskvit you say it won t be anytime soon but give us some details..1-2-3 years?

@batranu this 20% means 400 hits with ships
4o you got back from event+20/30 at 15% challenge....So you need to buy an additional 350...15.75 gold if you want to buy q5.....With these+q3 booster you can get easily 2 sea medals...So it will be -5.75 gold to vote....For q5 I mean...If you use q1 q2 ships it will cost you less

This is bullshit, simple as that!

this is so you dont make multiple profiles and exploit them by changing the voting results etc.
this is a good thing/event.
if you seem to struggle to complete it - your playing it either wrong or with lack of time/interest in the game - to see and figure out how to complete it without spending $.

BATRANUL99: The vote should be guaranteed, not conditioned by completing a monthly event.
It was, until players started creating voting bots to help them win elections. Thus the condition.

Maybe they are trying to make this a VISA game too!
Perhaps the behavior could be censured not only the Voldemort Game!

@Biskvit: Sorry to make the game more difficult for children, can be found quickly, especially when it comes to profit administrator.
Why not check all accounts by admin? Why allow clones? It must work harder, not hindering access to voting for the small players.

This event is very good, I dont want to see bots voting for CP 


This event is only a short term measure. Prices will drop againe cause everyone with some glold, and brain, would rather build couple of q1 shipyards and raw firms than buying overpriced helies. In longer terms it will actually lower the prices even more... Current producers should realize this quick and put normal prices and they should be happy that people buy ships at all.

vote and sub

This challenge will cost more thn its worth not going to bother doing it. Event is meh... Naval RW is okay. Don t think admin should butt in on player market though.


This event for rich players but not us.

Just like the real world, the rich always get they want.

Dudes what are you saying. Vote rights only need 20% or 400 hits with any q warships. That is 400 hits in 5 days from 01.04 to 05.04... even new players can get that much. It is literally 80 hits per day to get voting privilage until elections.

The other game started to get shitty after 2 years but this game after her first year


I agree vote and sub!

Stop crying peeps...its a game

Voted with fury
We are a small community with a great war at the moment (Chile vs Peru). All our resources have been directed to fight by land. Therefore, many citizens will not be able to vote in the elections. For us, this has been the worst event in e-history

I wonder what percentage of players *were* able to vote in the CP elections? 10%?
This is very bad for democracy! This *must* be changed!