Westeros Raven

Walen - Вестник от Lithuania -

Публикувана в Lithuania - Военна - 08 Apr 2017 13:06 - 88

Hello everyone!

Today Lithuania woke up with a declaration of war from Bulgaria against us, country who occupies 8th position in damage firepower while we are in the 34th position. The reasons for this are probably the bonuses regions that our capital, Dainava, and our biggest region, Lithuanian Highland, offers for them. So this is not a temporary war, it´s a permanent occupation of our 2 main regions. For us, giving up our capital and our regions is not a option, we come through this article to call upon arms all our friends, all our brothers. Lithuania will accept the CSs of anyone who wish to help us in the fight, we need you in the battlefield!

We are facing a top 10 country who is coming here to get their bonuses no matter what it may cost to the other country. This time we can not cut borders like we did in the last 2 wars, we will face the enemy in our homeland, in our capital, capital that got a Q5 hospital for the first time since a year just a week ago, we will fight for it! 


Furthermore I´m not going to hide the truth that this is not a simple attack for bonuses but also because Lithuania left Vae Victis a week ago. Lithuania didn´t leave because we simple decided to say: yay let´s go rebel and get different. No. We left after being totally insulted by the VV Headquarters for no reasons. And not only us got these insults, but we took the initiative to say we are enough. We have a deep respect for many countries in VV which I believe are stil our friends, but their leadership doesn´t deserve them, leadership controlled by one guy who thinks we are all subordined to him and that he is always right on his complains.


Lithuania have requested to enter a Vae Victis war 3 TIMES. We got denied all of them. Vae Victis launched all his Vae Victis Alpha campaigns excluding Lithuania of the direct fronts. Kinyas refers his ´refused to attack´ to the campaigns of France, Croatia and Spain where Lithuania refused to attack France and Croatia in february but of course he didn´t ask the March HQ about Lithuania wars where they denied us the fronts.


Well, from my viewpoint that´s not how members are to be treated in an alliance, specially when the accusations are false, no one in the HQ even asked Lithuania how were we dealing with the daily RWs from Norway, Estonia and Finland. Now the most funny situation, they wrote me all this because one single battle: Venezuela vs Canada. Yeah, all this because one battle that you see in the next screen.



We are probably going to lose our core regions because that but I can say we are proud to leave this alliance. Not because their members like I said above, but because the people who lead it. Bulgaria didn´t even contact us after the DoW. Lithuania can be small and probably not able to stop Bulgaria but we will fight with all our forces, we are not going give up, we have honor and we will show it on battlefield. Every help is welcome and Lithuania will be grateful to see who are our friends in this difficult time for our country.

To fight and resist!
Apply for our CS if you need. 

Come in Lithuanian discord: https://discord.gg/FmgaanX



GordohediondoPANZER stronKMee6Gigasutanukebabas69Inarius RebornSigmakxeroLeviatanLeviatanLoboRojoxRONxGiovanno69Jean EpsilonBlackfuryThomas GreenClassicKorgothpepetJota

Коментари (88)

Kinyas again, man I vomit every time I see him,
VV and kinyas puppet are the cancer of this game, but some guys still blind lol
o7 Hail Lituania, respect my friends!
Hail Lithuania o7
Viva La Revolution!
That article really hurts.... Lithuania o7
And they still talk about friendship...
Duck VV
Its really vv face
if i was not empty because of this duck alone battles with bosnia-serbia. I would come for help Sad
I heard Kinyas will go in retire Surprised
hate vv...
kinyas dictatorship Laugh
I want the kinyas standard answer -you are a liar, you betray us, you dont follow the divine orders from the celestial HQ in the 2017 years of this alliance, is your problem and enjoy the wipe,cryer- So, good luck or not, have fun and something like that.
Lithuania you are in a good place now, with no SICK player´s and NO Cowards, we will fight hard!! NAP lover, learn how to do thing´s.... Honor, dignity and be brave, hail Lithuania. NAP lover´s you all are suckers and cowards!!
you lost when you join vv Smile ofcourse you don t deserve that but all of us saw this coming.
o7 lets fight!
o7 yes yes kinyas left politics! absolutely!
To fight and resist, I liked it.
i hope best for your country. We hope north rise again.
Lol shame on u. U didnt fight for VV ever. But i saw that in last 1 week u were licking ur new alliance. Anyway will not discuss with u. See u on ur battles. Canada will be there for kick ur ..... in capital. Lets wipe that ......ss Smile)
AtropateSS thanks for the most funny screenshot evar of complaining on VV countries for not helping when Venezuela made 2xs more damage than u. Don´t get mad s2s2
Hail Lithuania o7 I will fight for you till the last energy o7
well kinyas ..
Yes Venezuela is stronger than us one by one but finialy they offer Nap for stop that war. That means we are strong together. So i know that article is ur last chance. But i wish u get wipe with ur honor and not cry anymore.
AtropatesS you will need some needle´s to fix your mouth and black side....you will have a big menu in both sides... really deep!!
support lithuania
ahaha your excuse is like ass Smile still
I feel pity for those who tolerate this ego behaving.
Is nice to see the brotherhood inside VV haha, dat ego xD
You are wrong ! there is no things like VV or other alliances! YOU LEFT ALLIANCE AND JOINED ENEMY SIDE ! so stop crying and I dont know whats wrong with you...
Wise choise.
lel AtropatesS who talking about honor. The country who switch side just to have dommage. And Canada never hit for their allies, but just for themself =)
Yeah Tsilo, I joined the ´enemy side´: https://www.erevollution.com/en/country/law/48/Peru/21247 And it´s me who is wrong... You ignored everything above about the alliance treatment to Lithuania just to justify your ignorance towards this issue ´friend´.
I hope Georgians will not fight against, one of the oldest allies in Game since day 1. #Hail Lithuania.
I would never thought I will say this but I wish I had listen to Jimmy back then about you. Sharing private logs like this is the lowest level you can go down. You refused to cooperate with alliance, you did not put any effort for those who covered you for months, now you are like this. It looks like you forgot Germans and Russia issue. Good luck to you with them again, you deserve that. Hehe.
Next time you rethink the words you put in your alliance then.
.donate Kinyas some packs of Hygienic towels and tampons!! owned assssss ole
Be strong. Just like Portugal, several months ago (when Portugal left MDP and right after MDP was disbanded because of PT action), Lithuania has the BALLS to try to make this game fun again. Don`t you ever forget that. You did what is right for this game. Let`s hope more from those 17 countries in VV have the same courage as you. Ignore them, because it`s always easy to shitpost when they are in OP alliance. RESPECT TO LITHUANIA!
You made the right choice, difficult choice, but the right choice. I hope other countries will follow your path o7
Vv cowards
Labas rytas lithuania
Popcorn time Smile
Instead of joining enemies, you could just leave VV and be neutral. Now you deserve this
@kris124, I thought Fortuna is kinda neutral ally. Anyway, it was a democratic vote and people chose this path. But very nice that you consider us such a big threat for VV and other peaceful countries.
Hail Lithuania! o7 georgia with you !
I remember before month or two how your CP was literally selling his country to who ever pays the gold. Even there was a price for it. He was yelling on whole VV chats for this.. Also i remember many times how you say that, there no active players in your country, nobody cares what will happen, nobody wants to rule. In reality you are just few people left in. Instead of helping other nations you refuse to and try to act like big. Well.. leaving VV wasn t the right chose for you. That was one of the things preventing us to attack you. If wasn t VV HQ we was going to wipe you months ago. So be thankful and delete this lie article.
Dear Lithuania you have right in this place and I think that Kinyas with VV commanders has bad time right now. In my opinion they shuld rethink they moves because decision they made lead our alliance to fall apart. Please be informed that countries on other side disappointed you as well and this is only a part of time when they repeat it. I wish you good luck in your new way, hoping it will be really something new!
The ego of VV is too big to admit when they are wrong. Don´t worry, you`re home now. Smile
o7 lithuania gl
You just sent a screenshot of the middle of the battle. After your screenshot time, till the end of the battle we, as eCanada hit approximately 2.6 billion, whereas you, as Lithuania hit a glorious(!) 3 million. http://prnt.sc/euaiel https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/9846/1 You look like a loser by giving examples from the other alliances. If so, there s no sense of being a part of an alliance. Don t be a part of any alliance and fight alone. By the way, on the same day you fought really hard against your very strong opponent. http://prntscr.com/euaj6q https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/9831/1
başkan zikmiş,şimdi dağılın Laugh
https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/19935 Rafal here you can read about Lithuanian brothers. We will see how love you them
congratulations, you played yourselves!
Hail Lithuania o7
Hail ga
Scheiß auf den Reis o/
Long live to my friend Kinyas o/
Jajajajaja sigan asi chicos fortuna son los bufones del server.
Ah chu !
Heil Kinyas :v
i really don t like that situation maybe future will see us true and false btw for now big respect to lithuania o7
VV are the cancer of this game.
Kinyas you are the best leader ! El que no le gusta que juegue buscaminas.
Walen you are traitor of VV and who cares alliance you just say fck you to Georgia with your actions. you joined our enemies and shot against Georgia , SHAME ON YOU!
Fortuna was a neutral alliance until VVa attacked them...
*Peru licking kebabs*
o7 Lithuania! Respect and honor, you got it.
@Serpent, you are wrong, Georgia is on lithuanian side, you will see in the battles
I saw and still see comments VV is cancer to this game ..if VV would be cancer to this game ..the game would be dead..the server would be closed long time ago because of this cancer you all say....but here are we are still alive and well ..playing everyday
Veo perritas ladrando a su amo kinyas 🐦🐦🐦
VV occupies its weak allies and doesnt give a damn Smile
Muerte a los traidores
@AlbRevolution You do realize it takes time for cancer to kill?
http://prntscr.com/ew3egg Smile