Публикувана в Germany - Военен анализ - 08 Apr 2017 14:46 - 44
Hello deer players,
After long and exhausting talks with Vae Victis representatives, we find solution and reached agreement. Here are the terms:
- Germany will rent 4 regions to Vae Victis*. To Georgia: Bavaria, Hesse. To Iran: Saxony; Brandeburg and Berlin. Georgia will pay 200 golds for rent, Iran will pay 150 golds. All other German cores will belong to Germany.
- Germany won't have right to DoW Vae Victis countries and Vae Victis countries won't have right to DoW Germany. Iran and Georgia can DoW Germany if the regions which belong to them are lost. Iran and Georgia cant use DoW to attack any other German core region. No Training wars will be arranged.
- Germany won't be able to fight in RW's against Turkey, Iran and Georgia.
-Agreement will be valid until day 484.
*By Vae Victis in this agreement, Vae Victis alpha is also included.
Signatures (will be confirmed in comments)
President of Germany
President of Georgia
President of Iran
President of Turkey
Supreme Commander of Vae Victis
After long and exhausting talks with Vae Victis representatives, we find solution and reached agreement. Here are the terms:
- Germany will rent 4 regions to Vae Victis*. To Georgia: Bavaria, Hesse. To Iran: Saxony; Brandeburg and Berlin. Georgia will pay 200 golds for rent, Iran will pay 150 golds. All other German cores will belong to Germany.
- Germany won't have right to DoW Vae Victis countries and Vae Victis countries won't have right to DoW Germany. Iran and Georgia can DoW Germany if the regions which belong to them are lost. Iran and Georgia cant use DoW to attack any other German core region. No Training wars will be arranged.
- Germany won't be able to fight in RW's against Turkey, Iran and Georgia.
-Agreement will be valid until day 484.
*By Vae Victis in this agreement, Vae Victis alpha is also included.
Signatures (will be confirmed in comments)
President of Germany
President of Georgia
President of Iran
President of Turkey
Supreme Commander of Vae Victis
Giovanno69sorkhpostAmirRashidianPROTOAgoriaКоментари (44)

Nice! Gratz for treaty guys



Signed by CP of Turkey.

Good job guys

Signed by CP of Georgia

I will sign at the end if you dont break it again 

oooooh, the rushs on georgian bonuses are over

We didnt brake anything, for all things we did last month you can say thanks to your master from USA. When he is not involved, we showed deal is possible.


deer players , when errors speak the truth

Signed Cp of Germany 

Shame pact o/ German civils need active wars and war with Georgia was funnier ever. I never saw so big loser, maybe only Poland after war with Germany

Signed by CP of Iran 

Signed by MOFA of georgia

Ok. So we stop getting contracts from one vv member and accept the other contracts from now on? Meh, nobody pays as good as real true empire... Noob Germany, forcing hole VV to NAP. 17 vs 1 got rekt. #IWantOnlyGoodContacts

Germany win 07

By Vae Secta?

OK and now where will i get my BHs with TP medals too?

make peaky sign dis
) i don t accept it, if peaky don t sign.

Singed by chief of erev police headquarters

Signed by the avatar maker of chief of erev police headquarters


Signed by Ajken?

signed by eUN councilman 

Germany a VV puppet, pathetic

Deer 😂

count zero koita thn douleia sou agaph kai ase thn germania na kanei thn dikia ths

για prosdiorise prwta poia einai h douleia mou
oi misoi germania oi alloi maroko kai oi alloi apo dw ki apo kei rpg einai to paixnidi na ftia3ei o ka8enas to logariasmo tou kai exoume ginei e8nos diasporas?

more damage for friends and allies I guess!!! lol 

yeap kuriws gt exoume afhsei tupous san kai esena pisw sthn ellada
to krima einai oti exoun meinei kai merikoi axiologoi kai paleuoun na bgaloun akrh

to petyxes re magka egw exw katastrepsei tin ellada, εγω σας εδιωξα, ντα; ντα κακο παιδι, πες μου λιγο ακριβώς τι ήταν ακριβως αυτό που έκανα και είπες δε παει πια και έφυγες

Signed by Jean Marie Le Swag, Secretary of alcohol, distilleries and related of the Mother Land, Ethernal honoury president of the FDP, creator and agitator of the politic rap game, dead and resurected, flagholder of the infantry Regiment of the Spetsnaz Unit, Lawbringer of the light, Tsar of Russias, Protector of France s interest.

Signed by me

Dreth αμα μαλωνετε με ελληνες και τωρα που εχετε φυγει αμα ειναι να μαλωνετε ενω ειστε ελλαδα :Ρ


Signed, SC of Vae Victis

e den αφηνετε να πει και κατι καποιος για ξεκαρφωμα

Wrong decision.

tespa malakia mou pou se phra apta moutra count
apla akousa polles paparies apo delos fu kai kako shnapanthma kai nomiza oti eisoun baltos

den trexei tipota