Публикувана в Bulgaria - Политически дебати и анализи - 17 Apr 2017 08:52 - 39
If you can translate in your language PM me. French version
Dear players eRevollution, o.
This article will not be pro or anti VV. It will not be pro or anti Delos. It will be pro Fair Play, pro fun. We are on a game, and we tend to forget that. This article is an ode to enjoyment, an ode to the game. Let me introduce you to begin my vision of the game now, then the proposal that I bring to that we find, together, fun challenges and the end of the bipolar world we are currently experiencing and which affects eRevollution.
Currently, Vae Victis is the most powerful alliance in this game. It is the lion who sees gazelles around her. Vae Victis is indomitable, and it overlooks a vengeance killing without being aware of the ruin that entails. Vae Victis is 50% of global damages. This is a much stronger alliance militarily in theory, stirring the tens of billions of daily damage without using stocks. To keep pace, Fre United, Delos and all other alliances must use inventory. This causes a reaction of other players gang up against VV to resist. The world is multipolar, a VV side, the other the rest of the world. Today take a war against a small country is frowned upon because everyone must unite against VV. And VV does not share in common as power and domination, no real objective now they dominate, and do not fear defeat. The only escape is beginning to escape the anti VV countries, naval. For it must golds, and VV is the richest combination of this same world. So here we are: VV or anti-VV? Among the powerful or not to give in to the powerful and to be macred?
Yet, and this is why I just write you today, the game has a huge potential.
Imagine for a moment. VV Alpha sees a big country to join them. Iran, Romania, Macedonia, the USA ... and VV Alpha becomes an independent alliance, taking the name for this article Penis Pussy (PP). A name written at random, there are no attacks here. Penis Pussy, a neutral alliance, who decided to fly on its own, which decided to move forward together without being dictated by a larger alliance. Round up the damage the big countries joining them 50MM last 7 days. This alliance would damage her up at Fre United, and Vae Victis fall to 300MM. Now, another big country joins Fortuna. 50MM less for VV, so it would 250MM or 40MM over Delos. Fortuna would go up to 130MM in the last 7 days, almost to the PP level. Let's make a summary in a table so that it seems more clear :

As we can see, Vae Victis remain very stable and powerful, even with the departure of two of its biggest members. The most powerful alliance of the game remain the same. But it would be much less certain of his dominion. Each day, she should fight to keep his conquests, much more than today. Now we dwell on other alliances. Today, all alliances are united in an anti VV coalition. With such a balance in terms of damage, everything would be possible. The anti-VV Front, consolidating the relations with these countries, although plagued by often different, and stabilizes the current situation. With this theoretical division, everything would be possible. 5 alliance with small alliances would then have their importance (epic battles where every million helps promote the integration of these small alliances and small countries). We could then imagine a new geopolitics.
Imagine then strained and more interesting situations. The Alliance VV internal war because of its RW, Delos trying to enjoy it, but is attacked by Fre United, which itself starts a conflict with Fortuna. Penis Pussy sees this as an opportunity to acquire new territory and tackles Fortuna. Vae Victis and has great views of the Peruvian territory, and therefore attempted an attack. This seems crazy. Just to imagine, I have a headache. But yet, it is a geopolitical situation far more complex and interesting than we would see there. Alliances p treaties, would break friendships create new ones. Let us now point by point that this may change.
Diplomacy : Diplomatically, maintain relationships with friends, create new and negotiate for hours would be the culmination of these changes. Discussions between alliances would be much more interesting than they are currently. Actually, two allied alliances could then draw in the legs directly after. Each country would try to pull out of the game. And the small countries would finally be included in all this new smaller alliances born around larger countries. The birth of "spheres of influence" as in all good games Paradox would then naturally, big countries seeking to develop their smaller friends could create, for a limited time, small alliances to accompany such! The exit and entry alliances would not definitively, on the contrary. The temporality of all this would be key to the success of such a change. Nothing will ever be eternal, the policy will be moving, and overnight, the apparently stable situations could escalate.
Economy : The rarest bonus would be played and p from hand to hand. A day Delos, the other Fortuna, the other Penis Pussy. And then the next day I do not know USSR or any other country. Small bonus would of course also their importance to develop smaller countries alliances. economically, such a change would bring the weaker countries need territories to begin to recover. There would be a real interest in acquiring new bonuses. Taxes would be moving, and variable production. 100% Countries could the next to fall to 60%. The markets will have to fight to stay competitive, major dominant powers trying to economically fight the four alliances. A financial arrangements system then would emerge, prompting alliance members to buy and sell on the market of another country member of the alliance. But if tomorrow the country X in United Fre is offered a better economic offer within Penis Pussy, then this one would have a reason to switch sides, if desired. The war would not only territorial. With the end of bipolarity, the economy would find a real interest: take the military ascendancy.
War : Today, small countries only serve the interests of large and separate launch RW, nothing happens. With a system of several alliances as I exposed you, wars would also be useful for small countries. Many fronts would be created, small countries against small countries, big countries against large countries. Tactical management would greatly privileged to manage all the damage in the same place. Today when there is war, it is one that will tap the strongest, and not he who had the best strategic vision of the situation. Besides the clutches in RW, there is nothing tactics. If what I exposed you succeeded, managing X fronts between such and such an alliance would be the top priority, so that the damage is at best divided between the various MU different countries. Strategic management would win wars, not only the initial power available.
All this seems totally unrealistic. And it is for us, the players, to work to make it work. To you, President of your country, to become aware of the interest of such a proposal so that your players are fun to play and to invest in your country. It's you, a member of HQ alliance, think about this for cooperation between your country has a purpose. It's you, VV or affiliate, to make you realize that your perpetual domination is a ruin of the potential of a game like eRevollution. It's you, anti VV or affiliate, understand that once VV distributed more equitably, your friend can become your enemy for fun and do not summarize your actions typing mortal enemy. For there is no enemy. We are not in real life. Dominate without reason is useless. Fight without reason is useless. The fun takes all together. So let's start to work together for a more egalitarian and therefore more interesting play. We are not in real life but in a game. Anything is possible. And it is up to YOU to realize it, and implement it. Long live the Fair Play and fun! Long live ERevollution!
Thanks to Jean Epsilon for the English Version.
Dear players eRevollution, o.
This article will not be pro or anti VV. It will not be pro or anti Delos. It will be pro Fair Play, pro fun. We are on a game, and we tend to forget that. This article is an ode to enjoyment, an ode to the game. Let me introduce you to begin my vision of the game now, then the proposal that I bring to that we find, together, fun challenges and the end of the bipolar world we are currently experiencing and which affects eRevollution.
Currently, Vae Victis is the most powerful alliance in this game. It is the lion who sees gazelles around her. Vae Victis is indomitable, and it overlooks a vengeance killing without being aware of the ruin that entails. Vae Victis is 50% of global damages. This is a much stronger alliance militarily in theory, stirring the tens of billions of daily damage without using stocks. To keep pace, Fre United, Delos and all other alliances must use inventory. This causes a reaction of other players gang up against VV to resist. The world is multipolar, a VV side, the other the rest of the world. Today take a war against a small country is frowned upon because everyone must unite against VV. And VV does not share in common as power and domination, no real objective now they dominate, and do not fear defeat. The only escape is beginning to escape the anti VV countries, naval. For it must golds, and VV is the richest combination of this same world. So here we are: VV or anti-VV? Among the powerful or not to give in to the powerful and to be macred?
Yet, and this is why I just write you today, the game has a huge potential.
Imagine for a moment. VV Alpha sees a big country to join them. Iran, Romania, Macedonia, the USA ... and VV Alpha becomes an independent alliance, taking the name for this article Penis Pussy (PP). A name written at random, there are no attacks here. Penis Pussy, a neutral alliance, who decided to fly on its own, which decided to move forward together without being dictated by a larger alliance. Round up the damage the big countries joining them 50MM last 7 days. This alliance would damage her up at Fre United, and Vae Victis fall to 300MM. Now, another big country joins Fortuna. 50MM less for VV, so it would 250MM or 40MM over Delos. Fortuna would go up to 130MM in the last 7 days, almost to the PP level. Let's make a summary in a table so that it seems more clear :

As we can see, Vae Victis remain very stable and powerful, even with the departure of two of its biggest members. The most powerful alliance of the game remain the same. But it would be much less certain of his dominion. Each day, she should fight to keep his conquests, much more than today. Now we dwell on other alliances. Today, all alliances are united in an anti VV coalition. With such a balance in terms of damage, everything would be possible. The anti-VV Front, consolidating the relations with these countries, although plagued by often different, and stabilizes the current situation. With this theoretical division, everything would be possible. 5 alliance with small alliances would then have their importance (epic battles where every million helps promote the integration of these small alliances and small countries). We could then imagine a new geopolitics.
Imagine then strained and more interesting situations. The Alliance VV internal war because of its RW, Delos trying to enjoy it, but is attacked by Fre United, which itself starts a conflict with Fortuna. Penis Pussy sees this as an opportunity to acquire new territory and tackles Fortuna. Vae Victis and has great views of the Peruvian territory, and therefore attempted an attack. This seems crazy. Just to imagine, I have a headache. But yet, it is a geopolitical situation far more complex and interesting than we would see there. Alliances p treaties, would break friendships create new ones. Let us now point by point that this may change.
Diplomacy : Diplomatically, maintain relationships with friends, create new and negotiate for hours would be the culmination of these changes. Discussions between alliances would be much more interesting than they are currently. Actually, two allied alliances could then draw in the legs directly after. Each country would try to pull out of the game. And the small countries would finally be included in all this new smaller alliances born around larger countries. The birth of "spheres of influence" as in all good games Paradox would then naturally, big countries seeking to develop their smaller friends could create, for a limited time, small alliances to accompany such! The exit and entry alliances would not definitively, on the contrary. The temporality of all this would be key to the success of such a change. Nothing will ever be eternal, the policy will be moving, and overnight, the apparently stable situations could escalate.
Economy : The rarest bonus would be played and p from hand to hand. A day Delos, the other Fortuna, the other Penis Pussy. And then the next day I do not know USSR or any other country. Small bonus would of course also their importance to develop smaller countries alliances. economically, such a change would bring the weaker countries need territories to begin to recover. There would be a real interest in acquiring new bonuses. Taxes would be moving, and variable production. 100% Countries could the next to fall to 60%. The markets will have to fight to stay competitive, major dominant powers trying to economically fight the four alliances. A financial arrangements system then would emerge, prompting alliance members to buy and sell on the market of another country member of the alliance. But if tomorrow the country X in United Fre is offered a better economic offer within Penis Pussy, then this one would have a reason to switch sides, if desired. The war would not only territorial. With the end of bipolarity, the economy would find a real interest: take the military ascendancy.
War : Today, small countries only serve the interests of large and separate launch RW, nothing happens. With a system of several alliances as I exposed you, wars would also be useful for small countries. Many fronts would be created, small countries against small countries, big countries against large countries. Tactical management would greatly privileged to manage all the damage in the same place. Today when there is war, it is one that will tap the strongest, and not he who had the best strategic vision of the situation. Besides the clutches in RW, there is nothing tactics. If what I exposed you succeeded, managing X fronts between such and such an alliance would be the top priority, so that the damage is at best divided between the various MU different countries. Strategic management would win wars, not only the initial power available.
All this seems totally unrealistic. And it is for us, the players, to work to make it work. To you, President of your country, to become aware of the interest of such a proposal so that your players are fun to play and to invest in your country. It's you, a member of HQ alliance, think about this for cooperation between your country has a purpose. It's you, VV or affiliate, to make you realize that your perpetual domination is a ruin of the potential of a game like eRevollution. It's you, anti VV or affiliate, understand that once VV distributed more equitably, your friend can become your enemy for fun and do not summarize your actions typing mortal enemy. For there is no enemy. We are not in real life. Dominate without reason is useless. Fight without reason is useless. The fun takes all together. So let's start to work together for a more egalitarian and therefore more interesting play. We are not in real life but in a game. Anything is possible. And it is up to YOU to realize it, and implement it. Long live the Fair Play and fun! Long live ERevollution!
Thanks to Jean Epsilon for the English Version.
GovernadorHadrielКоментари (39)

Version française s il vous plait monsieur.

[EN/FR] Collective awakening : https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/26168

I have not comprended

And 2 seconds later, you join the strongest alliance of this game.

Bon voyage chez un pays membre de VV, tu équilibres un peu le jeu la, merci à toi !

Ca sent le message qui a été effacé, quelqu un manque couille ? Faut aller chercher renifleurdecouille pour lui en trouver

Penis pussy alliance 

Humm. Well written article, good imagination. But let me tell you what is going to happen If what you suggest become real. Oh actually there is actual version of your proposal. France left Vae Victis in order to create new alliance and bring the fun, right? Portugal and Paraguay also said, when they created Fortuna, that they will seek fun and there will be no coalition. In that perfect situation that you suggested, there should not be any coalition between alliances then, but I dont see anyone fighting each others. You cannot propose seperation of VVA because it is not different alliance, all those members are also member of Vae Victis. But nevermind, for a second lets say 3-4 countries left Vae Victis and created new alliance. In that case, do you really believe that all those alliances will fight agaisnt each others? Hell no. They will all group-up to come over us again. You know this very well but you are just trying old British tactic. You know that no country from our side would jump in to Delos or whatever so you are trying to advertise that situation which is like there will be 6 alliances and all of them will be fighting against each others, while the reality is you are just trying to drag few countries from Vae Victis so that you may have a chance. Voted for effort.

Hi Kinyas ! I understand but really, mate, this is not the idea. I don t want to defeat VV or Delos or any alliance. I just want more equality in this game. I propose you to contact me on Discord if you want, I ll can prove you that this is not against VV, but for Fair Play and Game ! 

Dommage que l esprit ne soit pas suivi des faits.
Grosse déception.

France getting ready for surrender and thinking up some excuses

Aller salut ^^ Moi qui t ai défendu quand tu te faisait impeach pdt ton mandat, alors que c est vrai tu avais vraiment pris le melon lorsque tu étais CP. Voila que maintenant tu nous la met bien profond
Super amuse toi bien avec les turques aux USA, en France ceux qui avaient confiance en toi t ont déjà oublié...

@kinyas , Portugal and Fortuna had no coalition with any other alliance until very recently.
You say that you did not see FORTUNA fighting another alliance?
Where were you when, for example, Portugal attacked South Korea, a member of FU?
If at this moment FORTUNA is at war with VV, it is because VV attacked one of ours and because you wanted this war with FORTUNA.
Was VV who decided to make FORTUNA an enemy alliance . This was not a decision of FORTUNA, it was your fault and you know it well.
I think this should be clear for all.

Just dont upset kinyas please. My poor heart cant go through another farewell letter..

Lol skynet haha

Last war VV had with France emptied their inventory stocks. If they just continued the war for a week or 2, they would have started winning. But they signed peace agreements and NAPs, thus giving VV chance to restock those supplies.

Or weak countries try to advertise the game to its country citizens and bring more active players, then organize and play like a man in order to defend its place on the map. There no need Robin Hood , who are actually admins right now playing , if all of you know how to play. But sadly , you cannot and that is how this paper above born..

@emperor demon lee: that or a conglomerate of farmers rule the world, using the One-NAP-at-a-time tactic to protect their prod bonuses

@Biskvit how do you know all this? It aint fair sharing it tho.

@kinyas if what Mano said happen, as I told it many time since a month, I would personally put an end to the coalition and start a multipolar world and not a bipolar as it have been until now in this game.
But we all perfectly know that VV want to keep his superiority and that they won t do a thing to save the game.
Now, You (VV) are the one who attacked Fortuna and you wonder why the join the coallition against you ? Same thing for FU : You have more than 50% of game damages, every bonuses, 20 countries and among these 20 countries there are the strongest one.
And you wonder why every alliances join hand against VV ? Are you kidding me ? Dude it s as if VV were the 3rd Reich, invade Poland and then wonder why France, UK, USA and so on attacked em xD
Open your eyes guys, a world with 5 or 6 Alliances of almost same power would be awesome but, yeah, nevermind Cause I know that we ll have to fix the VV s problem manually by using the strength.
So now just stop to be an hypocrite dude and take your responsibilities as a man...

@Kinyas dont be hypocrita, you were the one who threatened us in the past when ALiANZA attacked Brazil. Now you forget it?

No chance of victory = no fun VV is slowly killing the game and has a huge responsability

@Kinyas: sorry but that`s a whole bunch of crap, my friend. Fortuna even started a campaign vs South Korea, member of FU. It was VV who attacked Fortuna. If anything, it`s VV`s fault if Fortuna is not neutral anymore. Fortuna is just doing what one should do when attacked: fight back. Maybe it is VV who should rethink the approach on Foreign Diplomacy. Oh but wait, that`s something dead because everyone is afraid of trying something new and prefer to farm. 

I know the definition of your neutrality. You know very well that I dont buy it.

Well, no one buys you, Kinyas.

I know your neutrality too, kinyas.

just make pressure on romania and they will change sides like always.

c est nul, objectivement.



It s fun to see guys flamming other about being noob in this.game while there is less strategy than in call of duty...

Voted. Great article, but I ask: who, here in game, really wants to left the comfort zone?

I just like the penis pussy alliance

we did filipinohero

Grandes Logros exigen Grandes sacrificios, VV mantiene supremacia por su organizacion y manera de veer el espectro completo, nosotros debemos repensar nuestras estrategias, y nuestras metas...

No puedo creer que sean tan llorones.

Nice try France, nice try. But it wont fly 

I m not french in Game but american 

Talking about equality. Becoming a member of Vae Victis. Credibility : 0