Westeros Raven

Walen - Вестник от Lithuania -

Публикувана в Lithuania - Политически дебати и анализи - 24 Apr 2017 18:04 - 22


Hello everyone!

Through this article the governments of Latvia and Lithuania announces the achievement of an Non-Aggresion Pact between our nations under the following conditions:

1. Latvia and Lithuania agrees to do not attack each other while this NAP is valid.
2. Lithuania agrees to return the occupied core regions of Latvia.
3. Latvia and Lithuania will ensure to work in future TWs when both countries are not involved in direct wars.
4. Latvia agrees to do not attack any Fortuna country while this NAP is valid.
5. Fortuna alliance agrees to do not attack Latvia while this NAP is valid.
6. This NAP have validation of 3 months, startig at April 25 and expiring on July 24, 2017.

Necessary signatures:
Walen, Lithuanian Grand Duke.
Le Moose, Latvian President.
Marcial, Supreme Commander of Fortuna.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Flag_of_Lithuania.svg/120px-Flag_of_Lithuania.svg.png      https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/84/Flag_of_Latvia.svg/120px-Flag_of_Latvia.svg.png


Mee6GigaKavehhenriqueporAncestralGranikusThe Last Lynx Pardinus

Коментари (22)

Signed, Lithuanian Grand Duke.
Signed, Supreme Commander of Fortuna
Respect to both parts Smile
Signed, Latvian President.
nice fight...respect Latvians !
signed EReJS-Georgian king!
signed SoFa of Fortuna Cheeky
that was a nice war
very long term
where is VV?? i thought that VV member can not do any nap without aliance
Where do i sign ?
For Tuna o7
O7 zirgo galvas
Long live to brotherhood. Hope to see Lithuania and Latvia allies again. o/
Signed, an anonymous Fortuna soldier
Fortuna o7
Lietuva o7
Signed o7
Hail Granikus the lonely soldier that counts like a country
Nice, hail Fortuna and good luck for both countries!