Pismo Nieobiektywne

No Pasaran!

Публикувана в Germany - Военен анализ - 22 May 2017 02:49 - 16

Hello my Dear Ones!
I would like to ask how it goes Your Blitzkrieg?
When You proclaim victory after You reach our colonies, i was wondering how little You need to eat:

Poland need much more, and we do not stop:

Remember one thing: A real man learns after he finishes, not how he begins.

CWP! o7


Dainichi NyoraiKinyasKinyasKinyasKinyasKinyaskptBomba

Коментари (16)

oh gio10, u grow some ()(), how does it suits you xD
This sounds really seriously.
Well it goes very well, you had 20 regins after 2 day 6, then 2, now your master gave you 2 more, but its just a matter of time that you are gonna be wiped
Antinarodni promise me more Blitzkrieg, You @Peaky promise me wipe. Earlier, You promise me never DoW me first. Stop promising, start doing it
All they can do is empty threat. Months ago they said Poland will be wiped and then they spent half of year wiped.
gio plz a 30 ppl country drop ya to your cores and you had to get every NE of VV to stop usWink you should be embarassed to celebrate thisWink
@DrethGar, You mean that 30 refugees? https://www.erevollution.com/en/citizenship/26/2/1
Those players are our players sent to world to spread our word and they come back to their motherland (well not true, we told them that they could have Poland to play with)
Not true, non of them are German in RL Laugh
We are not talking about RL here, its a game gio, you didnt get that so far
History goes around. You cant even won sigle battle against USA, but Your wise, saint government want to rule in Poland? Dont You see we doing it so much better whan You doing Yours work in Germany?
http://prntscr.com/fb8iio Kinyas if feeling pity for you poor loland and giving you cc, so you won t bother them again.