Публикувана в Georgia - Военен анализ - 02 Jun 2017 02:43 - 12
Hello e-world,
here I am again this time to make some suggestions to developers and hear your opinion on these:
1. A small change but why not? Now when writing a message or an article you can not use the ''apostrophe'' so when I type I'm (short version of I am) it is seen as I m, it is mostly a change so the messages and articles have a better view instead of being full of non-sense gaps.
2. I think it is kinda ''unfair'' or lets say lack of strategic thinking being able to set a Defense System to a region which is already under attack. This means if country A attacks region C of country B, then country B is able to set a DS even after the battle has started. This is making their life easier because they dont have to set any DS beforehand and make a plan of where to set each one of them so they dont waste them. But thats unfair for country A which prefered to attack a region not that well organised and get advantage from it. In this way, everyone can have a stock of 1-2 DS , depending on their neighbours and regions, and set them only after they get attacked to a specific region. In addition, country B can drain damage from country A in the first place by letting them do some damage to build a wall, set their DO there and then put a q5 DS and start fighting. Country A would have already done some damage and would have 2 option:
a. Retriet and just ignore the damage they dealt to that battle before country B set their DS
b. Keep fighting, losing much damage due to the DS reducing their damage per hit, in order to try and win country B.
3. I was browsing some articles a few days ago and watched the comment section. There were a few insulting comments but there was no ''Report button in order to report those comments. The same happens with the Global Chat, you can hide a message but cant report it.
4. While writing this article I figured out that the options ''Orderered List'' and Unordered List are not working either.
Don't hesitate to give me your feedback guys, lets make eRevollution an even greater game.
here I am again this time to make some suggestions to developers and hear your opinion on these:
1. A small change but why not? Now when writing a message or an article you can not use the ''apostrophe'' so when I type I'm (short version of I am) it is seen as I m, it is mostly a change so the messages and articles have a better view instead of being full of non-sense gaps.
2. I think it is kinda ''unfair'' or lets say lack of strategic thinking being able to set a Defense System to a region which is already under attack. This means if country A attacks region C of country B, then country B is able to set a DS even after the battle has started. This is making their life easier because they dont have to set any DS beforehand and make a plan of where to set each one of them so they dont waste them. But thats unfair for country A which prefered to attack a region not that well organised and get advantage from it. In this way, everyone can have a stock of 1-2 DS , depending on their neighbours and regions, and set them only after they get attacked to a specific region. In addition, country B can drain damage from country A in the first place by letting them do some damage to build a wall, set their DO there and then put a q5 DS and start fighting. Country A would have already done some damage and would have 2 option:
a. Retriet and just ignore the damage they dealt to that battle before country B set their DS
b. Keep fighting, losing much damage due to the DS reducing their damage per hit, in order to try and win country B.
3. I was browsing some articles a few days ago and watched the comment section. There were a few insulting comments but there was no ''Report button in order to report those comments. The same happens with the Global Chat, you can hide a message but cant report it.
4. While writing this article I figured out that the options ''Orderered List'' and Unordered List are not working either.
Don't hesitate to give me your feedback guys, lets make eRevollution an even greater game.
TopSecretG 4 M p3trOs V E RmavidoritosКоментари (12)


#2. im not sure how that things work, but if it is the way you said, than its totally wrong, and i fully agree with you.

TopSecret it is the way I mentioned above unfortunately. I figured out in the war Croatia-Georgia, we did 6B while they had no DS last night, now they put DS and they dealt 10B....but that is just an example.

Tzampa ta grapses! Den 8a ta efarmosoun

go back to your farm please and continue farming not every country has unlimited number of ds to plant everywhere imagine France or USA with over 20 regions what strategy should they have for setting ds??enemies can attack them almost in at least 10 fronts again fail article

Agreed. Construction works in a battled region? How the hell?? Who cares for the US-s or France-s many regions. They do not deserve that many to begin with.

Kaveh then they shouldnt have so many regions. Everyone should have the regions they can hold, isnt it unfair for a guy to drop like 1B himself to a battle and then see a q5 DS against him? what about the gold,LK he spent?
You guys want everything to be easy and cheap right? If you dont have that many DS to secure 10 regions then don t have them 

it is their core regions omg who taught you to play this game -_-

So what? Lose them , why should everyone get fooled so a country keeps core regions?
No one taught me, im selftaught, did u pay classes?

V + S, agree with #1,34 bro. But I see the DS as a mechanism to balance out the battles between bigger and smaller countries/alliances. The fact that you can only use them to defend yourself tell me they are use as passive aggressive. It doesn;t give you any extra advantage if you want to attack so if a country want to take your region they have to work extra hard for it. The fact that Georgia made 6bil before Cro placed the DS was actually a good strategy as they were able to deal a large amount of damage before the DS was placed. They were just not able to make the home stretch

yes but Croatia dealt 9B after they placed the DS when Georgia was still at 6B and at the OP the damage reached 17B on both sides with the difference Georgia dealt 11B with a q5 DS and Croatia 8B. but georgia lost for 500M. We spent 25% more energy,helis,LK etc. to make the same damage against a not so weak country.
It may be useful for weaker countries but we cant make the whole game based on the weak unfortunately, maybe fix it somehow so both sides are advantaged (weak and stronger)
