Публикувана в Croatia - Социална и забавна - 03 Aug 2017 04:23 - 57
Even tho croatians on thsi game are our enemies, on RL we are brothers.Like tomorrow 22 yeasr ago operation oluja started and brought independence to Croatia from the terrorist yugoslav federation.We honor all the brave men who fought and died for theior country and 2000 albanian voulenteers who joined tho operation
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As much as i respect this gesture, we aint your brothers

we aint your brothers ... Kosovo is Serbia !

and please keep TL out of the game !


@mafni like in every war,enemies leave their puppies back. U r one of them

Keep TL out of the game x 1000

@bob serbs do it all the time. Out of 4 Serbian articles, 5 cry about Kosovo

And all albanian newspapers say for kosovo. You have and avatars of UCK how u call it... whatever

At least we don t cry online

you can report them, this is game. If you want to kill each other fine. Find some place and do it. But leave us to play.
Dont misunderstand me, I think that KosMet is Serbia, Skhodra is Montenegro. But this is not the place to express my opinion about TL/RL

When refugees from Carpathian mountains want land on balkans kek

Sidrit wanna talk for the albanian refugees in greece?

Yes they who made u independent in 1821


If weren t arvanites now u would be turkish republic of Greece 

LoL u know history. Congrats.

Petros pease dont talk more you are just 13 years old now. When you readed the history?


Not bros, sorry Aljbaner

I agree that with some Croatian people, that Albanians and Croats are not bros. Albanian origin in this part of Europe is dating in last 10 thousand years. Croats and Serbs are same origin from Russia around 6 or 7 century. They are same people different religion. As such Serbs and Croats are brothers who hate, fight and kill each other in real life.

OFC Albanians came from Mars, before that they lived on Antlantis, LOL @Adriano Miftaraj

well actually illyrians migrated in the balkans in 2000 BC (that is still less than 10k )

Tomi i know more that u think
Ps im 15 njab

weeeew hes so old

yeah, u are Illyrians as much as fyromians are descendants of Alexander the Great...

Explain our language and culture then

o7 together against Serbian fascist and imperialistic empire

Shiptars were brought here by ottomans from kavkazian albania, you are not ilirs no matter how hard your leaders and fake history claims you to be.

Albanian language is IE language, DNA tests show that we dont have g halpogroup (Caucasian) but E1 and j2(Mediterranean) also Albanian refugees in italy (pre Ottoman invasion called arberesh ) speak tosk Albanian

On S.A.E results albanian language have one of the highest score in Europe

As for brought by turks, Albanian language borrowed around 2k words from turks, on the other side Serbs took 8k(that s 4times more if u haven t realizes yet) and Serbs to take independence from turks made only 2 uprisings on the other hand all other Balkan nations did over 150 each. PS: Serbia became most loyal Turkish vassal breaking plans for crusade of varna (but u r kid and have no ide what your ancestors did for Ottomans)

Albanians came from the Caucasus and modern day albanians are a mix of turks, caucasus savages and gypsies.

essein give some proves

Go and kill yourself ... Please !!! Right now ...

Albanians dont exist.

@sidrit007 you just proved that you don t know history and these infos you have are totaly false. How is feeling when you know that your whole history is fake? 

A cool article fucked for RL issues...

Albanians dont exist.

Oluja o7
hail albania !

Ivan I have a history PhD in univerusty of viena dude how I m wrong XD

Albania is so fake as fyrom o.O fyralbania

Said from a guy from former ottoman republic of Greece


@sidrit for example explain Caucasian albania. Honestly, i would like to see article about that with your (albanian) view on subject.

I guess people
in eRevolution are very stupid and or ignorant, or they pretending so. It is obvious from the historians who Albanians are, which origin they are, which language they have, its origin, etc. I guess people in this game they are specialzed in two fields playing this game and watching porn. Thug life. Guys it is not shamefull to read, te explore also something out of watching porn and playing eRevollution. Grow up. Explore the world.

so, when someone mention something you dont like, you can only respond with insults?? clap clap clap clap


ahahahah albanians are well known as people of the book, Europe is proud of their great writers and scientists? What? Albania has no writers and scientists? okay...

Topsecret, albanians of Caucasus have g halpogroup and are not indo european, their language is Uralic they looked like central Asians. Romans card the Albanians bcs of the mountains (alp) on the other hand Albanians on the Balkan took their name from Illyrian tribe called albanoii (capital albanopolis nowadays krujë). U say albanians were brought by turks, now explain me why albanian refuges in Italy pre Ottoman invasion speak Albanian??

U keep saying that we are caucasians, I challange u who will give first reasonaboe facts from reliable sources about this I ll give him/her 100 gold, good luck

According to the most reliable source there is, the great historians of the University of Tirana, Albanians came 2500 years ago from Atlantis, and they explain Illyrians being white and Albanians brown by the scorching heats of Atlantis xD

essein why when u write i think the man after this acc is nick crompton XD