Публикувана в Serbia - Социална и забавна - 25 Sep 2017 11:25 - 13
XanderB A T A S H AMiLeNaAaAaКоментари (13)

News from eRevollution World - https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/29483


V + s

These changes will kill the game :/ New players have no chance, and most important economy, prices and shooting will go down!! New players cant make quick money throught medals, so no TC, no companies etc..And old players who have some saved gold can invest in something, but is it profitable? NO! Salaries will go down and all will collapse! :/ p.s. congrats again Mahailo! o7

v c


TP change will kill economy, players wont be able to fight thus they wont buy anything, producers wont be able to sell, and it will lead to people fighting and using only what they have. Markets will die, country currency will be at best 200cc/1g, so MM will be killed as well. Only thing that will be left intact is political module , but with rest dieing out and players being forced not to interact with each other they (we) will start leaving game and by Christmas if it stays like this i can put my money on game being dead and burred.

igra otisla u qurac...dvoklik od sada

Ja sam odmah po citanju otisao u dvoklik 😁 ni gold pack necu da kupujem 😁
