Публикувана в Serbia - Социална и забавна - 27 Sep 2017 13:20 - 39
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Interview with Sekulla - https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/29540


šta kažu brt oće da poskupi paprika 

Mene interesuje gde mogu da se kupe jeftino kavurma i cvarci? 

What does p2w mean?

Pay to win

Jok samo sargarepa I svargla

We did not say no to TG upgrade, just did not wanted to have all at the same time.

Thanks Dora


Btw this hame gives 1 bh per battle. Compared to 20+ that other elite games like this give out. You are not comparing apples to apples. Other than that I am tired of wasting my time going in circules talking about why this was all done wrong regardless if there was a problem with the game or not

A na nasem?
Ne znamo svi engleski

https://www.erevollution.com/tr/article/29542 New Proposal to ADMIN share and like

With all due respect, you cant blame player for mistakes done on your part. Sure its impossible to make everyone happy, but in first place without any thinking you made move that killed game in one way, than you after we complained, you went in total opposite way and made bo-bo with inflation. Btw about year and half ago i warned about inflation and economy, map (example that i gave was implemented in game and albania + FYROM got extra regions), gave few suggestion how and what to do to avoid it, and how to avoid overproduction, and Biskvit told me that you guys know what you are doing. I deleted articles as i didnt see point warning you any more. I will say one more time, if you want to stop inflation and have some revenue to support game, get away from selling gold and use alternative ways, and there is plenty of ways to do it.

@PericSS i ja bas to htio napisat, pivo popilo i ono malo.ato.sam znao.

v c

sekulo piz*a si.... ://

Ako se secate tg5 i dodatnih strateških zgrada bila je opcija gde su igraci mogli da glasaju i iskazu sta su zeleli glasali ste protiv i proslo je (igracu su uvek upravu i postujemo njihove odluke).Problem kod kalkulisanja dmg za TA TP TR i TN sto nije bio dovoljno testiran i na kraju ispadalo da su davali previse golda da je cinilo da BH medalja bude beskorisna, zato smo uveli nov koji smo pokusali da prilagodimo da do 100te medalje bute 250mil, 200te bude 500mil i od 300 pa nadalje bude 1 bil, kada smo vratili na staro pojavila se razlika izmedju osvojenih medalja i ukupnog dmg kojeg ste uradili. (dalje me mrzi da prevodim) xD

So much bs, I need 10 minutes thinking to find better ideas than how all that was and is handled.

If this is so, Erevollution is undone, for good.

Trying to justify a stupid action with a even more stupid solution....

This font gave me cancer

lol admins braindead or someting? XD

@Yaee a gdje glasanje za tri stvari moze biti pravedno, vise je ukupno bilo izglasabo da se hoce promjena,


the game is now working very well, almost everybody is happy, now admins need to find a way to make profit with a non game killer update


The main issue is income bigger than outgoing. Fully capitalist system is not working on long term. If you earn more golds with your own golds by the system given, at last you will not need anything from the market or another players. Solution of medals may work, but after 1,5 years radical changes like this can drive people crazy this is expected reaction.
What must be done ? New type of buildings, system can bring and force players to spend their golds over there but not just for a once. Daily, there should be costs for having that power everyday. If you are active you are all good if not no golds. In time you can achive to change medal system even. Super soldier medal for what ? Bringing second tg and formula is still from the beginning. Even that is hype golds ingame.
Admins afraid of devolution and they are right, but solution is not like this as i said. Bringing some new things requires daily costs.. key mechanisms. Regards

Remember when certain individuals abused the *bug* of being able to buy Heli Companies Q1 without getting all the way to having a Weap Q5 + Tank Q5 Company? What did admins do? Nothing. This made it possible for regular players having 50 Q1 Heli Comps while other regular players where still on Q1 to Q3 weaps. This was the beginning of the end for this game and I believe this happened in the 4th month. So keep blaming players pls
It`s obviously none of admins fault.

remove menager work in company,only raw comp possible menager work 

solutions are there, plenty of them, question is how much players are ready to give up as well how much admin is ready to work with community. Ages ago i said we need to limit companies including raw. Many ware against that, and that made me to prove them wrong, as single person about month ago i was producing about 130 000 raw alone (now i produce bit less as i have desolved some raw few weeks back), .. That is lots of overproduction.., for example i was producing wep raw and its used to make Q5 helies, thats enough to cover work for 325 workers or 162 double work.. 1 guy.. Imagine now just 10 people like that can cover raw need of entire country like Serbia . I would give up all of it to get game back balanced there, question is who else would ???

@ancestral when that happen game was only about month old, after that we got imo horrible disbalanced map, simple copied from other game, and that heli + map was reason for me not to spend more money and not to take game seriously, even tho in general i play few other games and in 2 im regular supporter ( or as some will say visa player), just i dint see this value in investing in this game. Have to say com community is great and thats what keeps many of us here.

This is the solution I offered to admin yesterday:
Hello Mr Admin,
Let me offer you a quick solution to this mess.
You had better get yourselves together if you do not want this game die. Of course, if you had had just that in mind with this update then nevermind.
First, a rollback is needed. The sooner the better, as between the two times every effort of us here is in vain.
Second, announce a gradual medal devaluation. This way you do not even need to readjust medal gain formulas. Set up a date and lower True Patriot medal reward by 0.2 gold and True Ally Reward by 0.1 gold every week until they reach 3 and 1.5 gold respectively in 10 weeks. It is up to you but I think these values would be reasonable. Sea Legend and True Revolutionary medal rewards are all right, I think, so those should not be touched at all.
Third, in the future announce EVERY change and well BEFORE it actually gets implemented. No more ninja adjustments! Bad communication and immediate implementation were the key mistakes you had committed with this update. Never do this again - just remember how you had done weapons damage readjustment last year: in three steps, with ample time between each one.
I really hope I could help you. You must act quickly, however.
Best regards,

High levels of Engrish released. Eye protection must be worn in this area.

You could have made a better game than original, but made it worse.
You are worse than IRL politicians...

Sekula promasio si 2 od 3

Lower the threshold of break when purchasing gold so the common man can afford to support the game. IF i could actually get some gold for 10$ i would be able to support game. At 80$ i cannot.Sorry.

Lower the threshold of break when purchasing gold so the common man can afford to support the game. IF i could actually get some gold for 10$ i would be able to support game. At 80$ i cannot.Sorry.

Interesting Interview, voted, but this solution and no rollback were bad news, afterall the solution was not properly communicated to players