Публикувана в Israel - Социална и забавна - 16 Jan 2018 15:42 - 17
Hi all,
I've been keeping my thoughts to myself mostly about this game but I have to say something. I wish to address things in a rational way and see what people think.
let's start with basic facts we should face when we look for a better game experience . If anyone think otherwise please comment on this:
1. A lot of people has left the game due to changes in the last months
2. The game is not adding new players
3. The game admins gets a lot of critic from players
with these facts let's look at recent changes. adding the 2k field hospital and equipment and some more changes has caused these affects:
1. Price for ammo(mainly heli and ships q5) has risen due to extra energy
2. Price for food has risen due to extra energy consumption
3. Prices on house has fallen due to their new value in adding to energy bar
although these changes did rocked the boat a bit and caused players to adopt and try succeed and made it interesting.
But what are the affects of that on the 3 basic facts we stated we need to face and change? not a lot.
Also there have been small changes that weren't announced like the rest. I will apologize now if it was announced, please correct me on this.
the last change to the DO reward for example.
One more major thing in my eye is changing training to gold from cc.
That has caused the local currency to have a constant surplus due to lack of % used for training. That affect in my eyes is devasting
The recent events with admins has caused a lot of anger among players with good reason. Without addressing outer game events there is a feeling among the players that the admins do not care about this game anymore. It is reflected in many ways, such as the abandoned game forum and it's suggestion posts. rewards which are not thought through and more.
I am not here to blame and burn people on stakes. I wish to think what can be done.
I think all players can agree that should be a good and open connection with admins. Call me naive since I am here only a year and to be honest I'm not high up the ranks to know what is really going on but I see it as an imperative goal, which should be sought for by players and admins both
I think suggestions of players should be taken seriously and have more affect on the game. I hope that this will first stop the bleeding of good and active players from the game.
The second stage in my eyes should be concentrating on bringing new players and balance it with veterans. there will be changes to make, but it can only happen if we achieve the goals in my suggestions and together with players thing of the necessary changes most, and I say most but not all can agree to.
There will be a lot of mess and misleading information and personal agenda's. already there are a lot of differences in the game that makes it routine and boring that can never be changes, such as the differences between large and small countries.
But if we want to keep play this game we must rise above this and do what is best of the game. Admins as well should make an effort in joining the players.
We need to understand that changes can create a mess for players and admins a like. to change all of this is money that should be payed to people by admins but there are a lot of players who payed in order to advance in this game and are rightly so angry.
This is a call to all those who imagine good can still come from this game. and I will posts any suggestions people made in the comment in order to help people advance in the discussion.
So, Fellow gamers in arms.
What do you think?
1. TopSecret - change the economic module of the game
2. Iron Fist - doubling the amount of work that a person could do if they had a house pack from 2 to 4
3. Fururufarara - Restart the game every X years, keeping companies and equip (not gold, cc or weapons). So new players can join and be someone with full str and int
I've been keeping my thoughts to myself mostly about this game but I have to say something. I wish to address things in a rational way and see what people think.
let's start with basic facts we should face when we look for a better game experience . If anyone think otherwise please comment on this:
1. A lot of people has left the game due to changes in the last months
2. The game is not adding new players
3. The game admins gets a lot of critic from players
with these facts let's look at recent changes. adding the 2k field hospital and equipment and some more changes has caused these affects:
1. Price for ammo(mainly heli and ships q5) has risen due to extra energy
2. Price for food has risen due to extra energy consumption
3. Prices on house has fallen due to their new value in adding to energy bar
although these changes did rocked the boat a bit and caused players to adopt and try succeed and made it interesting.
But what are the affects of that on the 3 basic facts we stated we need to face and change? not a lot.
Also there have been small changes that weren't announced like the rest. I will apologize now if it was announced, please correct me on this.
the last change to the DO reward for example.
One more major thing in my eye is changing training to gold from cc.
That has caused the local currency to have a constant surplus due to lack of % used for training. That affect in my eyes is devasting
The recent events with admins has caused a lot of anger among players with good reason. Without addressing outer game events there is a feeling among the players that the admins do not care about this game anymore. It is reflected in many ways, such as the abandoned game forum and it's suggestion posts. rewards which are not thought through and more.
I am not here to blame and burn people on stakes. I wish to think what can be done.
I think all players can agree that should be a good and open connection with admins. Call me naive since I am here only a year and to be honest I'm not high up the ranks to know what is really going on but I see it as an imperative goal, which should be sought for by players and admins both
I think suggestions of players should be taken seriously and have more affect on the game. I hope that this will first stop the bleeding of good and active players from the game.
The second stage in my eyes should be concentrating on bringing new players and balance it with veterans. there will be changes to make, but it can only happen if we achieve the goals in my suggestions and together with players thing of the necessary changes most, and I say most but not all can agree to.
There will be a lot of mess and misleading information and personal agenda's. already there are a lot of differences in the game that makes it routine and boring that can never be changes, such as the differences between large and small countries.
But if we want to keep play this game we must rise above this and do what is best of the game. Admins as well should make an effort in joining the players.
We need to understand that changes can create a mess for players and admins a like. to change all of this is money that should be payed to people by admins but there are a lot of players who payed in order to advance in this game and are rightly so angry.
This is a call to all those who imagine good can still come from this game. and I will posts any suggestions people made in the comment in order to help people advance in the discussion.
So, Fellow gamers in arms.
What do you think?
1. TopSecret - change the economic module of the game
2. Iron Fist - doubling the amount of work that a person could do if they had a house pack from 2 to 4
3. Fururufarara - Restart the game every X years, keeping companies and equip (not gold, cc or weapons). So new players can join and be someone with full str and int
AncestralrontowGuinadasPTTopSecretplopnagant895Captain HarlockКоментари (17)

Ok. Let me just read all of this...

LOL, sorry about this. a habit.
5 gold to the first player who is tell me which is word no. 685 

So.. some stuff.. first: there is only 1 admin now. Second: bringing new players would only work if they would have a jumpstart on stg/int... Like 7k each or something. And we All know what would really happen: no real new players. Just endless waves of new pumped multies to the already huge multi armies that exist here. Btw, expect new training grounds and second strategy buildings soon, now that people dumped all their gold 

@Ancestral not necessarily-
if they somehow manage to bring in a MASS of players, double the amount we have today, we won t need any jumpstarts for the new players- almost every player will be equal, beside for the strong, old players, who will be seen as POWERFUL AS F**K. they will all be like a swarm of small mosquitos

@ancestral Thank you for your thoughts and new info.
What you are talking about in my eyes is one of many changes need to be done, specially to add new players but that is still 2-3 phase.
We and the admin have to cooperate. Open talks that everyone can see and comment is important in order to agree and make the necessary changes to fulfill our goals for new and old players a like

over year and half ago, i wrote paper and one of subject was this, and i said only way for game to survive , progress and attract new players is if admin stop seling gold for real money and instead use alternative ways to obtain RL_CC. I also gave few suggestion what he could do, one was for example better interaction from main page.. Put it simple something like premium account.. Than i wrought at least dosen examples what and how to do, but admin decided to go this way.. imo GOLD for cash is killing this game more than anything.

This is not my suggestion, but one i really liked the other day from someone else. Forgive me for forgetting who it was. I am paraphrasing so I may have some of the details incorrect, but basically they had the idea of doubling the amount of work that a person could do if they had a house pack from 2 to 4 works.

@topSecret Which alternatives can be made? can you expand on that?
Also, let s not forget this game is still a business and changing it s economic module is not our call.
But we are the customers in this freemium game and without listening to the clients a business can t last these days.
The community that built this game to what it is should be used to change this game for the better

Restart the game every X years, keeping companies and equip (not gold, cc or weapons).
So new players can join and be someone with full str and int.

voted cuzz sexy bob wrote it o7

685th word in this text is do
Waiting for 5G 

All this game needed is a regular events this is a major war module game and there is no events for it. Event with good rewards make things much more interesting rather than a regular boring alliance stuff 🙂

Dying game need structural, not cosmetic changes. 1. If the owners are tired of this game, they should sold it and let the new owners to attempt to change something (also part selling and bringing new admins is possible solution)
2. Game reset is ok, but must be elaborated - reset of strength, intelligence, military rank, TC, industry... all of it or just a part (I don t believe that all of it is good move, in situation when some players invested RL money to build TC or industry. Taking this away will make them unhappy and very likely we will lose here more players) 3. Game needs evolution of warfare and economy module 4. Idea about house impact on work is good. Implementing work tickets and marketplace for them is even better. This two together are good combination.
Thanks cOSHI for the good article!

@shenici sent 

@jellal As always you are touching the correct spots. this game needs a structural change. Also any change must be thought through very carefully as you said.
I think that it all comes down to one thing. the admin. what does he wants to do with the game.
Is there anyone in direct contact with him?

@cOSHi thx o7

@cOSHi, well i already gave you one example, many could and would pay to get better setup page, so call it premium account, but possibilities how and what to include are endless. And yes game need money to survive, thats why i said alternative ways of making money and not as in game currency at least not as important as gold or cc. Admin or one of Admins, did sent me PM after my article and said just that they know what they are doing. I respect that and it was enough for me to stop trying to give them ideas, thats why i have deleted all articles up to that point, and there was few of them. Anyway, from what i can see, game didnt progress and admin was wrong..