Публикувана в Turkey - Социална и забавна - 01 Mar 2016 06:07 - 41
Hello to all you dear citizens,
We have several changes to announce. First and most important is Signing a peace treaty. Some countries have been in war long enough, and want to bury the war hatchets, they can now do it with the new Peace Treaty law.

A country that proposes Peace Treaty law pays 20 Gold for the proposal, and they pay more gold in case they offer some War reparations(0-50 gold). In order for this law to be accepted, both sides must have over 60.01 % of the congress votes.

In case the law is not accepted, 20 Gold that took for suggestion the law will not be returned to the state that suggested it, but offered War reparations will.

Accepting this law by both sides will end the war between these 2 countries.

Next change is with newspapers. We separated newspapers into 2 tabs, one for Top international articles, and one for articles created in the country of your citizenship. Articles stay there up to 48 hours from the time they were published, and in case there hasn't been any new articles recently it will show blank board.

Another update is adding MU damage to the rankings.

By clicking on Group Damage in the Rankings, you can view military units ranked by amount of damage ( specifically by country, or international).

And final update that we are announcing today is implementing cool down on starting Resistance Wars. If a country starts a resistance war, it has to wait another 24 hours after the ending of that Resistance War to start a new Resistance war.
Thank you all for reading, and have a nice day.
eRevollution team
We have several changes to announce. First and most important is Signing a peace treaty. Some countries have been in war long enough, and want to bury the war hatchets, they can now do it with the new Peace Treaty law.

A country that proposes Peace Treaty law pays 20 Gold for the proposal, and they pay more gold in case they offer some War reparations(0-50 gold). In order for this law to be accepted, both sides must have over 60.01 % of the congress votes.

In case the law is not accepted, 20 Gold that took for suggestion the law will not be returned to the state that suggested it, but offered War reparations will.

Accepting this law by both sides will end the war between these 2 countries.

Next change is with newspapers. We separated newspapers into 2 tabs, one for Top international articles, and one for articles created in the country of your citizenship. Articles stay there up to 48 hours from the time they were published, and in case there hasn't been any new articles recently it will show blank board.

Another update is adding MU damage to the rankings.

By clicking on Group Damage in the Rankings, you can view military units ranked by amount of damage ( specifically by country, or international).

And final update that we are announcing today is implementing cool down on starting Resistance Wars. If a country starts a resistance war, it has to wait another 24 hours after the ending of that Resistance War to start a new Resistance war.
Thank you all for reading, and have a nice day.
eRevollution team
PatroklosSteffanoSThe_French_Tickler_777Коментари (41)

sounds good to me 


Cyka Bylat!!

please take a "pin" option for the chat
I would like to see the MU chat first time when i login
Thanks Admin 

and no update for the battles to update the damage more often. just stupid pictures GG. RIP VISA players

Bring pm group option


"And final update that we are announcing today is implementing cool down on starting Resistance Wars. If a country starts a resistance war, and looses, it has to wait another 24 hours to start another Resistance War (in the original regions of that country). " But some countries still have a problem with this even thought they win RW. Will you address this?

Well done, thank you 


no boobs, no vote

very good...thanks

Magyar verzió: http://www.erevollution.com/hu/article/3140

"And final update that we are announcing today is implementing cool down on starting Resistance Wars. If a country starts a resistance war, and looses, it has to wait another 24 hours to start another Resistance War (in the original regions of that country). "
This thing only works for " selected " countries?

GJ voted

Can somebody explain to me why countries lose gold from failed laws? How is this related in RL?


v, tnx for updates o7


French army first !
Good news 


So we can make a country lose 20 gold if we do not accept it's peace treaty offer?

Omg, we need to be able to start RW at most 12 hours after the last failed RW.
This is awful for the occupied countries, not only they players must be in the region in which a RW is started to fight in it and the occupier country can fight from wherever they want, but now this change.

48 hours are really short

let me subscribe a feed of all published articles of %mycountry%

nice update 

let me subscribe a feed of all published articles of %mycountry% -- -- put a button like this: http://i.imgur.com/nNDZ7gI.png

great changes o7

Prestanite lagati ovaj napačeni narod!!!!


Vote, it's nice that you are working on the game

add some missions and no more ballons



Hey, I can't join the MU that I want to because my country is completely occupied and I have to be in the country where the MU is located in order to join in. Similarly, I (and the rest of my countrymen) can't set up and join a political party in our country, because it is occupied. Thus, we can't vote in any elections whatsoever.

Great news,keep it up good work o7