Lynx newspaper

Публикувана в Portugal - Социална и забавна - 24 Apr 2018 10:47 - 28


THE J0KERspartacus alHarekkkklord sajjadCoronel NenhumByeeSt0L3nPinxxelCaptain HarlockSaKaZuKiG A M p3trOs2 V E RNemesisxx

Коментари (28)

its funny because its true!
Lá se foi o Império que pena Laugh
Laugh Laugh Laugh
Emperor left country
but not left ally Wink so nothing is ower japan take back everything )
All multies of Qurcika are being italians jajaja
they are not my multies all admin can look it i have not sitters too
In order to survive, Japan should put in charge the old Japanese government. Georgian adventure in Japan come to it s end. I am expecting current Japanese Emperor and remaining players involved in this adventure to leave Japan in next few days.
Update: former Emperor.
šta ti židove se imaš petljat u japan uopće. gnjido mala
Laugh Laugh Laugh
Yep, put shiro as only true Japan emperor
Burn burn burn buuuuuuurrrnnnnnn
shiro vise ni drzavljanstvo japansko nece dobiti a kamoli titulu cara pa makar me banovali za stalno Wink
should i speak a balcanic language or english??
@mac, otkad se to Židovi ne mesaju u svačija posla? :-)
Shiro is running away from Japan in the same way, as Peaky and other false Germans from eGermany. Ruin the country and choose the next one - strategy for gameplay.
Wipe those runners
Italy we are comming right after the Ukraine
xaxaxaxaxa qurciiiiii