
Kami Neko - Вестник от Japan -

Публикувана в Japan - Първи стъпки в eRevollution - 06 Mar 2016 07:49 - 147

o to all Japanese and allies and just random people from the world today i'm decided to leave the game. the reason is not because i paid money and got banned not in it, the reason is because i dont want to play in game with that administration group with mods like abe:


that using their power as MOD to win battles.

I got banned untill the end of the battle and when i talk with admins i knew who banned me, because i told them in the start of the game that MOD's with political tital is bad because they'll use their power to win enemies. so when i talk with admins i just told:

Who banned me?

and admin told

I already knew who banned me because it was clear like the sky in day time without rain.

I banned for censorship of a word for that i wrote "stfu" instead of a bad words, I never saw game in my entire life that ban for censorship of bad words, maybe there is such a game like that but i dont know personally...

Good luck to all if you want continue to play in this game, it not a bad game O7

The admins in this game are great and really care about users even Uros became much better than was in his game, but their team is really bad and i not want to play in a game with team like that.

Regards and best wishes,

This is my last article in this game O7


mylosh777KizaganKTZ HOOD 43Portuguese soldierTopSecretmartinkoEl ProfesoreXtReMeN

Коментари (147)

I was banned for censorship, its part of the game, read the rules
Bye bye Pole
i got banned for f word too Sad
He is the dirtiest moderator in the game...good luck Kami o7 http://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/1126
Good bye man. o7
Read the rules, you aren't exempted from anything.
Rule number 2: All content published by users cannot contain spam, pornography, racism, flaming, insulting content, external advertising, vulgarity or violations of any real life law. We reserve the right to use punishments (permanent ban, temporary ban, gold fine, deleting content, warning) towards any user of the game. READ THE RULES
Kami stay... we FTA
Abe = Ape :v
Geh weg.
http://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/1639 that guy banned for 10 hours because of wrote just censored "f*ck".
When Inspection does that few times in PL-UA battles, its all fine, but when it happens to you its end of the world, `Abe worst mod ever`, pff
RAF904 posted this comment few days ago: http://prntscr.com/acbuv4 , admin or moderator deleted this comment and he did not get ban. So there is no justice in this game. Deal with it.
gl in RL kami o7 dont let idiots like that mess with you in RL, its not worth it. Enjoy the freedom Wink
Good luck for your life mod abe, you make 1 influencer in game leave..how many times kami said that things?and how many times you warn him? *curious*
Noooooo :| Let's make them pay!
Kami no one is telling you to leave, this is you leaving your country because of 1 battle, Its funny how I got banned before the end of the Mexico battle. with 10 minutes left. by a MOD from a ENEMY EAGLE MEMBER< But I didn't leave?
Sure, but why our guys were banned also 15 minutes before the end then?
All report Abraham for using Mod power for personal interests.
@MrSharp1219 a war over 300000000 damage zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
NOOO give me your acc, or gold LaughDD
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Bye bye traitor Smile
بی تو هرگز با تو عمری چرا رفتی آخه من بی تو چه کنم؟ بی تو شب هایم دیگر سحر نمیشود. چرا رفتی چرا من بی قرارم؟ به سر سودای آغوش تو دادم
kylo was also banned and he wasen´t bitching around like someone else. dude u lost your first battle and u are crying like a little baby. it´s better that u leave, u got no nuts so good bye and cry
Abe is experienced as mod and sadly he seems to be the only mod that is objective because several other mods are dirty (Now all other mods will hunt me and try get me banned Cheeky) But that would only prove my point.
Viva Kami ❤
About leaving? No. About MODs job? No, but I planned to do so, and I dont believe it would change anything.
It is obvious that the moderator has used his position to change the game balance. ABRAKADABRAHAM LINKOLN!!!
Pipoca, que a treta está tretosa!
Leaving is not good choice Good luck
As I can see Kami even got BH there.. Done 10 mill of dmg. So he was there at the end of battle.
Stupid move
stfu is not an insult, its not even a word, it maybe means something else maybe its a name of something... you are just guesing that its an insult.
No dignity in defeat. That was a great disappointment. Excuses for a rightful ban when most of us have had temps for lighter reasons and none complained
Ok guys (Jimmy86 i take a shower) and Kami if you are smart you will stay and won't give satisfaction those guys . I agree he should get ban after that battle. On other comments its better that i abstain!
No!!! kami dont leave Sad
Najjaci samo ostaju nikad se ne predaju!
Abe should be punished. Kami Please dont go and make them pay for it. if this happens again all of us will leave the game together.
Go leave all, plz just leave, you dont need to stay and keep fighting, that is great show the world that you are weak !!! I dont mean only Kami i see some comments also from ppl who will leave with him, go ahead !!
Let do it
Dont leave such a great player but i agree with u!I had inform admins about that! Anyway o7 man
this shouldnt be a ban reason i'm against this Sad
Bye Bye EAGLE!~
Can i have your account Cheeky
not Cry
That's the power of a ex-emperor ? Lose you empire and harakiri ? 馬鹿なの?
This is shame !
Good bye friend o7
Good bye o7
Rules: Any type of abuse towards the administration team will be penalised. Insulting, threatening, provoking, abusing, or petitioning the administration team or any of its members with false or trivial issues is forbidden and will result in permanent ban. #BAN ABRAHAM LINCOLN
Bye Kami , Good Luck in RL
Kami, STAY !!! We will prove ourselves, nobody will stop us. There's always a solution and we are more than capable to find it!
bye bye cry baby
hahahha bye little boy
Good job, game is dead. Criers won.
You are only giving him what he wants! Dont leave...
Probably some moderators don't know what the word "impartiality" means
@Fyrious I doubt Abraham wanted that. EAGLE was hitting hard only because of Kami. Spending and buying gold because of him. Now the game will slowly start to die because There will now be a huge shift in power and a lot of players (a lot of cashers) will stop playing. GG Abe.
#Remove Abraham from the mod position! #Remove Inspection from the mod position!
I also had temp ban for the f-word. On the bright side, now you have more time for school Smile
thank god! -1 player stronger then me Smile bye-bye!!!
I also took ban for a word but didnt cry. And dont cry too much i am sleeping here in albania xxxdxd agagaggaaggag
cool story bro
o7 Kami!
i had a temp ban of 4 hours for no reason so what?
Admins, please don't leave the game!
Kami we all know that you wont quit the game!Stop crying and play
So, Abe use this power as mod to win battle...huh? good to know.
eJapan, prepare your popotis... Big Macky and Kid Bengala is going to you. Huehuehuehuehue!
You cry for 1 battle? The lost battle is part of game, just like when yoy lost football game or basketball game that's is part of live, people musst lost, sometimes we win sometimes we lose, crying is for little kids, Heroes lose and Heroes win! We all lose and win that is part of live.
This is a bad idea to leave the game because of ban, we all know rules, if you are right just appeal it, there are other admins and mods,if you leave know you will regret this 100%, by doing this you will betray your country and people who trusted you, do you know why baby's fall? They fall to learn how to stand.... So, as you see I am citizen of eagles country, but I want you to stay, as others said many people got banned but they are here now,so stop crying and continue playing this game, if you leave know you will be the greatest looser! Hope we will meet in the battlefield o7
stfu is not an insult, its not even a word, it maybe means something else maybe its a name of something... you are just guesing that its an insult.
you will not leave ,attention w.ore
bad idea to leave...
We all know Kami won't quit playing just because losing one battle Cheeky He's just testing if he get as he want if he "threaten" to stop playing. So I have trust in admin that they realize that and don't back about the decision. Because he won't quit playing.
Does it matter will he leave or not, getting banned just for saying "stfu" is crazy! MODS are you baby that a small word get you offended. Whatever...
No!!! Kami dont leave Sad
#Remove Abraham from the mod position!
Cry, cry, cry. Lost one battle and then liters of tears fall
eUS cp= modorater ? LAL epic fail xd
Ezt a hisztit...
Johnsons Baby Shampoo MODE [ON]
Solar Dragon: Apparently you haven't read the rules? Kylo have got ban 10min before Mexico battle exactly same. So tell me what makes Kami so "Special"? Because he's on your side in the game? It's sad that people can't think about the issue un-biased since this scares me.
Next Game eRevollution 2 http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/3392
Even the decision is a bit emotional, I don't think kami is crying for a lost battle. The problem being that someone could use the moderator's power to effect the game due to their own interests, it doesn't matter if it was Kami or whoever else. Just unlike someone decide to accept this, he chooses to leave a game like this.
By doing this move you proved that you are not real YAKUZA they dont give up but you did my friend you are FAKE YAKUZA better dont ashamr their name and change your avatar
Stfu is not word,so duck em.
"Cry little baby" "goodbay little kid" Rule 2:All content published by users cannot contain spam, pornography, racism, FLAMING , insulting content, external advertising, vulgarity or violations of any real life law. You guys are flaming Kami
I would like to point out stfu is a "bad word". it means Shut the F*CK up. Since it uses word F*CK it is considered "bad word". Maybe not in Japan but in many US school districts it does. If ISD is led by any competant personnel anyways. And students may face school suspension depending on the location of your district and principal for using the word STFU. On the other hand, I don't know if Abe has done this intentionally since I don't know him. I do not want to false accuse people without evidence nor do I just want to protect him just because we both had eUSA citizenship. So... 1. I believe this issue should be investigated. 2. No mod should be allowed hold governmental position where he or she can influence game.
Haters be hating .period. If you wanna leave then leave stop making a big deal of it most of us have gotten banned before and we never cried about it
Laugh Laugh admin is great man he banned 5 TOP ACCs in GEORGIA when We have WAR against iran good job administration Smile))) .....
#Keep Abraham in his mod position and #Ban Kami for creating an uproar and disrespecting the admins.
#Keep Abraham in his mod position and #Ban Kami for creating an uproar and disrespecting the admins.
Bye kami 0/
he is not disrespecting the admins, he is criticising mods
Admins should not play game , end of story. Especially admin thats belong to one side to be judge and jury .. its like Real vs Barca match where referee is Barca fan. Admin should be banned here for abusing his position if this game is fair. Thats why Plato is world better than this guys.
Admin does not equal Moderator. He just helps admin to control all the people with filthy mouths out there. Basically he helps to make sure the rules are followed!
#Keep Abraham in his mod position and #Ban Kami for creating an uproar and disrespecting the admins.
#Keep Abraham in his mod position and #Ban Kami for creating an uproar and disrespecting the admins.
there..there big boy.. don't cry so much want someone to escort you to home ? or need some geisha to calm your nerves ? hehe
#VENELIVESMATTER #COLOMBIANLIVESMATTER #IRISHLIVESMATTER o wait, should i mentiones how many countries has Kami direclty or indireclty fucked up with?
see ya neko o7
4 hours ago #Keep Abraham in his mod position and #Ban Kami for creating an uproar and disrespecting the admins and moderators.
No mod should be allowed hold governmental position where he or she can influence game.
#Keep Abraham in his mod position and #Ban Kami for creating an uproar and disrespecting the admins.
Well that's quite a mess, everybody is going to hate everybody after that uproar
#Keep Abraham in his mod position and #Ban Kami for creating an uproar and disrespecting the admins and moderators
@Doma Say that to Inspection.
Stay with us Kami
"Solar Dragon Does it matter will he leave or not, getting banned just for saying "stfu" is crazy! MODS are you baby that a small word get you offended. Whatever... " Yes, it matter since he's trying to gain opinion to get as he want's. Baby make sound by crying to get attention by the parent and get what they want which is usually attention, food or change diaper. Usually it's a behaviour that grows away when the baby getting older but it's an ugly way to use to get "as you want" as adult person which I know Kami is. Don't misunderstand me, I don't say Kami is a baby or insulting anyone, all I say is that the BEHAVIOUR comes from babies that needs attention and get what they need, food, changed diaper and so on. And I've studied a psychology, neurology, linguistics and a few more areas on university. About the word that was used, there is many more that have got ban LONGER than 2h for using bad words. Kami is not and should NOT be immune to bans. As some other also said other Ukraine mods have ban Kylo Ren right before battles also. So just learn to not use bad words unless you want to risk getting a ban right before a battle.... Very simple... But i dislike this attempt to put pressure on admin to get what he want by using a lot of fans or hangarounds. HES NOT SOME GOD.... I admire the strength of admins that they are able to stick to this and not get affected by all those people trying to make a "RW against admin or Abe".
Jimmy +oo
Did any of you ask your self who reported Kami? Our job is to act. So think twice before talking
I reported him, because the comment was made towards me. Kami isn't some god that gets to talk to people however he wants because he spends money. He still needs to respect players. And I know for a fact im not the only one who he has treated that way, because he spends thousands of dollars on the game doesn't mean he gets free reign over the game. Follow the rules, plain and simple
No mod should be allowed hold governmental position where he or she can influence game. There's should be work ethic from admin to all mod about temp ban and perm ban. If there is no work ethic, your mod will destroy this game because they will use their privilege to control the winner. Rules are rules, but people know the truth about this abe. Good luck for your life
dont leave the game. "stfu" is not an insult... just appeal it.
^ Drama Sharp was banned when he used whatever word by your allied Mod, there was a major effect on MEX-USA battle. It was ok by you people. Kami was banned for same offense and OMG, SUCH A HUGE DRAMA. Double standard enough?
کامی که رفت.ولی ایگل باید بدونه که اسلحه تانک هلیکوپتر دیگر اثر ندارد.حتی اگر روز و شب بر ما دمیج بارد
It is obvious that the moderator has used his position to change the game balance. Such moderators should be dismissed. And set to do from the number of impartial people who are even in the TOP 100 will not. x2 I SAY WE ALL AS usa AND MAKE THEM REGRET !!!
im happy everyone is threated equal even they bought a lot of gold or not
31 Kami Neko Online
i got banned also. because my refs was multies. i wanted prove. there is no prove. and they ban me again. cuz i ask prove.. Fail erev.
Kami, Kylo, Krsta, Borkan, Argrob, Hungarian and Croatian CPs, and many other guest stars: http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/3419
lol ozan cool storybro lol
#Changing the name