Публикувана в Serbia - Финансова - 20 Aug 2019 06:37 - 16
I just want to inform you that MU Serbian Legion finished third in the last tournament. We hit 600b damage and won such a great rewards:
1. Max 10 gold per player
2. 1 Q4 buster per player
3. Some life kits per player
4. And some RPG I think
Big thanks for the administration on such a generous rewards!
Let me suggest you that next time beside this, you give us maybe 100 q5 food. But, it will be enough 100 food for whole unit. I will spread it to 100 soldiers.
With respect,
commander of Serbian Legion the_penger
I just want to inform you that MU Serbian Legion finished third in the last tournament. We hit 600b damage and won such a great rewards:
1. Max 10 gold per player
2. 1 Q4 buster per player
3. Some life kits per player
4. And some RPG I think
Big thanks for the administration on such a generous rewards!
Let me suggest you that next time beside this, you give us maybe 100 q5 food. But, it will be enough 100 food for whole unit. I will spread it to 100 soldiers.
With respect,
commander of Serbian Legion the_penger
KinyasVladikaDerbederTania ChernovageometarrrBunnyLiuTopSecretMarko ZZVladyslausBrotherhoodVitalicgeometarrrКоментари (16)

Целта на турнирот е да се трошат ресурси а не да се заработи па со среќа на наредниот.

ovi gore je medjed !

I wish we will met the admins in real life, so we can give them such good/awesome/supersonic rewards back. o/

what a perfect awards o7 xD

Bullshit rewards. Stupid admins. Idıotic game


Perfect Sarcasm in disguise :-)

Una ridiculez total.

Pretrgli se, neće im ostati za giros

V c

Act of war is a epic event. I already earn 500 food raw which cost about 3 CC. Still waiting for 500 wepraw . I hope I will get lucky and earn that also before end of a event. Glory Admins