High Heavens Tribune

lmperius - Вестник от Turkey -

Публикувана в Turkey - Социална и забавна - 10 Mar 2016 19:07 - 43

Hi everybody, i made an android app for the game. With this app you can reach the game, join the rizon chat with just one touch and calculate your damage easily. You don't need to deal with browsers anymore. The app has three tabs, those are:

You can reach the game by using this app easily.

I added Rizon Chat to the second tab. When you touch go button, will join #erevollution channel. Then you can join which channel you want :)

And the third tab contains a detailed damage calculator that has a responsive design. It includes FF and Natural Enemy Bonus options, too.





Download Link: http://www.erevtr.com/erevm.apk

You can pm me your suggestions for the app. Give your feedbacks and feel free to donate me if you like the app :)


BaskanHumayun MirzaBedeSzilveszterSXWLGoeringz

Коментари (43)

La probare gracias por tú trabajo, estaré reportando cualquier bug que encuentre
Good job!!! Voted
OMG great job man o7777
One of the best apps i have ever seen, great job man !! o7 xd
harika bi feedback abi eyvallah Smile)
good job!
Amazing Smile
Make some for Windows Phone too Laugh
Amazing work, and congrats for that. I'm just worried about security. Can't you through your app, phish users and pass from eRev accounts? Or it just redirect to the site? Again, great visual and great work!
Fibonacci its a simple browser. İ made it by using appsgeyser.com i an not an android programmer actually Smile
http://www.appsgeyser.com/2758310 You can download it from here if you don't trust the link in the article.
I do.. I was just asking. Security first Wink good work Wink
Thank you Smile
Vote and big thanks! Just one question: I have a windows phone (lumia 520), can you do this app in windows platform?
Ios version
can this app work in laptop
Really nice bro Smile gj
@Humayun no, just android phones.
NICE! i have a nokia 1100 so i cant use it,but a very nice idea!
go java!
Yes Yes, wait to have mine access code... i'll download it yes yes Wink I receive some mail like this = pishing!
@Dibex yeah i will hack all the erev world and will play myself, u caught me bro Smile
What about Wphone?
is it safe ?
ı don't know how to make app for windows phone or ios, sorry. @toofan it is safe i made a different version for Turkish players, too. You can check it from my newspaper. You can download it also here if u have trust issues: http://www.appsgeyser.com/2758310
Good job, but I use WP :/
useless, no Windows Phone version
wtf everyone using windows phone i never thought this Laugh
make an ios one please please please
WHO WANTS TO PLAY MY GAME: http://app.appsgeyser.com/Flappy%20Alien%20Bird%20FAB
Good job man
and IOS? Sad
Good job Wink
Thanks to WS10, o7
Maybe someday someone will make app for my Windows Phone Laugh
Needed for IOS too *-*
And I have Windows fu***ng phone Sad
Guys idk how to make an app neither ios nor wp. I can just make it for android sorry Smile