Публикувана в Argentina - Първи стъпки в eRevollution - 16 Jan 2020 23:25 - 35
Dear Players,
I hope you spent last Holidays with your friend and family with a lot of fun, we wish you once more all best in followoing 2020 year. Now let’s start with upcoming things in the game.
Military Unit Limit
Military Unit members are limited up to 40. All Military units which have more than 40 players will be kicked out (19. January). We hope that you will manage to organize if you already did not. Next event will be MU-Tournament with small changes and we hope that you will accomplish your goals and try to be the best MU in world. Commander can change MU location for 50 gold.
Military Unit Tournament
So lets start with some small tournament which will be all about Military Units and their members. As you already know from last events there will be closing things on this also. So from the first day of the tournament 20.01.2020 you are not able to change your Military unit and Military Unit can not change it’s citizenship.
Tournament will be easy and basic this time. You will have two leaderboards, in first there will be list of 10 Military units ranked by it’s damage. First 10 Military Units will be prized with rewards which is shown in table under and with medals. Second table will be player table which you will see number of damage players and only first 50 players will be rewarded.

Tournament start at 20.01 and it last until 02.02(last day).
NOTICE: Military Units will be closed until 09.02.2020, and Military Unit won’t be able to change citizenship in mentioned date.
Poll Results
As you have seen, we have had previous days poll about additional changes in game. Because you voted NO for the majority, none of the changes in the poll will be implemented because not enough players voted for the changes. The poll results are:

Speed Week
Double Speed energy recovery will be active from 27.01 until 02.02.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Best regards,
Admin team

I hope you spent last Holidays with your friend and family with a lot of fun, we wish you once more all best in followoing 2020 year. Now let’s start with upcoming things in the game.
Military Unit Limit
Military Unit members are limited up to 40. All Military units which have more than 40 players will be kicked out (19. January). We hope that you will manage to organize if you already did not. Next event will be MU-Tournament with small changes and we hope that you will accomplish your goals and try to be the best MU in world. Commander can change MU location for 50 gold.
Military Unit Tournament

So lets start with some small tournament which will be all about Military Units and their members. As you already know from last events there will be closing things on this also. So from the first day of the tournament 20.01.2020 you are not able to change your Military unit and Military Unit can not change it’s citizenship.
Tournament will be easy and basic this time. You will have two leaderboards, in first there will be list of 10 Military units ranked by it’s damage. First 10 Military Units will be prized with rewards which is shown in table under and with medals. Second table will be player table which you will see number of damage players and only first 50 players will be rewarded.

Tournament start at 20.01 and it last until 02.02(last day).
NOTICE: Military Units will be closed until 09.02.2020, and Military Unit won’t be able to change citizenship in mentioned date.
Poll Results
As you have seen, we have had previous days poll about additional changes in game. Because you voted NO for the majority, none of the changes in the poll will be implemented because not enough players voted for the changes. The poll results are:

Speed Week
Double Speed energy recovery will be active from 27.01 until 02.02.

For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Best regards,
Admin team

BiniesKame SenninkowesopoCitraMoNAbhorrentGeneral PidbulaGeneral PidbulaGeneral PidbulaGeneral PidbulaGeneral PidbulaAbhorrentAbhorrentDemetrius IIIIndonesia FutureMrZoroIronCloudsheva0310Коментари (35)

*All Military units which have more than 40 players will be kicked out (19. January)*
Kicked out from the tournament or players will be kicked out? WTH?!



Gasi sve ., motaj kablove


If you plan to keep NAVAL part of the game, INCLUDE the battles into mission so it counts when we hit, include it for the tournaments,etc. Also, if you keep naval battles, make Top Damage weeky challenge ONLY for naval battles. Total dmg score is unfair toward players who need/want to fight in naval only.

Players will be kicked out

Turn off the light and move on

@Admin, how do you decide who to kick - its not really fair for big(ger than 40) communities. Unified DO, private wall communication...all that is good for having fun and communicating easily. I hope you will unlock the limit after the tournament

Zonky82, ti si car 

čemu rasprava uopće,nagrade su uobičajeno bezvezne tak da nema borbe za trurnir,redovno pucanje i kako završi,nema se tu šta osvojiti

Zvijer69 + 1
If you plan to keep NAVAL part of the game, INCLUDE the battles into mission so it counts when we hit, include it for the tournaments,etc. Also, if you keep naval battles, make Top Damage weeky challenge ONLY for naval battles. Total dmg score is unfair toward players who need/want to fight in naval only.

v c


I spent 150cc per day on naval Advanced Academy and nobody is talking about refunding that. I agree with Zvijer69, you should include naval hits in missions.
The only thing I would like to change are medals.

Kako ste nas zeznuli, sad treba da delimo Legiju na dva dela zato sto ste resili da manje oragnizovanima date sansu.

thinking again, making all the changes would hurt us, but it would be nice for the change

Serbian Legion left game. Now you can play with starter pack multies. Im done with this shit!

those rewards, hahahahhaha

Only 500 of us in the game 

@admin Do you think this is normal.He make over than 4000 golds in 5 days.

leave the game as it is and add sea territories and aircraft carriers


and we will continue with the same shit ..

why anybody doesnt talk about remove the naval battles? what was for game poll then?

Game is over!?


I m afraid for the winnig of no!
I hope u ll made anywere some new features in game

Admin, medal for first 10 will be in MU page?

At least the NO won... Btw, +1 for Zvijer69, include naval hits in missions and make a weekly challenge exclusive for these battles, make naval battles more rewarding

TBH, i didnt expect that Admin will actually show results from voting, and that he will just do changes anyway. Im glad that i was wrong on this one. Fair play there and thanks for not making changes against player wishes and advice.

Do I see correctly? 1.question: 52.7% yes, 47.3% no. Majority accepted change if 52.7 is bigger than 47.3 (I think it s bigger). And admins claimed that majority is against. Well, I don t understand how?

We are a one nation, one family and one MU. SHAME ON YOU ADMIN

For second erev poll You should put only three options( without option NO)