yomada says

Публикувана в Turkey - Социална и забавна - 17 Jan 2020 05:12 - 30

You want to fight against the serbs? be ready to be banned 



You can earn too much GOLD with starterpack or multi  but dont forget this DONT FİGHT AGAİSNT SERBİA if you dont fight agaisnt serbia You can collect 40k gold and can show everyone  with ss.  BUT DONT FORGET DO NOT FİGHT AGAİSNT SERBİA.

You all know serbian players using many acc ( with sitter or multi doesnt matter)  but not only serbian also Turkish players - georgian-iranian-hungarian-romanian- estonian- bulgar-denmark- portugal SO EVERYONE

 i want justice for everyone. Everyone has spent time for this game some player spent too much euros for this game

 I request that you return their main accounts you should treat everyone equally i am not an enemy of serb we're just fighting in game and everybody like that 

Many players are afraid but we dont. 


CRATOSNairobiOnePunch MansipinasipinasipinaNicKs GEonBattal GaziKame SenninAlitaFlyingCangarooBattal GaziJe suiss PeakyHarleyQuinnMCMXCIVMCMXCIVMCMXCIVMCMXCIVThe ButchertinyBart SimpsonBaba VossBarbod bayatBarbod bayatBarbod bayatBarbod bayatBarbod bayatBarbod bayatBarbod bayatBarbod bayatDondarrionDondarrionSiPaHiJoker EvilJoker EvilJoker EvilJoker EvilQurcikaimpactonimpactonimpactonimpactonimpactonHarleyQuinnStormbringerVitalicKeseTUndergrad

Коментари (30)

Game will die without multis And canadians are banned because of s c r i p t And you remember that we already had war? And did you get banned? No?
First of all, Serbia stoped war against Germany last nigght after bans, because we do not want to fight dead country. We wanted to delete them and make Peaky Blinder suffer, but now there is no point. No one reported them. Also, it is nice that you admited that you are using 5+ accounts, but it does not mean if you do that, others do it too. There are countries with lot active players, but you simple do not understand that because you play for dead or multi countries. End for the end, you can report me and others players from Serbia if you want. I give right to admins to tell you and others how many accounts I have and how many of them I sit, or sitted for 4 years of playing.
@the_passenger comon man Huang di using many acc and you know that ( also nilson using many acc and you know that again ) what I mentioned above JUSTİCE FOR EVERYONE @ Huang di i don t want you banned only all multis but for everyone not only serbian enemys ok?
the_passenger with all the respect how you explain the fact that the top 6 players in damage at that time (panzer s members) in the battle of Kansas were banned? It was - or + 3 hours before the end of this battle
i have banned with other Another account ,too. Meanwhile i did not trade between two account. Laugh Second account was only for fun.
yomadafaka, I do not know nothing. I told you, report me if you want. I gave to admins right to tell you how many accounts I have, and how many I sit right now and in the past.
Legalize multis in games, without them game will die
Koukouroukou, Well, all banned accounts probably had ONE owner. So they maybe checked Peaky or some other accounts and find IP conflict or whatever was the reason for ban. Battle for Kansas was not so important and hard for us, we fought with Germans many time, even in battles with 500b of dmg. You know really well how many times you tried to win battle against us. I think in the last 90 days so many times, but you failed every time. We are not scared of Germans we can defaet you in the middle of the night if we want.
@passenger why dont understand I m not saying you re multi or faker THİS İSSUE ABOUT JUSTİCE look this guy https://www.erevollution.com/tr/profile/50166 he have 300k+ q5 air and 10k+ gold also too many cc why admin dont banned him ? also he try to sell game gold with cash. This is justice ? he make bug all turkish player know that we report him but nobody dont ban him
They didn t have ONE owner and i can sign for this. So admin didn t have what to do at this time and decided to check on his own? I don t blame you as player but someone reported them, i hope that the one or more who did this is/are really virgins and never did anything illegal. According to who failed just admit that we were not so easy target.
Well it is sad that Peaky had been banned. He was an important figure in this game. This means further decline.
yomadafaka, you did not wrote this article because of him. You wrote it to blame Serbia for bans of Germans. And to talk shit about us.
Koukouroukou, there is not so much players who really care for that. I guarantee that nobody from Serbia reported them, because I would probably knew that. Buddy, some thing was too obiviosly, and admins knew that a long time ago. I do not know the reason why admins banned him yesterday, he could get ban a couple months earlier, even years. I know at least 3 accounts that Peaky stole from real owners and now they are banned. I know that because this guys tried to return in game, but cant to log in in their own account. We all knew that for months, but no one wanted to report him. We wanted to play with him and make him mad on us even more. Peaky was one of the reason I played this game. Same will tell you players from Serbia, especiall leaders of our country.
I want justice for everyone too.....that you quit this game Yomada a.k.a. The Ruiner Off Once Mighty Turkey Smile
@the passanger, can you explain, how he stole accounts
how do you dare tell report me? bcs you are assured no one will check account , at least yours
the_passenger how they couldn t log in in their own accounts? can anyone here change the email in his account? because the last time i tried in mine i couldn t.
I cant explain, but you can. Mcmoox is stolen account. He left game and gave his account to NIKOLA257. Somehow, you got that account in your hand and when we heard about that we informed real owner. He tried to log in, but without success.
i got the account? what else i will see? i just say that it s impossible, i talk with facts. can i change my email? no. someone else can? no x2. someone stole my account? i send ticket, using my email so i prove that i am the rl owner and i get my account back. this is not how it works? it s easy to blame people, but tell me how sth like this can happen.
I agree and support you
Well, just like yoma who admited he use 5+ accounts, now you showed that you control Peaky Blinder and Koukouroukou account. Wrong account :p
oh, you are here, since you are, tell us who was banned when 10k golds was removed from serbia treasury, it wasnt so long, it was some 5-6 months ago, I mean really, ofc nobody, that was kept like a secret, nobody complained, nothing, just old peaky keeping tabs of everything. now he speeks trough me and its time for pocorn....
How do you know this things when you told that you never reported players? Who would you ban if you are admin? Because maybe some enemy can make multies and donate 10k to your treasury. So you will get ban because you are CP at the moment? This is just example.
but is that true or not, did some enemy put 10k golds in serbia ct or no, i mean cmmon, this is getting even better
Who else i control? Let the people know. Am i Peaky Blinder maybe? I thought i was talking with someone at my age, i got no answer in what i asked, just accusations that i control more accounts than mine. Laku noc moj prijatelju
@the_passenger use your brain and read this You all know serbian players using many acc ( with sitter or multi doesnt matter) but not only serbian also Turkish players - georgian-iranian-hungarian-romanian- estonian- bulgar-denmark- portugal SO EVERYONE
Multis...? Burn them all 😉
eRevollution is Peaky Blinder https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34982
Serbs are writing like they play fair game hahahah They stopped fighting Germany, because we were dead of bans. Should we show respect?