Публикувана в Serbia - Военен анализ - 19 Jan 2020 12:29 - 40
I want to thank you guys for amazing 4 years in this game. From the very first day my goal was to make new friendships and I think I succeeded in that. I spoke with many interesting and nice people from various countries and even managed to be president of eFrance. In Serbia, me and my friends from this game, have tradition to gather at Belgrade Beer Fest every year and there we made a lot life long memories.
But, on one thing im really, really very much proud - my MU Serbian Legion. This unit is founded on the first day of this game and destroyed on this day. I must say we did a great job here, won many wars and participated in many epic battles.
I tried to convice admins to cancel this update, even organized a petition which over 200 people signed, more then 60 of them are commanders and captains. Also I suggested to split MU in regiments of 40, so we will stay together in one MU, but in the tournament, every regiment will play for themselves. But, nothing of this was enough.
Today they destroyed many big MUs, not only Serbian Legion. I fought like a lion for my soldiers, but failed... Im sorry guys. They simple do not respect you after all we done for this game. We didnt have much VISA players, but we forced many VISA players to spent a lot RL money to beat us. Oh, admin, you forgot this. Now units with starter pack multies and those units who are not capable to even organize a single action will fight for you. There was a reason why some MUs have only 10-15 soldiers, and there was a reason why my MU had 83 soldies before you kicked 43 of them from their home.
My friend Donnis told me: Buddy, do not give up! You still have the best MU in the game.
- Maybe I still have the best MU in this game, but my friends do not have their MU. They are kicked out from their home.
There cant be two Serbian Legions, only one! As it cannot be two Serbia country. Hah, maybe in the near future you who will continue to play this, will be kicked from your countries, because they will maybe limit you on only 40 or less citizens. Haha, yep, they must give a chance to those dead countries like Marroco to win a tournament. That is more important than you who play this for 4 years. Opps, I gave them a idea, sorry guys.
Thats all from me! Enjoy playing with multies and those guys who are not able to organize anything. This guys will still cry all day, because they will not win anything again. Probably you must lower that limit on 10 people or less in MUs.
Respect for all players who play this game and do not blame others for their incompetence.
My account will be sitted, or in 2click because MU companies are on my account. Do not send any messages, you will not get a answer.
I want to thank you guys for amazing 4 years in this game. From the very first day my goal was to make new friendships and I think I succeeded in that. I spoke with many interesting and nice people from various countries and even managed to be president of eFrance. In Serbia, me and my friends from this game, have tradition to gather at Belgrade Beer Fest every year and there we made a lot life long memories.
But, on one thing im really, really very much proud - my MU Serbian Legion. This unit is founded on the first day of this game and destroyed on this day. I must say we did a great job here, won many wars and participated in many epic battles.
I tried to convice admins to cancel this update, even organized a petition which over 200 people signed, more then 60 of them are commanders and captains. Also I suggested to split MU in regiments of 40, so we will stay together in one MU, but in the tournament, every regiment will play for themselves. But, nothing of this was enough.
Today they destroyed many big MUs, not only Serbian Legion. I fought like a lion for my soldiers, but failed... Im sorry guys. They simple do not respect you after all we done for this game. We didnt have much VISA players, but we forced many VISA players to spent a lot RL money to beat us. Oh, admin, you forgot this. Now units with starter pack multies and those units who are not capable to even organize a single action will fight for you. There was a reason why some MUs have only 10-15 soldiers, and there was a reason why my MU had 83 soldies before you kicked 43 of them from their home.
My friend Donnis told me: Buddy, do not give up! You still have the best MU in the game.
- Maybe I still have the best MU in this game, but my friends do not have their MU. They are kicked out from their home.
There cant be two Serbian Legions, only one! As it cannot be two Serbia country. Hah, maybe in the near future you who will continue to play this, will be kicked from your countries, because they will maybe limit you on only 40 or less citizens. Haha, yep, they must give a chance to those dead countries like Marroco to win a tournament. That is more important than you who play this for 4 years. Opps, I gave them a idea, sorry guys.
Thats all from me! Enjoy playing with multies and those guys who are not able to organize anything. This guys will still cry all day, because they will not win anything again. Probably you must lower that limit on 10 people or less in MUs.
Respect for all players who play this game and do not blame others for their incompetence.
My account will be sitted, or in 2click because MU companies are on my account. Do not send any messages, you will not get a answer.
Kame SenninGreen Eyesreza7638TopSecretNilsonNilsonL DusandroganMiltiadosMauzerredfighterseptimo77MilosRavnogoracBattal GaziTopSecretTopSecretTopSecretGottfried BouillonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonfacaКоментари (40)

I still believe that this situation may have a solution, you simply cannot leave the game :/

Srećan Put 😂😂😂

goodbye o/

hajd nek je sretno i onako ce nam bit ljepse bez tebe

always sad to see great players leave, but i totaly understand, just another change where admins do not give a f about people opinion and ruin game for so many people, who cares about mu battle anyway, its more like a show off of power and thats it, rewards are completely pathetic, i wish you all the best, but hopefully you ll change your mind

Administrator je tvrdoglav kao malo dete
svima se igra smučila od njegovih detinjastih ideja!

Jedni dođu drugi odu itd 

There is no need for such a drama.

Vi koji niste nista uspeli do sada da napravite u igrici sad mozete samo da slavite jer odlazi igrac od koga ste se bojali i koji vam je pokazao kako se igra jedinica i vodi najbolja jedinica na igri. A ovakvo ponasanje kakvo vi sad pokazujete je odlika najvecih kukavica.
Sram vas bilo.
Vladane sve najbolje!

v c

Sve najbolje. Zao mi je sto napustas ovako. Nadam se da ces se ipak pr isliti o/

Pozdrav djenerale o7

O7 sad to see great players leaving the game.
Good luck in real life, the best game ever.

voted, I understand your decision, the game is in really in a sad state, with these bad decisions and the hordes of multis ererywhere. Good luck outside here, and I hope you can return here someday o7

putuj Igumane o7

Pozdrav i sve najbolje, možda se negde sretnemo na nekom novom bojištu o7
Hvala na druženju

Have Fun in real life!

Ima BEERa ima vota, a kada te prođe ponos, ne zaboravi da se vratiš! 🤗🤗🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻

So much tears for one simple and reasonable limitation... I can only conclude, you have 83 real players in the MU, and 43 of them will not talk with you anymore because you are not able to protect them against evil update 😞

Kao povređena tinejdžerka...
Kmeee, nepravda...ne bude uvek u životu onako kako smo zamislili...
Evo ti nazad krpice i lutkice....
Pokaži da si bolji od toga...

Dude, don t go. If you go. I will argue with whom. You are a valuable person in this game. I showed you this, but you re one of my favorite characters. 


Rekao bih ti da ne napuštaš ali te potpuno razumem. Moj predlog je da samo malo odmoriš glavu od ovoga i smisliš novu taktiku, ima rešenja za sve.
Ne igramo mi igricu...ona igra nas...

Ide nominacija za Oscara garant

Good bye carli


o7 respect

Djenerale srecno ! A ti Nikola nevjero 😂 oces tako i mene ispratiti sa a?

as we can clearly see admin is not capable of implementin any kind of update so forget about regiment. but removing the MU limit is something like 1 click away. I believe it will be removed just after the MU tournament cause many people against it.

I sent you pm. If you are a man, you will read

He will read for sure... 

good luck bro

piste mi jajca

sretno u RL o7

gl in rl...

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I player with honor. My best wishes.