Публикувана в United Kingdom - Първи стъпки в eRevollution - 12 Mar 2016 05:13 - 58
- on market you can now view all qualities of items at the same time, not just q1,q2 etc. (applies for Trading center and Company market)

- having a licence for Trading center of certain country now gives you the option to partake in that country's Monetary trading as well
Lets talk about that goodies now, shall we. As promised we brought you 25% discount on companies and company upgrades.

You may have noticed that another weekly event came into play at the same time: Hard Worker.

You have the option to select 1 out of 3 resources: grain, iron and wood.

From the selected resource you will then produce final product; from grain you will get Food, from iron you will get Weapons and from wood you will get a House.

Time it takes to gather resources for food or weapon is 6 hours, and for house it is 48 hours.
Once you gather enough resources to create final products, you can collect them, and start all over again.
Have a great weekend,
eRevollution Team

ShahShahMesseringGreendragonКоментари (58)



I dont understand the hardworker event

Just click each 6 hours Fingolfin, and you will get either Food, Weapon or each 48 hours a Q3 house.

why the news out long after event is out ?? it's already late to explain. >.

Bring back q1-heli companies for 10gold. I WON'T spend thousands to get what other ppls. ALTS got for free!

hip hip hooray!

Risenzor, u could click on question mark and read about it ;p

Bring back q1-heli companies for 10gold. x2


Ballons were better, give us ballons back o/

Please, fix dmg calculator, this wont solve crucial problems. We never know who will win, becouse calculator dont work so well... If u want people still stay play, u need to offer em fair and good game, and least we deserve , is that battles work properly...

Hey, what if, we switch up the line of things what you devs do? First you write an article than you inplement it ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Shakking, that's why i said why this articel come out hours after the event out.

I join in game late. And i need First q5 tank comp. To get q1 heli?, and olders players get it for 10gold, that is wrong admins, + put some 25% and in TG (strength)

era mejor el del globo... pongan el del globo otra vez. jajjajajajja



i can say, dev noobs


Rich become richer and new players remain on the same level. #PutDiscountForTrainingGround

@Babo i totaly agree with you in a war game like this problems bugs and unknown things about the formulas and other stuff are just waist of time for people playing and i dont get how can someone pay for a unfineshed produckt that doesnt even try to fix main problems just adds stupid things and changes to the layouts... (sorry for bad english gramma na*** dont bite me)


better than the last one

ya better than balloon event, but i still miss the balloon and the cloud 

instead of solving this problem YOU created over month ago with helicopters , and fact that money CAN buy everything, you added chance to overproduce stuff... Maybe instead of making stuff up like useless events (as this is lowest of all you had), solve problems that are killing this game.. and dont say its difficult, or just kill game already

farmville simulator

can you add a feature to change production in the event?

I misclicked on my phone and now it is producing food for the rest of the week 

is it possible to change the product ? i wanted food but i don't want food all week

i want to change the product...

thanks dear admin, because of some discounts but dont forget 20 March "International Happiness Day"

its a paycheck day

this hardworker event is like farmvile for lazy people

Bring back Heli Companies for 10 gold + discount for training ground. FIX THE GAME!!!

Hey, I can't join the MU that I want to because my country is completely occupied and I have to be in the country where the MU is located in order to join in. Similarly, I (and the rest of my countrymen) can't set up and join a political party in our country, because it is occupied. Thus, we can't vote in any elections whatsoever, have no government, no laws, etc...

Give 1 free q1 heli company to everyone!!!!!!

Nice update Admins ! thank you ! 

+1 Nice update Admins ! thank you ! I fear many of us have begun to criticize anything and everything that Admins does.

240 Q5 Guns, or Q5 Food.. or you can also pick 1 House 

@Sucateir0 @OwYea after you collect the product you can chose a different one



THERE IS TILL UNBALANCE IN THE GAME! You change nothing with this 25%discount!

Add rockets and rocket factoryes.

So, did the Admin say when the Weekly Event would be over? I'm asking because Wood takes way more time to be Collected than the Grain and Iron. So I'm thinking that after the Weekly Event is over there could be some people still producing to get the final product? Or that final product will be canceled?

Bring back the Baloon event 

Do NOT forget to set BATTLE clocks for daylight saving... OOOps to late. Maybe next year.

tr0mdubinha +1

Selling bonuses to weekly event... Damn, you never learn...

Vote if you likeand share it so it reaches top news, maybe admins consider it, simples to implement: http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/3551 (reUPDATED - Please help me share it)

Thank you Admin for House Q3 reward, why not Q5 ?
Becouse it's so long hard for created !?

How long weeakly event "hard worker" will be awaiable?