Публикувана в Hungary - Социална и забавна - 10 Mar 2020 21:39 - 18
Bikkin BOZGOR Talan CHEATERGreen EyesGabriellaclassfighterKame SenninHonfoglaloZmiiaFlyingCangarooFlyingCangarooFlyingCangarooGeorgrefGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonSord1naimehdenmarkPetitSucrechorrillanoCaliberremz1renCaliberremz1renCaliberremz1renCaliberremz1renCaliberremz1renszabokrioszBunnyLiuChaknorriskvschonikrevenireaSzakacsSzakacsSzakacsSzakacsSzakacsSzakacsSzakacsSzakacsSzakacsSzakacsmacolmsNibiru MinorKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkschonikschonikschonikschonikschonikschonikschonikschonikschonikOld LegendNEromaniamk1mNEromaniamk1mNEromaniamk1mNEromaniamk1mNEromaniamk1mSEniorGeneral1m1331SEniorGeneral1m1331SEniorGeneral1m1331SEniorGeneral1m1331SEniorGeneral1m1331FelpudoncitoFelpudoncitoCheDavidLand3iaLand3iaLand3iaLand3iaBosnian tankBosnian tankBosnian tankBosnian tankBosnian tankBosnian tankBosnian tankBosnian tankBosnian tankBosnian tankCh3spirit0LuciferCGPony of DarknessPratinoIndijanac JonesViladiaBaddal GazicertacitoIgorAcabveliki ratnikSt0L3nHiroIronHidefadasmaAustinPKclassfighterclassfighterclassfighterclassfighterclassfighterclassfighterclassfighterclassfighterclassfighterclassfighterOrban ViktorOrban ViktorOrban ViktorOrban ViktorOrban ViktorOrban ViktorOrban ViktorOrban ViktorOrban ViktorOrban ViktorКоментари (18)
One shot of Palinka on the morning, one at noon, and one after dinner
Georgian Chacha is always the best solution 😏
J ai même pas soufflé du nez
Kalinka is better
Brazilian Cachaça it s better stronger
Bulgarian Rakia is best for killing any viruses, microbes or what ever bad is in you. Especially if it is home made double distilled.
very very best is tuica de pruna )
Niste vi još probali šljivovicu
@thekrekc haha truth
slivovica for everyone: http://prntscr.com/rf3ic1
only one thing is better like slivovica-two slivovicas
Russian vodka killed hungarian palinka
Georgian Chacha can kill all viruses
We should not try to kill Corona, we should merge with Corona to become a superior master race! Hail Corona!