Lynx newspaper

Публикувана в Portugal - Политически дебати и анализи - 25 May 2020 09:47 - 19

sorry my english

Hello everyone

Recently admn made some updates.

What it includes:

1-Upgrad of aircraft factory up to Q6
2-End of LKs, and start of Hyper Bars that cannot be accumulated.
3-Upgrading of equipment up to Q10 level

I will try to give my opinion about this, what I think is right and what is wrong and could be improved about each of the previous 3 points.

1-Upgrad of aircraft factory up to Q6
Ok , A new weapon in my opinion is always welcome, there were already too many q4 and q5 airs factories,
I think this update did not bring many complaints from community , it was necessary  for tank players  (means more damage) .
but , may be better for producers ...

What I think can be improved and why :
change fire power

this is currently damage table ,

I think Air Q6 Fire Power should be changed to x3 , and Fire Power RPG should be changed to x3.5

Q1-Q5 Fire Power  must remain as they are.

Price of q6 airs would increase with this, producers would make more profit.
market would be more active.

2-End of LKs, and start of Hyper Bars that cannot be accumulated.

First of all, the biggest mistake was put here Hyper Bars .
It's a big marketing mistake .
erev1 have LKs , erev2 have HyperBars
if someone asks what is the difference between  server1 and server2, that would be the first thing someone would say.
I'm sure if admn had done the same updat, but instead of Hyper Bar I would have called it a temporary LK , there would not be so many complaints.

So Hyper Bar and its design must end here, Hyper Bar must be called temporary LK

Ending accumulative LKs was a bad move,
you just can't do it drastically , unless you want all players upset

My sugestion :
Keeps new Research Center

Research Center will produce a temporary 24-hour LK + workers


Players must have a chance to earn at least 30 LK per month which will be cumulative (not temporary,)

It can be through 
Pport Stamp , Weekly Challenge , rewards at other events , etc

Limit of accumulative LKs must be 200 for example ,  after that it would not be allowed to accumulate more.
obviously, players who currently have more than 200 LK would not lose them, but could not accumulate more, until they have less than 200

3-Upgrading of equipment up to Q10 level

Personally, I am not against equipment until Q10 ,
But I think it's an exaggeration to think that a new player has to upgrade equipment from 0 to q10
it would take years for a normal player to achieve this.
I think the solution would be ,
Give all players Q4 Military equipment (Helmet , Gloves,Boots, Pants and Suit )
These q4 equipment given by admn to each player cannot be sold, it is personal and can be upgraded to q10
So all players would be motivated to upgrade their new equipment.

This is my personal opinion, keeping admin update with some improvements for the players.

Article will be sent to admn, read, give your opinion and shout

for shout :
【to admn】 - How to improve new updates


PeakyEReJSchicagolupanpalnsanezegan83FK_Lokomotiva_BiHPony of DarknessVilaVerdePratinoLajbach77teshu77TheOldMan67BunnyLiuLeD ZePPeLiNSaKaZuKi

Коментари (19)

admin is smart Laugh
admin doesnt works
And what about people who paid for equipment Q4 ? cool to give free stuff but it was a choice to buy pink instead of companies.
@Eldrad , I thought it would be the best solution to have more players happy. Everyone cannot be happy with this, but it would be the best in general. I had all equipments in q5, it cost me a lot to achieve this. Maibe admin could give Pink Stones another use in addition to upgraded equipment, for example they could be exchanged for energy bars (500) or LKs (30) in the store. Also who have q6 equipment could downgrad it to q5 and receive a pink stone in return ( valid for equipment between Q10 and Q5 only,)
Good one
I can not agree regarding life kits and EB. What irked me in this update was that I lost the fre to choose when to drop the extra hits. The temporary rewards make this even worse. Maybe they could limit the excess of LK or EB, but forcing me to use what I produced only in the same day is annoying. About equips, maybe they could give a free update on equip quality to the one which gives the same bonus as the current equip gave in the past (ex. Q2 shirt gave in the past 200 health, so you could exchange it for free a q4 shirt who adds the same amount now). So players will not lost anything but future evolution would be harder.
*limit the excess of LK or EB as you said, by allowing a Max number of each you could have in the storage
lol, first i upgraded leather glows/helmet/panrs/jacket to q5 with 3 pinkies, than i paid i forgot how much gold to convert them to q3 military and used 2 more pinkies to get them to q5 just to end up with q5 military equipment with now gives the same bonuses as the leather ones. effectively i, and a lot of us, wasted 8-10 pink stones and gold for leather-military conversion. lainly we got SCAMMED by admin.
I need your help once again:
I agree but all this was make whit 1 tfink, we call it buisness, notfing more, notfing less, bring your mastercard
comeback erev
Good suggestions
Admin duck
It s good idea but obviously admin don t care about our opinion