Публикувана в Croatia - Социална и забавна - 06 Aug 2020 07:25 - 41
Dear Players
We have prepared some events for August, so let’s start with our plan for it.

Main points of solving missions remain same, but let s refresh our memory:
It will last from 07.08.2020 to 06.09.2020(Sunday is the last day of them)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
When all Basic,Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed, Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
We didn’t added this time rank up mission, but it will be there in next one missions
NOTE: Approaching the end, we will implement the ability to finish them using gold. This is new set of missions which were not here before.
Lucky Wheel
Lucky Wheel will be active for weekends during the missions period. Rules are simple like always, you have to win jackpot stars in order to receive jackpot. You have 12,5% chance to win jackpot star with every turn. When you win 3 jackpot stars you win first jackpot prize, after that you have to earn another 3 jackpot stars for second reward(6 stars totally), and after that you need to earn 3 new jackpot stars for last jackpot rewards(9 stars totally). You can win only once per a day all jackpot rewards, after that you can turn wheel and win small rewards but not jackpot.
Discount and Packs
You will be able to buy packs from Friday 07.08.2020 to 11.08.2020(last day). Like you already know prices are same for erev pack and supply pack as before, rewards are this time little bit boosted than usual
We will also give you discount in same time period as pack for Training grounds, Strategic buildings and Special Items.
Summer Dice
Since you asked us to place this event until the end of summer we decided to add one more month of this kind of event. The event will be active from 07.08 until 30.08(including 30.08). The rewards will be seen on board, every day at day change you will receive 2 dice for free, with every 1000 weapon or RPG spent in battle you will receive additional dice. After you collect all the rewards from 1 board, it will reset. Also, during this period you will get free dice in Store when you buy gold packs.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,
We have prepared some events for August, so let’s start with our plan for it.

Main points of solving missions remain same, but let s refresh our memory:
It will last from 07.08.2020 to 06.09.2020(Sunday is the last day of them)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
When all Basic,Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed, Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
We didn’t added this time rank up mission, but it will be there in next one missions
NOTE: Approaching the end, we will implement the ability to finish them using gold. This is new set of missions which were not here before.

Lucky Wheel will be active for weekends during the missions period. Rules are simple like always, you have to win jackpot stars in order to receive jackpot. You have 12,5% chance to win jackpot star with every turn. When you win 3 jackpot stars you win first jackpot prize, after that you have to earn another 3 jackpot stars for second reward(6 stars totally), and after that you need to earn 3 new jackpot stars for last jackpot rewards(9 stars totally). You can win only once per a day all jackpot rewards, after that you can turn wheel and win small rewards but not jackpot.

You will be able to buy packs from Friday 07.08.2020 to 11.08.2020(last day). Like you already know prices are same for erev pack and supply pack as before, rewards are this time little bit boosted than usual
We will also give you discount in same time period as pack for Training grounds, Strategic buildings and Special Items.

Since you asked us to place this event until the end of summer we decided to add one more month of this kind of event. The event will be active from 07.08 until 30.08(including 30.08). The rewards will be seen on board, every day at day change you will receive 2 dice for free, with every 1000 weapon or RPG spent in battle you will receive additional dice. After you collect all the rewards from 1 board, it will reset. Also, during this period you will get free dice in Store when you buy gold packs.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,
United BosniaTBPTKOBOSMANAminaspecalone96LajbachLeonardo GrimaldiK o BFlyingCangarooFlyingCangarooFlyingCangarooFlyingCangarooFlyingCangaroosaja76plavi golubplavi golubplavi golubplavi golubplavi golubforever8specalone96veliki ratnikYerliVeMilliMijuskofadasmaFlexRoyaLFlexRoyaLFlexRoyaLFlexRoyaLApokamrnnastaseRodinelkyKennedyGOGOBERAMaggotAkaTodaMaggotAkaTodaMaggotAkaTodabloodsuckerFORTUNAFallenAngelbaja232martinaslanmartinaslanmartinaslanmartinaslanmartinaslanKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorionKingorion_Qurcika__Qurcika_eradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradevMladja555Lord BubblyLord BubblyDondarrionImperatortayyar sert jrDrazaHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilHosein DevilAdo31NightwatcherHUNGorazMurat MonstrumjeromeNairobiNairobiCenturionCenturionL DusanL DusanL DusanRadule90Strelackorchabonkakashi681lokomotalcalazamora2012F16 FightereltorreChaknorriskvDaario Nahariskaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yiКоментари (41)


Dice event 07.08 until 02.08 .. so one year of Dices 

*We didn’t added this time rank up mission, but it will be there in next one missions* so you realise the mission is pointless, but you reserve the option to implement worst/pointless mission for 99% of players in the future?! got it.

Summer dice from 07.08 until 02.08(including 02.08)... Gj admin, accurate as always.

*Since you asked us to place this event until the end of summer we decided to add one more month of this kind of event.* - How come you listen to those requests but ignore the ones that would stop entire countries or groups of players quit playing?


v c

Just forget rank up missions already, 95% of players cannot do it. Add instant payment possibility instead - no point giving missions that cannot be done!

misija za Izija

``but it will be there in next one missions`` ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Šta kukate zlatom platite misije ko svak normalan igrac 

Хоч так.

Let me know when this article is posted in English....

Ugh. Big Spirit say good for it. Ugh!


very stupid mission design, your mission is telling ppl dont play hard when it without mission. tell me how can i up my rank or level for mission? u didnt count on what ppl already done when u release mission and mission again.

برو گ و م ش و ی وی

Since you asked us to place this event until the end of summer
who asked LMAO


To majstori . Da smo zivi i zdravi


its aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Nothing new

Bad bad BAD BAD!!!! news.
Ok for dice



Praise Admin 👬 Admin is 💯 o7


*with every 500 weapon or RPG spent in battle you will receive additional dice*. Reality: http://prntscr.com/tvjifb

Zvijer69, it s for erev2 

Admin is so lazy that he writes text only for 1 game

Ah, it is just the Dimensional Merge, Admin is the One of the Prophecy who will merge the dimensions erev-1 and erev-2. So it will be 500 hits for us in a few aeons


Isn t it about time to fix Naval battles hits?