
Публикувана в Turkey - Първи стъпки в eRevollution - 18 Mar 2016 11:40 - 30

101 Sene önce bugün... Dünyanın en iyi donanmasına karşı Türk'ün iman dolu yüreği... İngilizler,Fransızlar,Anzaklar daha niceleri...
Bizler bir kez daha tüm dünyaya en iyinin kim olduğunu gösterdik.Bu kutlu günü unutmayalım gençler.Tüm şehitlerimize Allah rahmet eylesin.

English Translation
101 year ago today... Turkey heart full of faith against the world's best naval... British, French, Anzac and many more...
We show you who the best in the world we once again.Let's not forget this blessed day youth.God have mercy on all our martyrs.

Turkish Artillery

Turkish Soldier

Seyit Corporal

13 Years Old Turkish Soldier

Şanlı atalarımızdan aldığımız bu sancağı, 57. Alay edasıyla göklerde dalgalandıracağımıza and içtik. Bu bir oyunda olsa, şanlı atalarımız yad etmek amacıyla Sancak ordusu  Sancak MU olarak bir dağıtım yapmaya karar verdik. Yorum bırakan herkese 55 q3 ekmek dağıtacağız. 

We swear an oath to carry the banner that we are entrusted from our glorious ancestors in the sky like the casualties of 57. Regiment. Eventhough this is a game, we as  Sancak MU have decided to make a distribution all over the World in order to make remember the trophy of them. Everyone who leave comment will get 55 q3 food. ( Note: That number occurs from the date of Çanakkale Victory that 18.03.1915)
Hürriyetsiz yaşayamaz biz Türkler!!!!

Olay Gazetesinden alıntıdır 
hannleec er.......k den
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Коментари (30)

Ölürüm Türkiyem o7
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Well to be honest Turkey lost huge territories specially in Africa during the WW1 and 5.000.000 people which is more then Germany and France combined...Still the battle of Gallipoli was huge victory and big slap to the British Empire...
At Gallipoli, where many mothers lost their sons, wives their husbands, a generation decimated. May god rest the souls of everyone there, reminding us that even if heroic, war may leave only victims and tragedy behind. Also, it was Ottoman Empire defending Tsanakale then, Turkey formed few years later by Kemal, if it matters Smile
Zaferimiz kutlu olsun ne kadar kayıp versekte ne kadar insan ölsede vatan için yapılması gerekeni yaptık Allah ta zaferi İslama ve bize nasip etti....
@ktap Mustafa Kemal Atatürk has a mail for Anzaks mothers, says in it, Dear glorious casualties who died in our land, dont be afraid, you are resting in friend zone , and dear lovely mothers who send their sons from long distance, dash away your tears, be in peace your sons are sleeping in our friendly arms. After they lost their life in our land, they became our sons also.
Nice facts, but still standing that Ataturk is greatest happens to Turkey in history.
@MAK Ferrari, it is also another fact Smile
Çanakkale GEÇİLMEZ !
Eline sağlık güzel çalışma oylandı
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Vatan sagolsun ...herşey din vatan için Allah birliğimizi muhafaza etsin islam düşmanlarını kahru perişan etsin.AMiN
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ruhları sad olsun