Публикувана в Romania - Социална и забавна - 08 Apr 2021 11:13 - 6
Poze făcute în Aprilie 2021.Bolândul de Aprilie și-a făcut de cap zilele astea.
These pictures made in April 2021.
Drunk April go home.

enjoy the eRevollution
These pictures made in April 2021.
Drunk April go home.

enjoy the eRevollution
Pony of DarknessMrBogdanAlgore77GiovaniImspageFlorin IBunnyLiuHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did itHe did iteltorrenkffnkffnkffnkffnkffNoJobS I S UFefeleagaFefeleagaКоментари (6)



Snow in Romania in April??
strange times...

It is usual, especially in my area 

In Transylvania - the moutainious area - winters can be quite harsh. Just like in the French / Swiss Alps.
Did you make these pictures yourself karl? This year?

I made these pictures in this year.