
Публикувана в Romania - Социална и забавна - 06 Apr 2022 11:28 - 4

Until 1 month ago, India, which has the most resources in the world, is left to its fate today.

Here we will present you geopolitical surveys of the wonderful regions we have captured from India,

1- Jharkhand


We arranged this wonderfully beautiful region, which we captured from India, as Denmark's new touristic region.
For only 1 gold you can enter this region and explore this wonderful town. First beers are free.

2- Gujarat


Due to its geopolitical location, we have decided to establish a Kumangaard army unit in this area. All newly recruited members of our army will continue to study here until they complete their training at our training center in this region.
Our security here is completely closed to the outside world. Entries are only accepted after military commanders have given permission.

3- Madhya Pradesh 


We have started to make minor renovations in our castle where we intend to host our guests. Added special study room for Romanian country president Titziano.

4-  Chhattisgarh


Former Indian country president Atillabg, who fled the war, was caught hiding in a small house in this area. While Atilla Bg was deported to the Asir region of Greece, the region was left alone with the beauty it was.

5- Northern İndia


A calm, sunny Indian morning.  We watched those who took over the country and fled the country without a fight.
We lit 1 pleasure cigarette.
And we said,

Kumangaard was here.

who helped in the liberation of India,
Thanks to Romania- Greece- Serbia- Turkey and Croatia.


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Коментари (4)

Hail Kumangaard o7
it would be really big victory if india was fighing back, but , ok you can glorify your actions, now go to carapicho and talk about next war