Admin News

Публикувана в Bosnia and Herzegovina - Социална и забавна - 06 May 2022 11:56 - 50

Dear Players,

Here is one extra news with some new features which we created as your ideas. 

MY Companies

Situation with companies and large number of them bring you a mess and take lot of time when you are producing items. Companies are now shown one under another with information regarding every one of those, did you work, how much workers can you place etc...

From now on, we have made your life easier a little bit, so we have made group of companies of each kind as one. If you have more same companies(for each quality) they will be grouped at one and bonuses calculated with them. Players are going to have same clification as before, same number of slots, same production it will just be easier for you to click to work as manager and place workers to produce items.

In this picture you can see how we imagined it, how is it going to be from now. You  have one icon for every company of same quality. First section is like before, you are working as manager in companies. Under first box you can see how much companies of a kind you have. In that box you can write numbers or you can simply click on - or + to add work as manager tokens in box, also you have max arrow to add maximum numbers. For example if you have 4 food factories Quality 1, you can work in all 4 at once by clicking maximum icon in first box, or you can write number two so you will work in two of four companies as manager.
Second box is calculated maximum number of work tokens that you can place in company set which you made choice. Box have same function like first one, adding or removing number of work tokens, you can add it by writing numbers or clicking on buttons. Numbers under work token box will be placed as maximum number of work tokens for all companies under that section. For example, one Rubber Plantation provide you 4 work token spots, if you have 2 Rubber Plantations under box of work tokens you will see number of maximum work tokens, 8. If you make choice to work in only one Rubber Plantation you won't be able to place more than 4 work tokens. But you will remain one Rubber Plantation and you will be able to place 4 tokens with if you want to.

For all those who do not like this system and love old one, you will have option to return to old one. So you can see what do you have all companies, also trough this old system you can sell company or demolish it.

NOTE: Functions are same as before, you can not place workers if you do not click to work as manager box, also if you work as manager and forget to place work tokens you can not place it until next day.
This option will be available from tomorrow for all players until 15.05, later it will be available only to players who have Business Center

Lucky Wheel

As you have told us that you are not happy with update with this event, we have decided to decrease amount of Currency needed to spin a wheel. First spin will be free, and every next one will be 50 Currency up to 1000 Currency max. We will not change it from Currency to Gold because we intend for you to remove Currency from game, there are huge stocks of Currency in game so basically some of players can spin it for a while without exchanging any gold into Currency. 
We are thinking to replacing rewards, but that will remain as not obligated for now.

For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game. Every construct comment on this article will receive reward next week.

Sincere regards,


AFKKKizaganKizaganKizaganGottfried BouilloncertacitoMiltiados

Коментари (50)

Its very nice to know that admin reading comments under articles and comments in game chat. Its very good that u fixed lucky wheel system. I have hope u will make this game great again. Now its time to make some good changes in game economy. Bussines packs will not solve this problem. Bring back old gold earning system. Players leaving this game and reason is that we are shooting and cant earn golds to buy air and shoot again. Now its time to change that bro @Admin
ok, so i ha ve a lot of golds and i will buy all cc from someone market, so i will be only one who can spin, why administration change things that are good and make it worse, you had just one simple task which we were asking more than a year, it was change 100xp reward in wheel , i mean really Wink
@Mark the Gamer its my first time i am agree with ur words. 100exp is worse reward. Paying cc now and earning 100exp. Also u are still right. What if one rich player haves all cc? Are u only his admin? What we can do anything more at this server?
A good update regarding the companies, specially the fact that ``For all those who do not like this system and love old one, you will have option to return to old one.``. but the removal of cc... Hmmmm
o7 Good update!! Smile
(JOKE) QUESTION: What do you call an administrator when a game dies ... ANSWER: UNEMPLOYED Cheeky
nice Smile
Nice ,and still we are expecting changes rewards in lucky wheel and also rewards in Gold pack ,find some easier way to earn workers etc.
later it will be available only to players who have Business Center,--,--,-- Ohh I SEE, its another P2W feature. Geeze, i, We can t thank you enough.
maybe this is first real update since game started
I agree that we need to find a good way to reduce the amount of currency in-game. I keep on producing more GBP, but it keeps on being ‘collected’ by workers - and is never returned into circulation. I would like to see an in-game method for a country central bank to be able to buy back currency for GOLD at a variable rate (better than the standard fixed ‘issue currency’ rate).
very good companies update, in wheel you could ve reduce it even more - still much more expensive than current wheel
Don t you guys get it that the wife and children are hungry? The damn car needs more gas, the rent is higher..., even beer and cigarettes cost more... he needs to make you pay more Laugh
i / we DO understand that. But, these updates just always seem to piss me off more and more. That does NOT make me want to spend money on a game, when i don t know What feature that i worked my ass off to get will be removed Next. Am i the only one who noticed that the (My Companies) update will only be available for free for a Short time?
There wasn t any problem with huge stock of currency if country have some active players. Training centers drain out currency from game quite fast, so printing new one was necessary always. With adding dynamite and now wheel for currency we ll just need to print even more.
@islandwoodsie +1 , let alone spending real money, I dont even want to spend 1 gold in this game. more important that I dont want to waste more than 1min of my life here and infact I mostly do w+t and leave. none of the futures (wars, business or politics) of this game is interesting and not worth wasting your time anymore
As you have told us that you are not happy with update with this event, we have decided to decrease amount of Currency needed to spin a wheel. First spin will be free, and every next one will be 50 Currency up to 1000 Currency max It s still 75% more expensive than before for those with cheaper CC Smile Spending twice for the same rewards? At least you could have doubled the rewards too, I don t know who will make the Lucky wheel this way
Admin, where is ths button (sellect all) in the new layout within My Comapnies? Instead of 1 click we now have 20+ (29 in my case) clicks to select them all...
While price for every spin was 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 gold .... usually when you reached 3 gold price at 15 or 17 spins you would have paid 24 or 30 gold and most of the times you would have got 1st prize of 3 hyperbars. Now at cost of 50 CC (0.25 gold for 0.005 gold CC price) after 20 spins you reach 1000 CC (5 gold for 0.005 gold CC price) and you spend 10500 CC or 52.5 or even 12500 CC or 62.5 gold for those extra 2 spins usually needed. So total costs until 1st prize now is 52.5-62.5 Gold instead of 24-30 gold before. Thats more than double the costs... nice change to make more money out of our pockets...
+ in addition to what Zvijler69 said... where is the min arrow? Cause if you only want to check how much raw you need to spend while using max number of workers and than want to come back to using 0 workers we don t have a MIN ARROW to go back to 0.
+ can you guys check your stats ... cause I think the admin changed something in the TR medals
The change for the wheel is not an improvement. just become more expensive. Max was 3 is 1000cc (7 gold)
Sa 3g max na 10g,đe ti pamet ,i prije je bilo preskupo za raju a sad ne treba to ni gledat,daj gumb za isključit lucky wheel sa home screen da ne smeta smeće
@Admin : Very good update for the companies. Can you add the possibility in the new page, to add an up arrow next to the wam and employees, to select everything at once as before?
Practical update, thanks!
Thanks it s good now !