Публикувана в Afghanistan - Социална и забавна - 24 Aug 2022 07:23 - 36
Dear Players,
We are announcing one more additional news in August.
Since this month was active despite that our expectations for August are under average activity rate. We decided to provide you one more event which you liked most of this kind. When we lunched first time this kind of event it was well accepted by players and our supports, with this Summer Festival event we have records in playing and activity even in August.
Summer Festival
Event start 26.08.2022 and last until 04.09.2022.

Let's refresh our memory, game is really simple. All you have to do is open bee hive spots. There are bee hives in this mini game of which 40 of them have rewards (experience).With each click on bee hive you are breaking it, which means opening selected spot. Like before spots which do not provide you rewards will be a bit blanked and you will see 0 experience in bottom. Each attempt for opening bee hive cost you 5 Energy, every 28 minutes and 46 Seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be so often online to spend Energy. If you are not patient you can buy Energy from store
Like in all new events we are providing you 44 rewards of which first is free, and you can buy Gold ticket for additional rewards.

Next Admin news, about things which you can expect in new month, will be in couple days. Stay tuned and enjoy in Summer while it lasts.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

We are announcing one more additional news in August.
Since this month was active despite that our expectations for August are under average activity rate. We decided to provide you one more event which you liked most of this kind. When we lunched first time this kind of event it was well accepted by players and our supports, with this Summer Festival event we have records in playing and activity even in August.
Event start 26.08.2022 and last until 04.09.2022.

Let's refresh our memory, game is really simple. All you have to do is open bee hive spots. There are bee hives in this mini game of which 40 of them have rewards (experience).With each click on bee hive you are breaking it, which means opening selected spot. Like before spots which do not provide you rewards will be a bit blanked and you will see 0 experience in bottom. Each attempt for opening bee hive cost you 5 Energy, every 28 minutes and 46 Seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be so often online to spend Energy. If you are not patient you can buy Energy from store
Like in all new events we are providing you 44 rewards of which first is free, and you can buy Gold ticket for additional rewards.

Next Admin news, about things which you can expect in new month, will be in couple days. Stay tuned and enjoy in Summer while it lasts.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

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Well, +3 pets, should not complain, nice!

admin as new players we need much golds for create our onw companies. at least 5 factory. nobody helping us. please


``This time we have changed rewards `` hmm



Admins, we want to buy starter pack for 150 000

Admins, we want banks in this game! And to buy starter pack for 150 000 too






boring events... this ones like dices are good, but this ones who want you all day online is... pff



Extra !!





No entendì ni J