Публикувана в Israel - Социална и забавна - 27 Nov 2023 09:22 - 50
Dear Citizens,
This article will be a short one, while we are making a longer one for December.
Flappy Parrot

One of our easy mini-games which you wanted back is here!!! Event starts at 08.12. and it will last until 17.12. Like in all mini-games which we have added recently we are providing 44 rewards of which 1st are free, you will be also able to buy additional rewards via Gold Ticket.
To start the game you have to go on the tab game in the Flappy Parrot event. Before you click play you can see demands before each game. For example to play Level 1 you need to have 24 Energy and to p the first Level you need to score above 40 points and you will gain 2150 Points for that. Every next level will have at own criteria and it will be shown like the first one.

When you enter the game you will have a high score button in the bottom right corner, and if you play from mobile you have in the top right corner to rotate the game. With click play you are starting the game you can play it by pressing (holding) the space button on your keyboard or by clicking(holding) the mouse on the arrow icon in the bottom left corner. Points are gained by collecting coins and fruits in mini game, and the more you collect more points you get. Also when you hit a barrier or ground you are dead and you can see your score.
When you are dead you can retry and try to make a higher score or you can click on the red X icon in the game and the event will calculate your LAST score, not your highest score. Your last score is only counted and with it, you will p a level or lose your attempt regarding your score and demand of the selected level. When you spend Energy to open a game you can make as many attempts to make a score as you want, but notice that it's counting your last score, not a high score. If you lack energy and you are furious to play again you can always buy it from Store.

Info Board
- As we already told you we have implemented a new law in-game, Monetary Market Law. This allows you to place directly from your Country's Treasure offer to Monetary Market Currency with a printing rate. This allows you to keep secure that your president won't spend that money on private purposes if you do not trust each other.

- As you have noticed we have returned True Ally and True Revolutionary medals to your profiles. From Wednesday those medals will provide Currency with each, instead of gold which you have gained earlier. As we have told those who have complained and sent us tickets with questions, we are trying to strengthen the value of Gold. Providing unlimited gold from medals is becoming a burden for Gold value, we are tracking game stats and if there is any lack of Gold in the game we will provide it through events.
Please be respectful to everyone and do not insult anyone. The game is here to make you fun and relaxed not to make you anxious. Thank you for your feedback and related questions.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedules, updates, and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game. Every construct comment on this article will receive a reward next week.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

This article will be a short one, while we are making a longer one for December.

One of our easy mini-games which you wanted back is here!!! Event starts at 08.12. and it will last until 17.12. Like in all mini-games which we have added recently we are providing 44 rewards of which 1st are free, you will be also able to buy additional rewards via Gold Ticket.
To start the game you have to go on the tab game in the Flappy Parrot event. Before you click play you can see demands before each game. For example to play Level 1 you need to have 24 Energy and to p the first Level you need to score above 40 points and you will gain 2150 Points for that. Every next level will have at own criteria and it will be shown like the first one.

When you enter the game you will have a high score button in the bottom right corner, and if you play from mobile you have in the top right corner to rotate the game. With click play you are starting the game you can play it by pressing (holding) the space button on your keyboard or by clicking(holding) the mouse on the arrow icon in the bottom left corner. Points are gained by collecting coins and fruits in mini game, and the more you collect more points you get. Also when you hit a barrier or ground you are dead and you can see your score.
When you are dead you can retry and try to make a higher score or you can click on the red X icon in the game and the event will calculate your LAST score, not your highest score. Your last score is only counted and with it, you will p a level or lose your attempt regarding your score and demand of the selected level. When you spend Energy to open a game you can make as many attempts to make a score as you want, but notice that it's counting your last score, not a high score. If you lack energy and you are furious to play again you can always buy it from Store.

- As we already told you we have implemented a new law in-game, Monetary Market Law. This allows you to place directly from your Country's Treasure offer to Monetary Market Currency with a printing rate. This allows you to keep secure that your president won't spend that money on private purposes if you do not trust each other.

- As you have noticed we have returned True Ally and True Revolutionary medals to your profiles. From Wednesday those medals will provide Currency with each, instead of gold which you have gained earlier. As we have told those who have complained and sent us tickets with questions, we are trying to strengthen the value of Gold. Providing unlimited gold from medals is becoming a burden for Gold value, we are tracking game stats and if there is any lack of Gold in the game we will provide it through events.
Please be respectful to everyone and do not insult anyone. The game is here to make you fun and relaxed not to make you anxious. Thank you for your feedback and related questions.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedules, updates, and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game. Every construct comment on this article will receive a reward next week.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

AntiterrorisMukhranispagekakashi681BastianJerkPablo Emilio Escobar GaviriaКоментари (50)


Bringing back few medals is not good enough anymore... youre taking a whole lot more trough new events than what we gain trough medals. Also, wouldnt it be more logical that you reduce gold reward for pet by maybe 30% than setting it to be *once per event* thing like it is now? This way is not fair toward weaker players and its destimulating to older ones



titziano+1 - BOJKOT

Set a MAX AMOUNT of damage at 10B to gain a medal. I need now 40B for a medal, that is NOT economicaly affordable.

sea legeng medal?*

terrible changes. We need better economic module, better rewards for Daily orders, damage balance, most interesting inmap solutions (Like airstrikes, maybe more countries, colony limits, etc) not more non related minigames, and cc reward medals.


another scam





that is, if we are docile and good, you will take care to reward us in the events created, the imbalances from the transition of rewards to cc from gold. Until now the events were something extra, from now on, they become something to balance what you got from the rewards for the medals in the game. It s a job, initially you take them completely, then you

give something of them.



What I said, admin doesn’t have any clue what to do with game


ADMIN, what you FAIL to understand is that you are stuck with precious game stats and forgot all about improving the GAME PLAY.
All these so called events/missions (milking gold events as we call them) are not part of the GAME itself....
eRevollution is a multiplayer strategy game that allows users to run the economy,
The game heavily revolves around strategy, by combining real world elements like economy, politics, business, journalism and more.
Get your head out of the sand and work to improve GAME PLAY ...eRevollution Game Play ..not Parrots , Birds and other shitty charachters .........

Lol out of all problems and people leaving game admin make this change hahahhahhahhha time to go

Even to this day we cannot write text here and use quotation marks , apostrophes ..etc etc...
That only shows us how well you develop and manage this game ............

to nam treba



Pfffff. Incredible. Admin don t want to understand what players want

Bad admin, no voted😑


ADMIN, until now, you have not returned the rewards from Mission 51 when I obtained the 3 BH. https://prnt.sc/H45tlKTlBhPP You say that the prize is only a medal and a pink gem, so why do you promote that it includes 100 energy bars and 10,000 RPGs or Missiles that you are not going to deliver? Give me back the missing prizes.

Have you all noticed? Admin has steered us to spend all saved up golds. All stashes of weapons. And at same time removed rewards for spending all said items?
Sortof reminds me of my X - Wife

+183291 titz.... strategy and multiplayer game is more important then economy....
nobody buy any EB or other item from special items by gold...
there is not any discount for companies....
so?why we will spend golds?
TA or TR with CC is not a solution.... my 1000 gold is not important, may be some players have more then 10k golds.... to where will they spend golds? they have miillions of companies, full pets, full equipments... there is not any reason to spend golds for them...

i wrote 2-3 years ago... remove WF, remove dynamits.. dont give so much hyper and EB... update weekly challenge... if so strong and gold buyer players dont use their golds at wars and special items, you cannot controll golds....

Set a MAX AMOUNT of damage at 10B to gain a medal. I need now 58B for tp amd 16 for other, that is NOT economicaly affordable.
And the naval rewards???

The worst event of all is the flying parrot and how can we forget the air balloon.
I could give many ideas on how to improve the game, but since they don t pay me, I should continue everything as it is.

Haceme cosquillas wachin

ADMIN 100000000000000000 - GAMERS 0

Drzi vodu dok majstori odu


🛑🛑🛑 NU mai vindeți sau cumpărați pachete 🛑🛑🛑





After this article I turned ON again Ad blocker for this site 

@Zvijer69 me too
) admin just doesn t deserve any single cent from my side at this moment

Still same BS bug as last time, the better your PC is, the faster the stupid bird flies, making it impossible to control... The only way to play on normal speed is on your phone...

It takes a special kind of sadist to keep bringing back this stupid bird and rasise its speed even more each time...