Публикувана в France - Социална и забавна - 30 Mar 2016 04:44 - 10
Well there was very interesting past several days, lots of fears, lots of tears, lots of tlačing by Govedo who becomes Supreme Master of tlačing third day. Just to make little introduction and analysis of todays topic. France and Serbia sign NAP, just to make clear NAP is NOT VALID because i didnt sign it. France diplomacy did it againg, they left alone their ally.
Naive portugal player: "Which one"?
He he he you will see very soon. France need to return all region to Spain. So they betrayal Portugal. Gues where Spain will go for resources?
Naive portugal player: "Where"?
He he he or to laugh Je je je
Naive portugal player: " Our ally will help us everytime when we need"?
Govedo: "Purge the unclean"!!!
So let us back to topic of article
Govedos square in new Spain provincial town
When its nap time, you can find Govedo here
heheheh nap time, understand? hehehehe
Spain town where Xemma and Govedo talks of strategy
Govedos train when he come to visit Spainish friends
Spain is really beautifull country.
Како ће сервери у Болечу реаговати на промене у игрици?
Conquistador de amor
The president of the Regional Council of Alsace
Naive portugal player: "Which one"?
He he he you will see very soon. France need to return all region to Spain. So they betrayal Portugal. Gues where Spain will go for resources?
Naive portugal player: "Where"?
He he he or to laugh Je je je
Naive portugal player: " Our ally will help us everytime when we need"?
Govedo: "Purge the unclean"!!!
So let us back to topic of article

Spain is really beautifull country.
Како ће сервери у Болечу реаговати на промене у игрици?
Conquistador de amor
The president of the Regional Council of Alsace
Phantom986xemmaSeki333Коментари (10)

hahahahahahaha Spain love Govedo 


Catalonia is Spain Kosovo is Serbia #JesuisGovedo


crazy son of the Govedo 

Catalunya mai no sera Espanya 

Ambasador Španije je bio ođe o/

jajajajaja you re always welcome here bro o7

jajjajaja, good article.