Публикувана в Argentina - Социална и забавна - 16 Apr 2016 23:48 - 57
Defense System:
It is a new building/company with military strategic purpose which produces item of the same name used for better defense of specific region. It is used to reduce damage inflicted upon the area in case of a battle. It is installed the same as a Hospital.

Of course with better quality comes better defense:

The Defense System is visible if you open the region's page that contains it, but not inside the battle screen. If the region is conquered the Defense System is destroyed and cannot be reused.
Damage Booster:
A new special item that can be obtained through weekly event. As the name already says it boosts the damage output in battle. It is activated in battle and lasts for a certain amount of time(rising 10 minutes with each quality) and boosts your damage no matter what weapon you are attacking with.

Also there is a new weekly event in play similar to the one last time, only that now instead of inflicting damage you now have to consume food for energy to get to rewards.

Have a great day,
eRevollution Team

PatroklosAxabawwsajdinhoКоментари (57)






Yisus Kylo with Booster D:! XD

Nice. But I think its better to use wep raw for building defense systems rather than house material.


Me gusta



support new strategies among players?
How does that work? Using both VISA and Mastercard the same time to win more?

Blocked on 5.st level (560/700 Energy).
No metter I used energy drink or food . . .
A new bug ?

Blocked on second level, consumed 500 energy...???


when will u solve The problem with no orgs!!!???

Does damage x0.3 means you inflict 3000 instead of 10000? 

I used 1100 energy but it write 498/500


please dont make mistake adding boosters for money, sure as rewards where EVERYONE can win it, but not as something that can be bought with money, it will create more pay2win game than it is already, and its bad thing in long run.

Nice, but add orgs.



liodianyq +1

BRING GOV ACCOUNT!!!!!!! This will be the first TRUE update


Dont put boosters, you ll start to destroy the game. The gap between visa and non visa for the BH medals will be bigger

waiting for gov account tho


WOW o7

Damage Booster - ^) voted

Can u please add an update how much resources it needs for q1-q5 Defencive system?
Thx, and good updates, both of it 0/

voted, nice

will there be any disscount for tg or companies soon?

But how can we get this thing damage booster?

Looks like only food-consumed energy counts for weekly events, energy drinks not . . .

Don t add Damage Booster on Store.

Damage booster should not say x0.1 and x0.3 since, if the numbers are accurate, it should be called damage reductor.

damage booster...all will be like so dead

Alex Bonte is that you?

Bu ne amk

Great o7 ..we are waiting for 2x refil energy

Questo aggiornamento non fa altro che rendere e nazioni forti ancora più forti e le nazioni occupate ancora più deboli

This update does nothing but make me strong nations even stronger and occupied nations even weaker



Don t add the damage booster to the store!

Published in Argentina 

for 24 hours battles is almost same if buster duration is 10 or 50 minutes. The damage accelerator difference is OK.