Публикувана в United States of America - Социална и забавна - 15 Jan 2016 10:46 - 4

My Fellow eAmericans,
It's good to see so many familiar faces from another game (which shall not be mentioned). Being a part of a new country at the very beginning is exciting, and I'm thrilled to see so much activity. Allow me to briefly introduce myself.
I'm an old guy - 30 - and really enjoy these type of community-based geopolitical strategy games. My favorite part has got to be the community aspect. You really can't be successful in these types of games without working together toward common goals, getting to know your fellow players, and making yourself known in turn. I play during the day while at work (so am hit or miss sometimes in my immediate responses.) In RL I am a technical sales rep for a large metropolitan area, so I am always at a computer. Games such as this one have helped me hone my software and basic html coding skills, which is kind of a side perk.
Enough about me. We have a country to run! I was asked by our first President to serve as Secretary of Media, which is some trick, considering what a media mogul he is himself. If you don't know him yet, get to know Biohaze and subscribe to his paper, the ZT Insider. I am familiar with his work, ethics, and character, and think we have made a wise choice.
We are all figuring this game out, so let's collaborate, make each other better, and make the eUSA the best it can be. Right off the bat, I'd like to share some things I've stumbled into that I would do DIFFERENTLY, given the chance. Please learn from my mistakes, and don't do this:
- Got into the Housing market too soon
- Overpriced my wares
- Stayed off the IRC channel.
Stay cly, e America!
Secretary of the Media
Коментари (4)

The first months there will be only food required by the market. Nobody will care about weapons or houses for a long long time. Any investment at those is for the moment unprofitable and rather stupid decision.

Well, thanks for that... :/

Just trying to save the rest of you the trouble.