The National Federal post

Публикувана в United States of America - Политически дебати и анализи - 29 Apr 2016 08:57 - 15

Make America strong again: the project for the people
This project consists of rebuilding our military ,our social programs , our peoples resolve, our economic, increase the activity of eUSA in general. So far I am so proud to say it is working, the wheels of democracy is spinning and many of our citizens are getting involved in our community by posting messages on the feed and contributing to the economic.
I am so happy that our policies are working in terms of our military since recently liberated Tennessee which had over 50 million damage I would like to Thank everyone who participated in battle also I would like to thank the two national MUs that took part in this glorious battle. Thank you so much Seal team 6 and rUSA militia for helping to make america strong again. The progress is slow but challenging. We have faith that our military will be rebuilt soon.
I want to share this progress of the battle since this is amazing and we are proud to share this to the world
I would like to thank the Japanese government that are allowing us to some of our region and abiding the treaty of Washington. I would like to inform the Public any events that occurs the president and the government will inform you directly in hopes of increasing the democracy and allowing the free flow of ideas as this will benefit our community
I also want to welcome back Sar97 who was away for some time
Welcome back Sar97, he is currently the deputy commander of rUSA militia
He is currently isting the government by overseeing the activity of the militia, his role is vital for the success of rebuilding our military. Thank you so much for coming back and helping our country. we appreciate your hard.

I also want to Thank spitfire and Themadcatter their role in this project and their dedication is uncountable since it is because of them our military has improved dramatically. We are recovering fast because of their efficient methods and unique mindset this ensures our success in the long run. and
Themadcatter                         SpitfireYG 
The next stop of our plan is the economy
Since we are getting our bonuses back expect an increase in productivity in food. As we are recovering our regions that is rich in food production so expect more food been produced. This means hopeful the prices for food will be stable also the government has plans in the making that will encourage citizens to step up businesses still the idea is in the making. Also I would like our citizens of eUSA to take an economic survey this will help us determine the unemployment rate of eUsa and also we can easily help citizens to find a job.
Please understand we have a long journey but have faith in our country.
Also  government jobs is open please message me or madcatter if you want a job with our government..
That is it to report for now as always hope you are having a great day and night. As always stay AWESOME
Please stay turned to our national radio show called  Erev Party Radio which starts at 9 am CST on Saturdays



Коментари (15)

Hard Vote Smile
V. America is getting stronger. Smile
Vote, we need America to return among us Smile
good luck guys Wink
GL guys, we want to delete a strong USA not a weak one.
It is good to see progress being made!
Thank you, thank you ... It my pleasure to help!!!
We only lack a deer no.?
Shutup BejitaSama
What are go to do with the economy? :o
Japan always respect their word o7