Публикувана в Iran - Политически дебати и анализи - 13 May 2016 09:52 - 54
Hi everybody ,
at least 900 active players added to erevollution in the last 2 weeks , again France had best increase in lation , Serbia is still ahead , Turkey and Iran had babyboom which i mentioned 2 weeks ago and you can see the results now .
other World powers are maintaining their strength and some declined powers (like Greece and Poland) are coming back fast ! Romania and Brazil had stable growth in the last month and now they reached top countries . Georgia and Portugal ped 100 players and USA saw increase in lation again.
also i added 3 new countries and new chart which show top ten countries growth in the last month .
This is my update based on details collected in Day 124 .

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at least 900 active players added to erevollution in the last 2 weeks , again France had best increase in lation , Serbia is still ahead , Turkey and Iran had babyboom which i mentioned 2 weeks ago and you can see the results now .
other World powers are maintaining their strength and some declined powers (like Greece and Poland) are coming back fast ! Romania and Brazil had stable growth in the last month and now they reached top countries . Georgia and Portugal ped 100 players and USA saw increase in lation again.
also i added 3 new countries and new chart which show top ten countries growth in the last month .
This is my update based on details collected in Day 124 .

Broken links fixed day 357
robysurferAmirHanibalLotrerRAF904RobinoUnknown3The BOBOsitorAir HissoneCarterEl ProfesorGeneral90Permanently bannedAmirX1st GermanCenqiSKhanPortuguese soldieramirfireali7991DerbederLukasLiuBeigholamrezaLeFrancaisMiuraArghavaNNNKillyoufake2211fake2211vratarxHadrielNumeroEsLoX98PraxisexkursionКоментари (54)


nice work

Great article o7

voted, nice job again

Good one.

nice work (°.°)7


o7 !

درود بر تو محمد عزیزم


voted good work


good job

Good job
Great too see albania has entered this list
not to mention that most of albanians have moved to france

It is hard job to keep new players in game. I wish Iran can do it
More players more fun.

very good

فارسیشم بزار لطفا

amazing work, more than deserved vote, sub


داداشم انشالله چند تا رای دیگه روزنامه شما هم جهانی میشه تبریک میگم



nice job. v

Awesome work bro...like always!

Last Lynx vote this article

Great article +v

very good


Nailed the art of writing about in-game events and charts! o7

good !


awli booood


Good Job !

france baguette youhou
v because we are 1#

Ayyy lithuania!!

o7 LT

Biscotto ô7

Hail France 

Hail France 

excelent! i respect every statistic informations!

yeah vene yeah vote

V+S Good job!


Nice work