
Kami Neko - Вестник от Japan -

Публикувана в Germany - Финансова - 02 Jun 2016 04:41 - 53

Hello people of erev,
today I wanna share with you two ideas suggested by me to the admins and now I write an article to see what you all think about it.


1. Sell work tickets

The first Idea is to disable the tickets in the way we know it. If this idea will p this is the results:

a. All players get 1 free company of Work Ticket.
b. In this company you produce 1 Work ticket per day.
c. You can have maximum number of 5 work ticket compnies.
d. You can to sell this tickets and make money.
e. You cannot use yourself work tickets (by game mehanics).
f. You cannot use and buy your multi tickets (by rules of the game).

2. Travel for Energy

The second idea is to make Travel for 10 energy instead of 0.3 gold. In this way people can Travel to work in other country and than back without losing gold from it.

3. Work 5 times a day

This idea i didnt suggest to admins but i write it here:

The idea is to make option work maximum number of 5 times a day every 1 hour, but every time you lose more 10 energy. for example:

You work in 00:00 and lose 10 energy, next time work in 1:00 and lose 20 energy, next 2:00 and lose 30 energy....



Captain HarlockGropiusGuidettemrcowTito Argenti

Коментари (53)

bullshit Laugh
1 and 2 good idea 3 No ! Smile vote Laugh
1-2 is good but not enough to solve problem. 3 is already have been tried in another game and resulted as a loss of half of the players. Admins need to spend some money on advertisement Smile
Vote Support
no players no workers and everyone want to earn more that s the problem and this game have no gold limit a day Laugh
Voted, Deadly do not like this idea because prices for weapons will go down and nobody will buy from him Smile economy will grow, everybody will fight with weapons . Great Idea 1,23
12 good idea, vote
kami, i didnt check who wrote article just read it.. than i had to see when did autor started playing as i thought its written by someone who started week ago.. so you surprized me there. 1. no it wouldnt work, it would make rich richer, and regular players trying to upgrade some company and hoping to get worker would be impossible task. To put it simple, take top 100 producers in game.. they alone could employ half of world population. 2. If that is added, there would be no need for country to have all resources, all we need , all of us in game, is one country.. That would be ok , if we want to make peace in the world. 3. work 5times per day??? so you are saying it would be better for all of us if we had 5 times more of everything on market?? If that is added, price of Raw would go to0.001, weap 0.002 , food 0.002.. over-production would finally kill this game IMO, number of factories should be limited per player, like max 3 Food factories, 3 weap etc, so who need more, upgrade them, deal with it. It would give chance to all to have something of value. And just so we are clear, im one of those who would benefit from your suggestions Now kami, im not sure are you are serious, but imo it would be bad thing for most of players.
Voted , but about No2 10 energy is very few . Maybe 30 would be more suitable.
@TopSecret, not rich players already cant get workers because the only way to get workers is to have many Q5 compnies of Helis. With this ideas they can have a chance. You write things i cant understand, what do you mean by no need bonuses? : I think you dont know the game mhanics, pleae know it then swrite a comment, thank you.
Houses could give you work tickets.
that 3 idea is bullshit.But others arre good
vV - I can only agree with the second proposal, but make the energy cost bigger..30-50 energy per travel would be appropriate.
@kami, when did you buy acc?? as i would say real kammi would know that you can move to country with bonuses you need to work regardless of your CS, and im not saying work for someone else, but in your own companies. That means lets say country A has 1 territory, yet all people have to do is move to country B with all resources, work, get all production at max, come back and all for 20 energy.. now what was your comment about game mechanics ?????
@TopSecret, I still not understand what do you mean...
its a bad idea
How can you suggest that someone is buying an account? If you suspect this, report to Mods.Maybe we should introduce a paying fines for insults and false accusations? If you suspect that someone buy the account, report him, and don t use the comments for accusing others.
Kami, germany doesnt have all resources, so what you do, go to Japan, pay 0.3g, work in your companies, get full bonusess in all of your companies, come back to germany, pay another 0.3g. So Total 0.6g spent. Now, not everyone does that, as it doenst always pays off that 0.6g. But if it would cost 20 energy, it would pay it self off even with 1 q3 raw company. So that would eliminate need for war for resources, and in turn create overproduction. I m not sure if i can make it clearer. @shisui, i was just kidding about buying acc, as i thought kammi knows game mechanics as he did mention it first Smile
1.no 2.maybe 3.never
That s weird. I think I ve seen similar ideas somewhere, just do not remember where. Nevermind. Well, I only vote yes for sure to the second idea, but just 10 of energy to travel it s a too low cost. Maybe 30 or 50. Or we can have a scalable cost according to the distance of the region that you are now. Or even we can divide the travels in two types - to work and to battle and request CS - and put two different costs on it. The first idea I vote yes but... I don t know if this is a good idea. The third idea I vote no. I prefer you could be two or more jobs in other companies than that.
1. NO 2. YES 3. NO
1 and 3 no 2 its ok , but 10 energy is not enough , It must change according to the level of the player or big tank will travel each 2 minutes , and fight for their BH sooo easy , another idea is gratis for playerd under level 20 or 1000 stg , so they can keep their money and energy
POLL IS BIASED. Why no option to leave the game as it is?
if you need more workers why you dont pay a higher salary? if you pay 1.6g when everyone else is paying 1g your workers can travel every day for working and back for fighting...
@RAF904, yeah that is a good idea when you have q5 heli qompany, what about me I have q5 tenk company, we have same costs per raw, but I sell q5 tenks for 4 gold and you sell q5 heli for 7 gold per 100 pieces
3 yes
Doesnt work
@NoTry99 +
I support this idea Wink
good ideas....2 is very cool!
1. NO 2. YES 3. NO
@peaky blinder that problem isnt solved with any of those proposals... big producers would just get cheaper workers and would make even more profit... after that the weapon price will fall (for all weapons) and that would lead to a lower profit for all producers... after enough time everyone will have the same profit like before the worker change... since the damage is updated i would have to calculate the exact numbers of raws needed per weapon again but in fact its the same problem like 2 months ago when i was writing that article... https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/3768 same raw cost for q5 gun, tank and helis...
no no no no no no no. these aren t even suggestions. I see only selfish personal interest.
first two are cool the last one would be terrible
agree on 3 but not 5 times..
no time to read now, but i can recognize professionally structured work on first sight Smile will check it a lill bit later
none of these suggestion solve the real problem... not Enough workers/players in the game. Rich employers pay larger wages and get more workers... most of others can not get any workers as they can not mach the pay. Increasing number of times worker can work in a day just make rich employers even wealthier. Small employers will not attract workers, might even lose few that they have, as workers move to a wealthier and better paid position.
comments = blah blah blah, but I think #2 is good, and/or for cc. don t understand #1 at all, might like #3
Hmm what about 50 energy to move, and houses get option button Rest which allows you to work again that day?
I only support number 2, the other suggestion is bullshit
@Biskvit, what do you mean by the house rest? about 50 energy it seems like most also think about 50+/-
I dont understand why u can carry your companies with yourself everywhere u go they are huge buildings u put them in your pocket and carry them lol
Travel for energy. 10 is not enought, at least 100
Sweden is probably too small country for me and a few more tanks since I alone would need the whole population to fill my companies with workers. The balance is hard but some countries have more goldspenders per capita which would result in insane salaries unless some arrangement or contract with workers are made. The other option is that i move to a more populated country but that would also affect their salaries which happened when I was in Serbia. 2-clickers and workers however probably like higher salaries while other smaller goldspenders or hardworkers will lose workers to me and never will be able to benefit back anything from their hard invested gold. However it s a hard problem to solve since everyone have their price and someone will always lose no matter what path you choose.
2. Travel for Energy IS GOOD, but other not.
Yea again bullshit ideas.
@TopSecret is right. If everyone can travel easily than countries don t need to fight for resources. It is pointless. 5 times work in a day too much but it can be 2 times in a day, second work takes 100 energy for instance.
First of all all players must use their own country resources, it s just stupid that I have citizenship from country A with low resources and only with traveling I get full bonuses from country B. This lose the value of resources war :/
@aquila, thats part of game, that nobody understand why is made like that, and with above suggestions it would only make worse, Btw guys, look now all this comments, every strong rich player knows how much benefit would get if this would be part of game, but look who said it would be bad idea, as it would make them even richer.. Respect to this players, as they wouldnt want to kill game o7
however i think it was a good idea to make it possible to travel for energy since heavy tanks like me prefer to fight with our energy. Workers that have many raw companies they will afford to travel to country with all regions to produce more and then be able to sell it and profit more.
jimmy, its good idea for war, but.. Now what will stop players to sell stuff on markets where governments have high import tax? for players who sells big ammounts, lets say 5g value, he would have to pay 0.6g to make round trip, but now only 100 energy. IMO it will have more negative impact on game than positive.