The National Federal post

Публикувана в United States of America - Политически дебати и анализи - 10 Jun 2016 10:24 - 6
Vote for integrity, Vote for development, Vote for Arith and the Federalist Party
As you know from the title this is a campaign article for Congress. It is important day for all of us its the election season and what better time to elect your representatives who will represent  the people and respect their values. As your representative I have a set of ideas that will help the people to voice their opinions to the government and also will try to resolve most of the concerns that our citizens have. My platform will focus these main issue that rUSA is facing  Military, Social, and the Economic.
I have noticed that rUSA has Improved a lot from military to socially we are starting to grow and we having a relatively Active lation because of that I have noticed new talented members in the rUSA family that are expressing their for the benefit for our country. Which is why I plan to propose a bill in congress which will create severally commissions like a complain commission which will be set up and chaired by elected congressional members which will take critical feedback and suggestions , This will be then proposed to the house in order to vote according to prepositions and suggestions made by our citizens. This will help increase the activity in congress and also help our citizens to have a voice in the government. The federalist have stated several time that we represent the fre and the democratic values which is why I feel this will help democracy process of our country and even encourage talented citizens to express their skills freely.  

When looking for a free and fair I am the person for the job which is why I encourage the citizens of rUSA to message me any concerns that you have in rUSA I will respond to your concerns and may try to fine a solution fitting for you., As we are here to serve the public.  Once elected I oversee that the government will not infringed upon the rights of the people and makes sure that the integrity of our country is protected by the use  checks and balances. This means I promise to side with the citizens and make sure that the errors that the government may make will not turn into a mistake.
When looking at the Military it is the pride and joy of our country we recently did damage on our recent battle for the first time we did about 200 million damage that is great Improved and this is really shocking even for me. We have achieved a lot and we have gained International recognition. I believe the military will only be used for isting our allies but when it comes to actually war like recently. I believe our military should be used a defense and to safeguard the interest of our country than a tool for offense. This means my platform military is quite complex as I believe in a form of protectionism because rUSA doesn't want rHistory to repeat. This my take on military of rUSA.
The Economic
The Economic is an interesting Issue that is hard to tackle this issue but I believe that we need to encourage our citizen to start up businesses and also it is the government responsibility to help new business with advises and at help them get established. This is why the DOCA is needed to forcus more on at least starting a program to help business to get establish which is why I am happy to hear the DOCA is taking steps by establish the first international educational conference the IES. I hope this conference is a success and hope that because of proper education it will inspire future entrepreneurs. I believe that their should be equal distribution of wealth and it should be distributed to everyone from businesses to citizens, The money should not go for one big elite otherwise it will create insatiability and disunity within our country, Which is why I will be crticial and observe the economic policies of our country and will question the  government because rUSA must have sufficient economic so everyone can proposer.

Why should the people elect me
I have been in politics for long time and I have the experience to serve our country. I was president in dark times and helped our country to develop and improve to a super power :D. This is reason enough to vote for me and the platform above. 

vote for me and the federalist is so Important Vote for Integrity,  Vote for development, Vote for Arith - Federalist candidate for Congress.         
I am Arith and I approve this message 

Also Please check out erev party radio which starts at 9 PM CST every saturday


WaffleTricky DickAbraham Lincoln

Коментари (6)

o7 Arith and everyone: Don t forget to vote Fed!