Shinta Legacy

Публикувана в Japan - Социална и забавна - 15 Jun 2016 11:36 - 22

Hello, welcome to Shinta Legacy

Oro?! You don't know who I am?!

Let me introduce myself :D

I am (a fan of) Kenshin Himura. You know, the one from Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) manga, anime and live action movie. My real name that my parents have given to me was Shinta. My sensei ordered to forget Shinta and gave a new name instead: Kenshin. There's a reason for that, de gozaru ... but I will tell you the story in another article ;)

But in this game, I am not using Shinta neither Kenshin as my nick. Instead, I am using Battousai as my IGN. If you know the meaning of Battousai, you would appreciate it for sure.

Battousai was Kenshin's professional name when he was still a Hitokiri (an in). Within the Rurouni Kenshin universe, "Battousai" refers to someone who has mastered Battōjutsu

Now what the heck is Battōjutsu?!

Got that? Swish-swhish ... swing the katana here, swing there, thrust, slice .. hit the katana tilt, then seath it back :D
But if you are still curious to know what is this martial art about, then let me quote Battōjutsu meaning in Wikipedia for you:

Battōjutsu (抜刀術 battō-jutsu?) ("the craft of drawing out the sword") is an old term for iaijutsu. Battōjutsu is often used interchangeably with the terms iaijutsu and battō.

Generally, battōjutsu is practiced as a part of a l ryū and is closely integrated with the tradition of kenjutsu and is practice with the live-blade, katana, often as simply the sole, kata. The training is for combative effectiveness, through factors such as distancing, timing and targeting. As such, battōjutsu is not intended for sportslike or "spiritual" purposes as are modern budo like iaido and kendo.

So, you got it now? Good. Then you need to know one more thing, I am the best Battōjutsu practitioner in Meiji era, that's why people know me as Battousai xD

Now before you go, you have to remind yourself to Subscribe, Vote and Comment. Otherwise, I will hunt you in your dream and slash your body into little pieces like shushi, hahaha.


When you're done with SVC, then you can meet Kaoru dono - the love of my live :)



Коментари (22)

vV - Finally something worth reading amongst the horse doodoo, that this event has brought forth. Here s something that first comes to mind when hearing about Rurouni Kenshi, a beautiful ost -
Thank you Synhro dono Smile
Samurai X... one of my favourite anime TV show!!!! I will download it with the portuguese áudio, because I Just need to get back to the that simple old time from my childhood
v14 s9 pls sub
Minho Village: IKR, for old time sake Laugh Faker: done Smile
V s