The National Federal post

Публикувана в United States of America - Политически дебати и анализи - 18 Jun 2016 08:53 - 9

The National Federal Post
Greetings rUSA and the International community this is the recap on whats going on in rUSA a new media segment for The National Federal Posts. This week was one of the most active one in rUSA and around the International community in erev. so let's begin
The Congressional election
This Election was the most widely contested and competitive in rUSA, There was many candidates applying and hoping to get elected to congress there were so many election promises made by the candidates. The interesting thing to note from the recently it was the first time where parties like the Federalists party and the People's Revolutionary Party Active published their party manifestos hoping to achieve a majority in the congressional house. This election had a lot of political arguments and debates that gathered the interest of the Citizens in rUSA. The two parties fights were really interesting and fun to watch since it rallies the sprite of democracy which the founding fathers of our fought hard to restored such interesting and fun activities. I am also glade to report the debates between the both competitive parties were civil and peaceful. Many members contesting for congress released their plans and why they are worthy to be elected to this noble house.
If anyone is curious about these two party platforms 
                     Federalist party  :
People's Revolutionary party :

At the end of the day the people voices were heard and  this are the official results of the election 

Federalists party                                                               
    Votes in total : 30        
Seats obtained : 10

People's Revolutionary Party
    Votes in total : 13
Seats obtained :   5

Enlightened Contract Party
    Votes in total : 7
Seats obtained : 5

As seen on the official results it clearly show that the Federalist Party still has the confidence of the people and has therefore got a majority in congress. I wish every elected member of congress the best of luck, pray for them too have the strength in order to represent and serve the country well.
After the election was concluded the congress at once started to work and had several debates including several bills which were ped this mostly revolves on the discussions of the Economic Committee and its functions also ways to fix the economic. There several constitutional reforms that were ped however right now I wont go to the specifics this usually deals with the Administration of our government.

The birth of the New party
After the day after the election was concluded a new party was born when looking at this new party and its constitution I would like to say it is both interesting and nice to see more voices in rUSA. The party was formed in order to be unique and to stand out different to the other parties. This party has published its manifesto and the ideals they believe.
This is the link to the party platform: 
This party is called The Sons of liberty and its party leader is Talesweaver. The funny thing was I knew that Taleswaver might start up a political party because he was really active in politics and usually would debate on several political topics and politically active members in rUSA. I would like to wish them the best of luck and hopefully they introduce something new on the table. Recently the party leader stated that there will more points added to the manifesto so expect some new development :D.

The aggression of Spain
This is really noticeable but Spain has been recently aggressive against several country in the Mutual Defense Alliance( MDA). Spain tried to invade Portugal by braking the cease fire agreement suddenly the stance of Spain is really concern which why several members of the alliance entered the war in order to limit and stop the aggression of Spain. When looking at the recent battle it is hard to tell who is winning but it seems that the MDA has the upper hand a they are starting to win in some fronts. I would like to report the rUSA seems to be winning as the current time of the article been posted the battle is still on going with only 20 minutes left. rUSA and her allies has dealt 281,323,932 worth of damage while Spain and their allies has dealt 94,544,101 worth of damage. It seem to show that we are winning on our side which is really good news.

Well that is it from the News today and this paper will be published every week so catch up with the latest edition.

Also please check out erev party radio which starts at 9 PM CST every Saturday



Коментари (9)

s vc
interesting o7
Fed4life Laugh
Mmm, I still havn t decided on the names so in lack of my sleep few days ago I put that name down. I will change it soon I think :p.