Publicado em Serbia - Análise da guerra - 08 Jul 2016 03:52 - 21

Comentários (21)


how come?


We will come for you Bul, and u better hope Ita will protect you! Sad. Sad. Sad

As long as they dont atack Serbia and Macedonia we can tolerate their behavior.


Molise was the only battle we had available yesterday - In which time we had no other places to deal damage in. Truth is still that Bulgaria is now officially member of MDP alliance, and Italy is our ally too.

Being a bitch at its finest... im just glad that there are decent bulgarians that dont follow you

I see your DO today Jus7LeTHal. You know my opinion about you and Bulgaria, and Serbia is sad now :-(
I know you made a mistake, and you will se that. We want your country as friend, till you dont touch our closest friends, and you know that.
Hail Bulgaria !

Yeah Jus7LeTHal you will see...Batasha will order MDP ally not to fight for you. Than you will see it!!!!!!

Serbia is coming o7

Govedo , malo je ko isprdio kao ti realno. Jednostavno ti ime sve govori, pojma nemaš , i nastavi da troluješ i da budeš dvokliktaš jer tako ćeš makar ljudi misliti da si uspio u nečemu. Radi ono što jedino znaš , i svima je dobro. o7

I don t see this like a backstabb, they joined MDP like a week ago and that s the first battle they fight against Unity 

A mi smo cvecke...

Batalija nemoj prdis i ti kad covjek govori istinu. Sto se tice bugara bravo za njih, novi savez novi prijatelji, novi protivnici. Jedino srbija ima prijatelje koji mnogo pucaju za nas citava 2miliona danas


i think that bulgaria is scared, they follows stronger

@legolas, Still MDP is not stronger than UNITY+FAS... You see, France was losing hard against Brazil... + Brazil was handling Mexico... Also, Serbia is slapping a MDP members (Italy) ass right now. So, the game has balance. But after Bulgaria joins MDP, balance is 55-45 MDP favor i think...

@BATASHA true !!!! Hahaha

BALLance is about 60-40 now. but i do not care as no one cares about my country i dont care about anyone s

Balance is equal, what the difference is the level of organisation. And I said this to UNITY many times. If everybody was respecting Bulgaria that much, at least 1-2-3-4-5 times from all my 10-20-30 times somebody was going to hear what I talk for and was going at leats to try do something. None such thign happened. About backstab Seria is the country which DoW their own ally week or two ago. You can t be serious to call me backstabber for a DO order ...