Publicado em Bulgaria - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 31 Aug 2016 12:19 - 61
Greetings citizens of eRevollution.
Many times I saw around articles showing pictures of players around the world, and yes, I like the idea, and yes, now I am here with my amazing friends and soldiers, we are here to meet our eWorld face to face. :D
1. First fo course, as creator of article and mastermind after the project, I must start with myself - so I must present you, couple times in a row President of Bulgaria, the hated by many, and loved by many, one of most blamed citizens of this eWorld
- having gardner time in his village

2. Now I must continue by a player I believe is respected by all, and for me best player of this game, a battlefield monster, a storm capable to hit and destroy every target, the only human capable to produce more products than real life China
- having fun out there in some CSKA Sofia game

3. It seems I started with President, them Prime Minister - well I will continue with some other goverment member. One of best Minister of Defence (or offense, it depends on the situation), a huge friend of mine, honourable and top player
- chillin on Musala, the highest moutain peak in Balkan Peninsula - and he reached it with no helicopters !
4. One of most longing serving Ministers of Education in Bulgaria (even since he is not such anymore), the only human who will get gold if make skype account, one of biggest food givers and top cl bread producing machine
- Chillin out in Rhodopes (as he said) after a nice mountain bike fun

5. Article in which I don't present eRev moderator since Day 113 will probably get deleted by eRev moderator since Day 113, so - what are we waiting for?
- Live from Hollywood it seems

6. One of Bulgaria ex-Presidents, one of best economic skilled players I know, a guy with who there is always a lot of fun in our chat rooms, what that article be without
- having a joy out in out beautyfull Bulgarian nature

7. One of most respected players in Bulgaria, long time congressman, honourable and fierce tanker, I present to our community
- In a stage where he probably don't want to meet the cops :D

8. Captain of my Military Unit, the only guy to which I can give money for a house and he activate it, go to beach and don't log in for 9 days :D The one and only
- Rocking out in Vitosha mountains

9. Good fighter (both in real life :D ) active player and a guy I really enjoy play and spend hours in skype discussing geo-political real life manners, I present you
- In a picture where he remind me Vinnie Jones, no idea why, but he does :D

10. Sadly even since I claim Bulgaria is a country with the most beautyful womans sadly just two of our ingame ladies send pictures - and here of course I must present a woman which definetely can be called also "Jus7LeTHaL" future wife, I present you
- With a sexy selfie

11. A player I will always enjoy chat and play, a guy who always can find critique and which always have his own opinion and deserve my respect a lot, I have the pleasure to present you
Emperor Demon Lee
- Chillin out somewhere :D

12. A huge, very huge friend of mine in real life, and a guy who I can always trust - one of most crazy guys I know
- Having fun in Shipkovo, chillin out his summer there

13. Top fighter, big tank, nice guy to play with, one of Bulgaria oldest players in this game, I present you
Sparda Danthe
- Somewhere around the swimming pools
14. The second Bulgarian lady in this article, great tank and fighter, also one of my favourite Bulgarian team supporter (Cherno More Varna), I present you
- Having a photo with Cherno More football player

15. One of first Bulgarian players and a guy who still own me his account :D :D :D kiddin' of course, but surely own us all explanation about his picture background
- Chillin out somewhere in ...... Sahara ???

16. Some youngling for the end - youngling which you guys surely must beware in soon future on the battlefields - and also hot, so ladies feel free to target
- With a selfie, yeah, just for the ladies

So in not so short article I present you some of us - Bulgaria.
Surely opponent many want to meet face to face only in articles. :P
Thank you all for attention!
Thank you all my friends for showing our nation REAL muscles :P
President of Bulgaria
Many times I saw around articles showing pictures of players around the world, and yes, I like the idea, and yes, now I am here with my amazing friends and soldiers, we are here to meet our eWorld face to face. :D
1. First fo course, as creator of article and mastermind after the project, I must start with myself - so I must present you, couple times in a row President of Bulgaria, the hated by many, and loved by many, one of most blamed citizens of this eWorld
- having gardner time in his village

2. Now I must continue by a player I believe is respected by all, and for me best player of this game, a battlefield monster, a storm capable to hit and destroy every target, the only human capable to produce more products than real life China
- having fun out there in some CSKA Sofia game

3. It seems I started with President, them Prime Minister - well I will continue with some other goverment member. One of best Minister of Defence (or offense, it depends on the situation), a huge friend of mine, honourable and top player
- chillin on Musala, the highest moutain peak in Balkan Peninsula - and he reached it with no helicopters !

4. One of most longing serving Ministers of Education in Bulgaria (even since he is not such anymore), the only human who will get gold if make skype account, one of biggest food givers and top cl bread producing machine
- Chillin out in Rhodopes (as he said) after a nice mountain bike fun

5. Article in which I don't present eRev moderator since Day 113 will probably get deleted by eRev moderator since Day 113, so - what are we waiting for?
- Live from Hollywood it seems

6. One of Bulgaria ex-Presidents, one of best economic skilled players I know, a guy with who there is always a lot of fun in our chat rooms, what that article be without
- having a joy out in out beautyfull Bulgarian nature

7. One of most respected players in Bulgaria, long time congressman, honourable and fierce tanker, I present to our community
- In a stage where he probably don't want to meet the cops :D

8. Captain of my Military Unit, the only guy to which I can give money for a house and he activate it, go to beach and don't log in for 9 days :D The one and only
- Rocking out in Vitosha mountains

9. Good fighter (both in real life :D ) active player and a guy I really enjoy play and spend hours in skype discussing geo-political real life manners, I present you
- In a picture where he remind me Vinnie Jones, no idea why, but he does :D

10. Sadly even since I claim Bulgaria is a country with the most beautyful womans sadly just two of our ingame ladies send pictures - and here of course I must present a woman which definetely can be called also "Jus7LeTHaL" future wife, I present you
- With a sexy selfie

11. A player I will always enjoy chat and play, a guy who always can find critique and which always have his own opinion and deserve my respect a lot, I have the pleasure to present you
Emperor Demon Lee
- Chillin out somewhere :D

12. A huge, very huge friend of mine in real life, and a guy who I can always trust - one of most crazy guys I know
- Having fun in Shipkovo, chillin out his summer there

13. Top fighter, big tank, nice guy to play with, one of Bulgaria oldest players in this game, I present you
Sparda Danthe
- Somewhere around the swimming pools

14. The second Bulgarian lady in this article, great tank and fighter, also one of my favourite Bulgarian team supporter (Cherno More Varna), I present you
- Having a photo with Cherno More football player

15. One of first Bulgarian players and a guy who still own me his account :D :D :D kiddin' of course, but surely own us all explanation about his picture background
- Chillin out somewhere in ...... Sahara ???

16. Some youngling for the end - youngling which you guys surely must beware in soon future on the battlefields - and also hot, so ladies feel free to target
- With a selfie, yeah, just for the ladies

So in not so short article I present you some of us - Bulgaria.
Surely opponent many want to meet face to face only in articles. :P
Thank you all for attention!
Thank you all my friends for showing our nation REAL muscles :P
President of Bulgaria
Giovanno69no0bsailbotGergitalmperiusRAF904Bulgarian_SoldierDranetHassan70Thomas GreeneCartergiovinco10Joker EvilTHE ONELaun4erAgamemnonbengan75Comentários (61)


o7 (:

o7 LEVSKI SOFIA slavian blood 


@Mish Success: Your friendship request has been sent.


Nice photos guys o/

Hunting Mish : ON

Levski True Slav!

since when players with 3k str and 200m tp damage are tanks ? get a grip mate

Since your country signed NAP before even the DoW vote to end, lel o7

Hardworker Jus7LeTHaL



Jus7LeTHaL you could tell MDP that you refuse that NAP and have your war against the so hated macedonians by you. Or your turkish masters have the final word?

Sturmmann is that what your Croatian masters told you to write

o7 bulgaria

At least we didnt change alliance like you peasants


face to face with Bulgarians - ok.
(Bulgarians) Whatever you do, do not turn your backs to them.


You guys are cool


I rate Levski s squat 9.8/10. Perfect squatting technique, full adidas set a cigarette. However no vodka or questionable alcohol in range disappoints me, you always need a bottle of vodka to give your strenght while working.


Jus7LeTHaL I have some job in my garden :-)

Levski True Slav! +512391234

0.o Atilata ми изглжда като някой Булдок :Д :Д
Всички изглеждате супер

Not perfect squat technique for Levski, butt is not below the knees, also no present questionable liquid/kompot from babushka. I give it 8/10 for good try and doing big business. Anyway very cool faces o/

Respect for Slav Squat. CHEEKI BREEKI

Exacatly as i tought -the face of a traitor

Damn that is one good squat! Respect! O/

Face of the traitors. Hall of shame.

Levski is no amerikanski spy!!

Jus7 Those wooden stairs in the background look pretty dangerous

Lemomade mi e priqtel sagrajdami sme 



really cool guys, great article

@Justlethal while i dont agree with your decisions in game and i think you betrayed your own people, its quite nice to see just ordinary picture like first one, back yard, relaxed.. Honestly i expected some uptight ,,,, instead of this. o7


voted o7

voted o7

Face to face with traitors.

voted. Really interesting to see faces of the eRevo game
) btw. I studied in University in Blagoevgrad, lovely town, very beautiful, amazing architecture and nature, tons of coffees and restaurants; close to Bansko (Ski resort) and partied in Sofia cool clubs... Ahhh student times, the best of my life xD

So that s how backstabbers look like? Noice

Jus7lethal wrote this for macedonian guy: Since your country signed NAP before even the DoW vote to end, lel o7
My answer for this: Bulgaria changed side and backstubbed their former allies before one country launched DoW against it.

too many backstabbers at one place

Братя страхливци, говорещи развален български, не ми се правете на големи тарикати, че ще ви стегаме пу*ките скоро хахахха

Face to face with traitors.

LevskiSofia doesnt look like a traitor 

@AtilaBG Свобода или смърт,Eleftheria i thanatos,Слобода или смрт
Bulgaria and Greece = Ottoman puppies

no there is only one backstaber that managed to play his own people first

LevskiSofia...toq e mnogo smeshen....xaxaxxaxa,ot sarce se smeq