Publicado em Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Análise e debates políticos - 22 Sep 2016 06:13 - 15
Top Ten Reasons for being a Serb:
1. You are not a Croat.
2. Basketball team.
3. You can choose between several war criminals in Presidential elections.
4. You can enjoy the positive media coverage of your country when abroad.
5. You can fight 600 year-old battles against the Turks and their domestic collaborators, be convinced that it's happening right now, and not be entirely wrong.
6. You can always go to Greece and Cyprus and fear nothing.
7. Grilled meat and slivovitz.
8. You get to drink slivovitz and eat grilled meat even when under economic sanctions.
9. You are the only European country which was bombed by NATO.
10. Every now and then you get to fly to the Hague at someone else's expense.

Serbia too stronk!
1. You are not a Croat.
2. Basketball team.
3. You can choose between several war criminals in Presidential elections.
4. You can enjoy the positive media coverage of your country when abroad.
5. You can fight 600 year-old battles against the Turks and their domestic collaborators, be convinced that it's happening right now, and not be entirely wrong.
6. You can always go to Greece and Cyprus and fear nothing.
7. Grilled meat and slivovitz.
8. You get to drink slivovitz and eat grilled meat even when under economic sanctions.
9. You are the only European country which was bombed by NATO.
10. Every now and then you get to fly to the Hague at someone else's expense.

Serbia too stronk!
TopSecretG 4 M p3trOs V E RKikobeKikobeKikobedesert hamsterSolitary Warriorjudosaba2001dreeComentários (15)

Prvi !! no3 - maybe not war criminals but they are all criminals, same shit is with every country :/ but yea, fairly accurate


ahahaha almost funny 

Selling FYROMAN History Book. Genre: Fantasy

Serbia is a good neighbor

It will be Macedonia your neighbor soon, Serbia is missing 

Yes and u can include it


Destroy USA

Lolnem ti mami u ckupi !!!

Well, you will have new Kosovo in FYROM soon. Analbanians are taking over.

You simply must adore these newly created nations citizens. So full of complexes. It s hard to be rookie, ha?

Just waiting to mix the plum rakia with some cranberries.

The only thing u did wrong is that kosova never was part of serbia and it will never be